
39 thoughts on “Thought”

  1. Hey Joe,
    What strikes me about this post is that nature often causes interference(subluxation). A slip on a snowy sidewalk is a small thing…………

  2. I do question the veracity of that statement that we have been using for a long time. –

    – Innate intelligence is 100% and as such is perfect. It is an impossibility to interfere with 100% perfection. Innate intelligence will ALWAYS adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body, so that all parts of the body will have co-ordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23) with or without interference. –

    – WHAT we can postulate is that: Innate intelligence is limited by the limitation of matter (pri.24). If there is LESS matter available would innate intelligence change its function? Of course not. Innate intelligence would continue to adapt universal forces and the matter that is PRESENT moment to moment, would it not? –

    – We must remember that a subluxation is an interference with the FLOW of mental impulse between matter and matter (between brain cell and tissue cell). NOT between innate intelligence and matter. –

    – If innate intelligence is the LAW of life(and LAW has no needs) as we claim it is, we can reasonably deduce that innate intelligence has no needs!

    – Here a question for ALL of you. –

    – Would be true to say that MATTER needs no help, just no interference to function?

    • Hey Claude,
      Ol’ dad Chiro said Chiro. is about tone. The tone of the nerve determines it’s ability to transmit force. Subluxations affect nerve tone therefore the force created by II. So wouldn’t it be Force needs no help but tolerates no interference?
      To put it another way, II is perfect and matter is imperfect. Matter limits “the full expression of innate forces” ( as covered in previous threads ). So if matter is imperfect it ALWAYS interferes with the expression of innate intelligence/innate forces. That we cannot change. Subluxations alter matter(nerves) but affect force. Force tolerates no interference. JOMO

        • Hey Joe,
          As you know DD stated subluxations altered nerve tone (vibration rate) thereby affecting the nerves ability to transmit MI. He discussed how this produced overages and deficits, I tend to think more binary. The MI is delivered correctly and completely or it is not. To ascertain as DD did, hyperfunctionating or hypofuntionating, would in my opinion be medical diagnosis. (boy spellcheck hated those, had to look them up in my 1910)

        • Hey Joe #2
          You made no comment on “So wouldn’t it be Force needs no help but tolerates no interference?” Please give me your opinion on that statement.


          • Steve, Tolerate def.; 1. put up with, endure, resist the action of (no interference)? Does that seem a little confusing to you?

          • Hey Joe #3,
            Sorry dude, you’re not getting off that easy. I asked for an opinion not a definition. Would it be force that is non-tolerant?

            PS, I am still waiting for YOUR efferent and afferent explanation of the reflex too. I know you’re busy, but I am still interested/curious.

            PSS Did you get the e-mail about Wiki

          • Don and Steve, that’s what I’m seeking clarification!
            Steve, do you mean force endures, puts up with (tolerates) a situation in which there is no interference or do you mean force does not tolerate interference, two opposite thoughts. I would think you mean the latter but….Innate intelligence endures, puts up with (tolerates ) nerve interference, otherwise we would all be dead. But force cannot tolerate interference. I just thought that statement was confusing the character qualities of innate intelligence and those of force. While force is “created” by intelligence, they do have separate characteristics.
            My response to the afferent/efferent reflex is becoming more than a response…more like an essay or chapter in a book. Be patient.
            No I did not receive a e-mail about Wiki.

          • Hey Joe,
            What I am suggesting is force is the only affectable factor in the triune. So would it not be where interference has it’s devastating application? If it is the transmission that is interfered with, what is doing the transmitting, force. The MI is the expression of II so it is perfect. The expression then cannot be altered but merely lost when it’s force is distorted. If we use the telegraph analogy, it is most likely the lines of communication that break down. Even when both operators are functioning normally.

        • Steve,

          You asked: “Would it be force that is non-tolerant”? –

          – When I think of force, I think intent-message or thought-message. WHAT I see in your comment seems to make a whole lot of sense. For the message in morse code to be received “intact” by the receiving telegrapher, the telegraph machine must be in good order, the proper code must be generated, the electrical apparatus and conductors of electricity must be in good order, the receiving machine must be functioning well and the paper tape must be of good quality to perforate the code properly. Any tampering with any of the above would be “intolerable” from the message point of view. –

          – DD did say it was about tone (vibration rate). Yet, he never mentioned WHAT vibration he was alluring to. Do you have any thoughts on that?

          • Steve,

            You wrote that …”force is the only affectable factor in the triune” and you are ABSOLUTELY correct! The triune is a concept and that is WHERE you find interference. Yet, the human being is not a abstract concept. The human being is concrete. Therefore, WHERE is the interference caused by VS in the human body?

          • Hey Claude,
            From 1910
            1.Luxated bones press against nerves. By their displacement and pressure they elongate the pathway of the nerve in a manner similar to that by which an impingement upon a wire of a musical instrument induces it to become taut by displacing it from a direct line. This pressure upon a nerve creates greater tension, increased vibration, and consequently an increased amount of heat. Heat alters tissue; altered tissue modifies the transmission
            of impulses; modified impulses cause functions to be performed
            2.a change of tissue causes a difference in molecular vibration; the degree of vibratory motion corresponds to the amount of heat
            So Claude, is this philosophically sound, Subluxations affect the matter of the nerve but have influence on the FORCE of transmission? If so then …FORCE tolerates no interference….

    • Great question Dr. Lessard.
      Isn’t changing/altering or addressing the matter the realm of medicine?
      This seems like a gray area for me. Hope someone can clarify.

      • Don,

        – The objective of medicine is to treat diseases and symptoms by changing the MATTER of the body. It deals with matter, the third component of the triune. –

        – The objective of chiropractic is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! It deals with forces, the second component of the triune. –

        – Both medicine and chiropractic address matter for the purpose of fulfilling their objective. Medicine addresses ALL the parts of the body. Chiropractic addresses ONLY the subluxation in the spinal column to correct the interference with transmission in the body (pri.31). 🙂

        • So Claude, would it be accurate to say that medicine addresses the matter to affect the matter and chiropractic addresses the matter to affect the force?

          • Joseph,

            YES! It would be accurate. We know from a philosophical stand point, that it is the innate intelligence of the body that produces the adjustment, which in turn AFFECTS the matter 100% perfectly all the time within the limitation of matter.

            Medicine addresses ALL the matter (parts) of the body to affect the MATTER according to whatever `standards`of the times. Chiropractic addresses ONLY the matter of LACVS for a full expression (affecting) of the innate fFORCES of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD!

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I would agree with Dr. Strauss. We are “affecting” (not sure if this is the correct word here) …but we are affecting the matter with the objective of affecting the force.

        Medicine is presumably change the matter without the objective of affecting force but to change the matter and treat disease or symptoms.

        After writing this, “affecting the matter” as a description of chiropractic doesn’t seem correct because it doesn’t recognize the place of ii this description.
        Affecting the matter by LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body.
        Is this more or less acceptable?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        You wrote,
        Innate intelligence is limited by the limitation of matter (pri.24)… Innate intelligence would continue to adapt universal forces and the matter that is PRESENT moment to moment, would it not?

        We must remember that a subluxation is an interference with the FLOW of mental impulse between matter and matter (between brain cell and tissue cell). NOT between innate intelligence and matter.

        These may be some basic questions but I hope you can explain.

        1. If subluxation is not an interference between intelligence and matter, is the use of the phrase “vs interferes with the expression of innate intelligence” inaccurate? why or why not?

        2. Other than losing a limb or surgery, how does a body develop the circumstance of LESS matter? does this mean innate matter?

        3. Would love to hear your thoughts on your question..would it be true to say that MATTER needs no help, just no interference to function?

        • Would it be true to say that MATTER needs no help, just no interference to function?

          I think that there are possibly many interferences to the function of Matter. From a chiropractic standpoint, chiropractors address one major cause of interference to the functioning of matter. This does not imply that offering universal forces to the ii of the body for use in correcting the interference (vs) will result in 100% function. This is because the other causes of interference, if present, still remain and our objective is not to address those other causes.
          Many then CHOOSE to ask why not? I choose not to..anymore. 😉
          Thanks guys!

      • Alright, here goes…
        1. If subluxation is not an interference between intelligence and matter, is the use of the phrase “vs interferes with the expression of innate intelligence” inaccurate? why or why not?

        I guess my difficulty is twofold in properly defining expression. (Def.; 1. something that manifests, embodies, or symbolizes something else.) and in understanding that the interference that occurs in in matter but affects the metaphysical.

        So, yes I agree that vs interferes with the expression of ii by the circumstance of vs in matter affecting the transmission of metaphysical innate forces. I simply do not have the capacity or words to elaborate this point or explain how/why? …and that is as brutally honest as I can be 🙂
        (btw yes, I have not completed my reading of the green books which may be the reason for these basic questions)

        2. Other than losing a limb or surgery, how does a body develop the circumstance of LESS matter? does this mean innate matter?

        I would assume the presence or absence of any part of the body indicates a limitation of matter (e.g. if a thyroid gland is removed then the body cannot produce thyroxine).
        However, any tissue that is not receiving innate forces is not innate matter. This would be LESS innate matter. Vs interferes with the transmission of innate forces. So the matter affected by vs is limited?? Sorry …I get stuck here, which is why I ask…

        • Don,

          VS interferes with the FLOW of mental impulses (if) between brain cell and tissue cell (matter and matter). Innate intelligence is ALWAYS 100% whose function is to create 100% innate forces. WHAT does the VS interferes with… WITHIN the human body?

  3. Dr. Lessard,

    The transmission of innate forces/mental impulses between innate brain and tissue cell.
    Ii is 100%. Ii’s function is to create 100% innate forces.
    Is there any difference between the expression of innate intelligence and the function of innate intelligence (which is to create innate forces)?
    Are innate forces always 100% all the time?

    • Don,

      I know you like analogies. Suppose when you got up this morning you created a thought of having eggs for breakfast. You go to the refrigerator to find that there are no eggs. You still need to eat breakfast and you create another thought, that of having cereals. You go to the pantry and find cereals which you prepare and eat. –

      – Do the thoughts of eating eggs and cereals CHANGE the essence of WHO you are? Of course not! Are both thoughts valid? Of course they are! Is your body being nourished? Of course it is! Any of these two thoughts you have are 100% are they not? They are not less than 100%. WHAT happens in the example above? It is the matter that is limiting your thoughts (absence of eggs and presence of cereals). –

      – WHO are YOU? Are you, your thoughts? This year you might vote conservative and four years ago you voted liberal. Before voting you created thoughts about which party to vote. Are you your thoughts? Of course not! You constantly change thoughts during the course of time and that does not change the essence of WHO you are. –

      – WHO are YOU? Are you, your feelings? Today you feel happy. Tomorrow you feel angry and the next day you feel sad. Are you your feeling? Of course not! Feelings come and go. –

      – WHO are YOU? Are you, your body? If you have a limb amputated today, will that change the essence of WHO you are? If you get your gallbladder taken out? Of course not! You are not your body either. –

      – Do not confuse the parts of the triune. They are separate and distinct from each other and yet are dependent of one another. It is a paradox and we have to learn to live with it. Chiropractic is specific or it is nothing… we are told, and rightly so. –

      – We are dealing with the concrete human being while applying an abstract concept called the triune of life. These are not the same. The concept points to the truth. It is NOT the truth. It is very important to understand that in order to “OWN” the philosophy. –

      – There is 100% of innate intelligence in every “living thing” adapting universal forces and matter PERFECTLY all the time and is limited by the limitation of matter (pri. 22,23,24). –

      – Yes, there a difference between the expression of innate intelligence and the function of innate intelligence (which is to create innate forces). –

      – Yes, innate forces are ALWAYS 100% all of the time. –

      – It is the transmitting matter that is further limited due to VS which is the cause of incoordination of dis-ease that changes (pri.30). –

  4. Thanks for the analogy Dr. Lessard. It is the matter that is limiting your thoughts (absence of eggs and presence of cereals). It is the matter limiting the expression of FORCE (not intelligence) because force is a “thought” of innate intelligence. Intelligence does not change with anything (thoughts, feelings, amputations/limitations of matter). Ii is always 100%.

    I have to say “WHO are you?” has been the hardest question I’ve had to wrap my mind around with this post.
    Is there anyway you can give me an answer to that..?

    If not or in addition to that, could you elaborate on this.. “We are dealing with the concrete human being while applying an abstract concept called the triune of life. These are not the same. The concept points to the truth. It is NOT the truth. It is very important to understand that in order to “OWN” the philosophy.”?
    Thanks again and I really appreciate our discussions. 😉

  5. Greetings and thank you for sharing your interesting discussions.

    How do you explain chiropractic’s major premise; that a Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.


    • Dr. McKibbin, welcome to the blog. Chiropractors have a wide variation as to how they explain universal intelligence. Mechanistic chiropractors explain it like a medical doctor would, as some sort of inexplicable phenomena of nature. Some chiropractors approach it from a religious perspective describing universal intelligence as God. NTOSC takes a position that it is not a religious construct not as a mechanistic phenomena. It is unique, a principle or law of organization. Who or What created that law is not our area of study so we do not conjecture. That is left up to the theologian. While it is not a law, it can be best understood if we liken it to the law of gravity for example. The law of gravity deal with the attraction of two bodies, universal intelligence with the organizaion of matter.Please continue to ask questions and contribute. It is nice to have readers from “down under”.

      • Since there is no answer from Michael Mckibbin, I ask the same question of everyone: –

        – Which process was used by the pioneers to formulate the Major Premise?

  6. Hey Claude,
    I would say OBSERVATION but I’m pretty sure that is not the answer you are looking for. DD claimed to coin the term “innate intelligence” but not universal intelligence. I remember reading the term UI was in vogue at the time but I don’t know if the definition changed with DD or not.

    • Steve,

      You are correct. It is through the process of OBSERVATION that the pioneers were able to “see” that there was organization in the universe. They saw that: “A universal intelligence is in all matter constantly giving to it all of its properties and actions thus maintaining it in existence” (pri.1). 😉


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