The Adjustment and Energy

We are introducing energy into people when we make the adjustment (the adjustic thrust). But that is a side effect which may have good, bad or no apparent ramifications. While it may represent the basis for some healing arts or “chiropractic techniques”, it has nothing to do with the practice of chiropractic. Our intention is to bring about the restoration of (metaphysical) information between the (metaphysical) innate intelligence and the physical tissue cells.

30 thoughts on “The Adjustment and Energy”

    • Paulo, if the ii of the body converts the EIF of the chiropractic thrust (energy) into an adjustment, that is good. If the thrust traumatizes the person, that’s bad

      • hey joe, 100% agree with this comment. this is what i’ve been working on lately, getting “just enough” force in there. of course i don’t know what everyone’s criteria is, but it seems many chiros use too much force in adjusting, which traumatizes and can subluxate the person

      • If we, WHO choose to hold these “possibilities” (of good or bad ramifications) within ourselves, when we introduce the SPECIFIC thrust, and with the intent of having the innate intelligence of the body of the practice member transform the external invasive force into an innate force for a full expression of the innate intelligence of the body, it is we WHO choose to practice with that “extra something”. πŸ™‚

      • Joe, Claude, Steve, Don, Professionals, Chiropractic Philosophers,
        Perhaps it is best to ‘let sleeping dogs lie’ on this topic.
        There is lack of clarity here.
        On one hand distinctions have been made between energy and force, At other times, Force is suggested to be of both metaphysical information and a physical ‘Something’.
        Claude states that Force is purely metaphysical from what I recall.
        On this Post, some present force as intermingled with energy.
        RWS (BJ?) states P8,9,10,13,14,15 indicating force manifests in the expressiveness of matter thru the motion in matter, called Universal Life. This does not imply that motion IS Energy derived from Force. But it does indicate that without force to unite intelligence with matter, there is no motion and there is no existence of matter. RWS does NOT indicate that force is not energy or physical. Matter of fact, he seems to imply that forces ARE physical. Yet, force is part of the triune, ALWAYS (chiropractic lexicon). Intelligence-force-e/matter. That’s how force manifests. Either as a creation of universal intelligence, or as an adaptation of uf or umatter by ii, so parts can have co-ordinated action for mutual benefit. P23
        Personally, I want to own Truth and deliver truth to my PMs.
        I can’t double speak this. I can’t say I adjusted you when the body is what adjusts. I can’t embrace a metaphysical truth sometimes and the same fact as a physical reality other times.
        What is it?
        Metaphysical, Physical, Both, Energy, Information, Both????????
        I am trying to remain in the ‘center of the forest’. For my sake, for the sake of my PMs and SO CLAUDE DOESNT BOP ME OVER THE HEAD AND JOE DOESNT KICK ME OFF THIS BLOG WITH ALL MY CONFUSING, 101, RANTING RHETORIC πŸ˜‰
        So I can deliver a message of Value, of Truth. So I can Teach. So
        I can transform myself into a Valid ADIO Chiropractor, so I can deliver a valid NTOSC service.
        So I can unload myself.
        But there is double speak on this topic, and I would like to resolve it.
        At one instance, energy is referred to as force. On another, it is distinguished from energy.
        I’d like to settle this. Help me on this by offering Your Opinions, Your
        Thoughts, Your Analysis, Your Take. I value them. πŸ˜‰

        • David,

          The function of METAphysical intelligence is to create METAphysical force, which is instructive information (pri8). The function of METAphysical force is to unite METAphysical intelligence with physical e/matter (pri10). The TRIUNE consist of two METAphysical components and one physical component. –

          – When the term force is used as an EDUCATED universal force, it is both METAphysical and physical at the same time. The same with the mental (METAphysical) impulse (physical). –

          – Since you have no problem using the word “jam” in many ways in the tale I posted before, WHY are you not able to do the same with the word force?

          • Claude,
            Oh I can, but 33 principles that we designate as an
            AUTHORITY, having definitive meanings to words, for me, and my complete understanding, and use of logic in a deductive manner, requires a greater consistency then
            toe jam, or peanuts and jam or jam min, or jam finger OUCH!
            Here’s an example of a confusion, and again Claude, Finally you spelled it out. Finally. Guess I earned it.
            The example you gave above:
            You stated: ‘When the term force is used as an EDUCATED universal force, it is both METAphysical and physical at the same time.’
            Is that physical component of force as in EUF, of use for anything with regards to the Adjustment, or is it a by product of administering an Adjustic Force, which comprises metaphysical force (what’s required for the adjustment and physical force (the by product of creating energy from a toggle recoil. The only way you’re gonna get metaphysical force into a living system to impact the vertemere.
            You then stated:’The same with the mental (METAphysical) impulse (physical).’
            That I can see as a total implementation of Matter (the nerve impulse), and force (the meta-information the the nerve impulse carries as an adaptation of universal force AND as a need to fulfill p23, p32.
            For me, to understand, perfectly, NOT TO ASSUME, I can’t have RWS saying well ya put this force into the body, like it was a THING, and then say it is metaphysical connection between metaphysical intelligence and matter.
            Since it is our responsibility to NOT BE SLOPPY and to BE PRECISE. If we have a Lexicon, we should define what we mean.
            Force, Energy, Matter, Immaterial, Material, Major Premise, No Theology, No Personifications, WE NEED TO COMMUNICATE PRECISELY, or We’ve communicated NOTHING, just mumbo jumbo,
            MICKEY MOUSE!!!!! πŸ˜‰

          • RWS, article 329, page 253. Bottom of page.
            “NOTE:– The term force is used in Chiropractic as energy in physics. ”
            I don’t know what to make of this? Except that, Force Is intelligently created Energy, expressed by matter
            In the case of innate force, it is adapted universal force for constructive harmonious action.
            CLAUDE! You have made reference to e/matter.
            What would be different between the e in e/matter and the energy in force as RWS alludes to (see above)
            Newton (physics) – force is energy with no intelligence
            Chiropractic (triune) – force is energy created (adapted) by intelligence, expressed by matter. But how does this energy differ, if at all, from e/matter?

  1. Are you talking about the thrust or some esoteric energy transfer? We were taught all adjustments produce micro trauma but the benefits out way the drawbacks/risks.

    • I’m talking about the thrust but I think many chiropractors are referring to some energy transfer. If it is the exact amount of force needed there is no micro trauma. But that is next to impossible to administer and impopsssible to know even if you did. The least amount of micro trauma the better.

      • Palmer said subluxations were produced by an awkward concussion of forces, invasion and resistance being unequal. If an adjustive thrust did not overpower the resistive force of the segment it would have no effect at all. Can we assume all remaining force is converted by ii to reposition the bone and restore innate force through the nerves?

        • The adjusive thrust is not “overpowering resistive forces”(innate forces). Quite the contrary, it is giving the ii a universal force of such a quantity and quality that the ii is able to change it into an innate force added to the IF already trying to correct the vs (but unble to because of the vs) and accomplish that objective. That’s why light/low force techniques work (there’s no such thing as non-force technique) and specificity is important. The scenerio you are describing indicates that the ii of the body is using resistive forces (IF) to try to maintain the vs. That doesn’t make sense, unless I am missing something.

          • This is where the rubber meets the road.

            Internal resistive force of the body which is physical is not innate force which is metaphysical. Internal resistive force of the body is MATTER in motion from innate forces. Innate forces are universal forces transformed into innate forces by the innate intelligence of the body.

            It’s like the canoe in a river against the current. The current of the river is a universal force. The oar is a universal force transformed into an innate force by the oarsman to move the canoe (matter) upstream in the right DIRECTION (ease). If a downward wave overcomes the resistive force of the canoe (matter) then there might be a loss of power and a loss of speed, go sideways, even go backward or capsize (vs in matter)). This will cause a mis-direction(dis-ease).

            The oarsman chooses to applied a specific sequence of the oar (uf), changes its speed which is modified by the oarsman (ii) into a NEW tempo (if) to correct the position of the canoe (adjustment in matter) for the purpose of re-positioning the capsize canoe (vs in matter)) into an upright position to continue the journey upstream in the proper direction (ease).

            In this example we can see that the resistive force of the canoe (matter) is different from the innate force of the oar (adapted uf) applied to the current of the river (uf).

            Of course, all examples eventually breakdown, however, I hope it helps to clarify the distinction between internal resistive force of the body (physical matter) and innate force (metaphysical mental impulse).

          • Claude, I’m not quite sure I understand what you are saying but I think I disagree, maybe with both you and Stephenson. Better tell Sarah you will be home late Wed. nite πŸ™‚

          • Okay Claude, here goes my possible disagreement: Resistive forces are innate forces (art. 391, p.327). As such they are created by ii so they are metaphysical not physical. If we are describing IRF as matter are we blending (I would never accuse you of “mixing”) force and matter thus destroying the triune. I think your analogy of the canoe can still be used but it needs to be revised (just a little) and of course you need to substitute paddles for oars πŸ™‚ and it needs to be done by 7 pm tonight. As I said, the real problem may be with Stepheson’s inasmuch as the last sentence on page 327 infers that RF are physical,chemical or mechanical. I’m hoping he meant that the expression of those RF may take the form of…. Good discussion.

  2. When that restoration of information happens, any number of reactions can occur. It is the desire of the chriopractor to be as skillful as possible to introduce the least amount of force with the most amount of specificity, so the body of the person being adjusted can use the force to it’s greatest benefit. When that is done, then whatever the result may be, so be it.
    I think the most important part of the equation is the chiropractor’s skill in being able to determine if there is a subluxation and how best to release it. Then we can be more at peace with what happens after the adjustment.

    • Good question Rick. I am asuming there are different types of energy in the body. Our concern as chiropractors is the energy we call innate forces, which would be the physical aspect of the mental impulse. Apparently there are insufficient innate forces reaching the vertemere, (the area of VS) to enable the ii to correct the vs, otherwise it would do it. The insufficiency is because the vs has altered the character of the innate force changing it to a uf. So we (or a fall) must introduce an intelligent uf that the ii can utilize (“invest with new character”) and “create” an innate force which it can use to correct the vs. Here is where specificity comes in. The better (more intelligent) the force we introduce, the greater liklihood that the ii of the body can make of it an innate force and accomplish the adjustment. Does that answer your question?

    • Ok Claude, I thought I had it , until I reread it. Are you saying the resistive force of the body is a uf until such time as ii must respond to a stimulus? That human tone, tension and renitency are characteristics of the matter only? Does ii not maintain tissue, but only adapt it for present time survival value? ( P.21 The mission of ii is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization.) Is it the material or the organization that is maintained?

  3. Steve,

    Innate intelligence maintains the material of the body in ACTIVE organization (pri.21). Innate intelligence also adapts universal forces AND matter for use in the body so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23). How does the innate intelligence of the body adapts matter? Is it not in maintaining it in active organization? Is it not in giving it MOTION? Innate forces are “specialized” forces necessary for coordinated function. The forces necessary to a tissue cell for the purpose of keeping it alive are not specialized forces. A cell can be kept alive apart from the body and the innate forces of the body, but it cannot function in a coordinated manner. That’s why there is a distinction between the internal resistive force of the body (physical matter) and the innate force (metaphysical mental impulse).

    If you take a hammer and take a rat and give it a blow to its head, it will die. Take the same hammer and give it the same blow to a grizzly bear and YOU will die. It’s the matter of the bear that resist the blow and the matter of the rat that is overcome by the same blow. Both animals may have 100% innate forces maintaining their matter in ACTIVE organization. So, it’s the internal resistive force of the matter that is limited and overcome, not the innate forces.

    I hope this clarifies the distinction between the two.

  4. A practice member of yours walks on a snowy sidewalk at night and she slips and fall. An awkward concussion of forces occurs. The external invasive force caused by the jolt of the fall, overcomes the internal resistive force of her body causing a vertebral subluxation which changes the character of the mental impulse (if) back into a nerve impulse (uf). This CAUSES dis-ease (lack of organization of the cells of the body) which is destructive toward structural matter (pri.26).

    This woman visits your office once a week and during her next visit, you locate and analyze her vs. You then select a specific technique of your choice and introduce a specific thrust (uf) into the subluxated vertebra with the intent that the innate intelligence of her body will use this universal force and transform it into an innate force, ADDING it to the already always present innate forces, to produce the adjustment thereby transforming the nerve impulse (uf) into a mental impulse (if). This will restore ease within her body and will allow a full expression of the innate intelligence of the body which is the objective of chiropractic.

    It is as simple as that!

  5. David,

    I know very well what Stephenson’s wrote. It was in 1927, and RWS wrote within the context and knowledge of his days. E=MC2 was NOT quite understood as yet. It took years to grasp that. Even in 2015, most people think, that since they don’t SEE energy, that it is immaterial, AND since they see matter, that it is material. That’s WHY you don’t know what to make of this. “Conflicts clarifies”. If it would have been understood by DD, BJ and RWS, WHO knows? –

    – According to the AUTHORITY of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science, METAphysical intelligence creates METAphysical force, which is instructive information (pri8). It is me WHO choose to abide by the ATHORITY of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science. It is you WHO have to choose your AUTHORITY. πŸ˜‰ –

    – As a help to you, look at your thought process when you posted: “Except that, Force Is intelligently created Energy, expressed by matter”. You’ve just separated energy and matter, the same way RWS did in 1927. And further more, HOW could intelligence create e/matter, since according to law of conservation of energy and matter, e/matter is never created nor destroyed? That is an impossibility. The ONLY creating that METAphysical intelligence can perform as its function is to create METAphysical force, which is instructive information (pri8). Let me repeat, it is me WHO choose to abide by the AUTHORITY of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science and WHO choose to hold the term force as it is. Do you understand the term life of principle #2 as meaning universal life or existence and not innate life or life as we know it? If so, why don’t you hold this reality with force then? Or are you just messing around with yourself? It’s time for you to do your PERSONAL homework. πŸ˜‰ –

    – Therefore, without condemnation, it is me WHO choose to hold the term force as being of two types. METAphysical, as created instructive information by intelligence (pri8) AND physical as being MANIFESTED by e/matter (pri14) like a sun ray giving off light and heat which is part of existence. You do know the light and heat are e/matter comprised of a specific configuration and velocity of electrons, protons and neutrons, which are physical… don’t you?

    • Claude,
      Yes, I do know the light and heat are e/matter.
      But now you are getting to the quagmire.
      I agree with you. Completely
      Force, it’s definition, has 2 types, I accept that, I understand that.
      When that an adjustic thrust introduces an EIF into the body for the correction of subluxation, is the CORRECTING, or necessary Force we are speaking of, the physical Force, which is implicit in a Thrust (energy) >> I say NO, OR is it the metaphysical force that comes with the energy (Force), that is of importance to reduce Subluxation?
      I say >> It’s the latter. When we introduce Force (energy) into something, if it exists (e/matter), then it contains intelligence and force (meta), which joins intelligence with Our EIF(Energy). THIS
      meta-force, is what is adapted by ii so it can overcome LOM that is implicit in the existence of subluxation, or a vertemere that is not operating with full expression of ii due to the subluxation within it.
      Do You agree?
      Sometimes I say to myself, Let the Expression Of Innate Intelligence manifest with your Life David, even in morning blues, or paradox confusion, Let that Sunshine In, that Normalcy in, that is in part YOU (meaning myself)… After that, look to push into moral and human goodness, look for community, perhaps soul and spirit (as I define it), tell the story over and over and Carry On ADIO πŸ˜‰
      But answer my question with regards to my analysis above. Once again,
      Do You Agree? πŸ™‚

      • Claude,
        I’d like to append – David Suskin 01/29/2015, 2:34 pm:
        P23 reads – ‘The Function of Innate Intelligence – The function of Innate Intelligence is to adapt universal FORCES and MATTER for use in the body, so that all parts of the body will have co-ordinated action for mutual benefit.’
        An Adjustic Thrust (toggle recoil), consists of 2 Forces. Meta-force (instructional information) and physical Force (e/Matter).
        Subluxation Correction Might require both components.
        Meta-force provides specificity, instructional universal information that ii can adapt to innate force for correction of the subluxation AND
        Physical Force (e/Matter) provides movement or energy/matter transfer to a vertebra (vertemere), so that ii can adapt universal MATTER to correct subluxation.
        Those are the 2 necessary components of and EIF as made available within an Adjustic Thrust.

  6. To answer your question – almost forgot:Do you understand the term life of principle #2 as meaning universal life or existence and not innate life or life as we know it?’
    Actually I understand p2 as meaning, that LIFE is implicit, that organic life had to come, because the Triune implies Existence always, and that Life (Organic) exists, that is why we say p2 IS universal life. When the matter became available, with enough time and perhaps the miracle of Life (organic), being born by the creator of P1, the template is CONSTANT. int-force-matter, whether inorganic or organic.
    P1 allows universal life and organic life to exist, under the same triune, but applied in a desconstructive setting first and then latter in a constructive setting which is the only way ORGANIC Life could maintain IT’S existence, expressing the signs of Life


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