Structure and Function-Q&A #30

One of the basic tenets of chiropractic is that structure affects function. Some have even suggested that research is not necessary because if structure affects function, we can  logicallyconclude that any change in spinal structure affects the function of the nerve system? The question is: does structure affect the nerve system to the degree that it needs to be addressed?  The same chiropractor who is famous for pointing out the relationship between structure and function has also said that we should be concerned with lining up neural canals rather than lining up the vertebrae. That means while curvatures may affect the function by virtue of their malposition, they do not necessarily affect the function of the nerve system and hence are not a vertebral subluxation. How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction?

74 thoughts on “Structure and Function-Q&A #30”

  1. Chiros that limit themselves to the mechanistic mindset look at spinal curve changes as the successful indication of VS correction but they add weights, fulcrums, exercises, to achieve these changes….if they ever do occur. This approach really belittles the expression of ii…..The vitalistic approach corrects VS for the optimal expression of ii and lets the vertebrae align as they will.

  2. That’s why I’m of the opinion that whether we practice an orthogonal or articular model (I practice atlas orthogonal) we are at best guessing. The point being that what matters in the end is the pre/post check, as well as holding.

  3. Hey Joe,
    In school we were taught S&F were inseparable. I have found no logical reason to divide them for 27 years.
    As for aligning canals, isn’t that what BJ did with HIO.
    I guess it is possible to have a misalignment without nerve interference but I would think it unusual and rare.
    We have all seen post-adjustment patients subluxation free without necessarily having a straight spine. Straightening the spine is the Orthopedists job, is it not?

  4. Is there a contradiction here? I agree, any change in the spinal structure CAN affect the nerve system. It is up to ii to figure out if it needs to be corrected. I believe the degree to which structure can affect the nerve system varies and anything less than perfect needs to be addressed. Fortunately, we can trust ii to determine when that time is and it ii determines that it should, it attempts to correct it itself. My current search is how to we determine the intention of ii and if it needs additional forces to complete the correction of the vs? Is this outside in/mechanistic?

    • Don,

      How can you finite educated mind (always less than 100%) determines the “intention” of innate intelligence which is infinite (always 100%)? –

      – The BIG IDEA is to LACVS and the rest will follow! –

      – AMAZING ISN’T IT? 😉

      • Yes, it is Dr. Lessard.
        The problem I have when some chiropractors challenge the method others choose in the LACVS.
        I understand that some are more or less congruent with our philosophy and others are unrecognizable in light of the philosophy. My concern is that many have it that there is a right and wrong way to LACVS.
        They choose to see the interpretation of some set of variables as more accurate in the analysis and location of subluxation. For example, a short leg, adherent thermal scan reading or xray analysis. Given what you said regarding the finite mind, what are your thoughts on the matter?

        • Don,

          Understanding from the start that it is the innate intelligence of the body that performs the adjustment, any technique that provides a specific analysis and determine the accurate listing for having the proper line of drive would be appropriate. It is our duty to use our educated mind to the best of our ability to introduce the most specific thrust at the right point of contact in the subluxated vertebra. Then, the rest is up to the innate intelligence of the body.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Thanks. I understand that the ii makes the correction however how does our educated mind determine if there is a need to correct the thrust or repeat the thrust because the universal force from the chiropractors hands was insufficient for the needs of ii?
        What I mean to say is when or how do we determine that a different force or different point of contact on the vertebrae is necessary?
        I would guess a right point of contact implies an incorrect point exists. Could you help me with this line of thinking?

        • Don,

          You asked: ….”when or how do we determine that a different force or different point of contact on the vertebrae is necessary?” –

          – My answer to your question is: You will know, when and how, at the exact moment that you choose WHO to be as a chiropractor for that particular encounter with your practice member. Not one moment sooner or later.

          • Dr. Lessard,
            What are my choices for..WHO to be as a chiropractor for that particular encounter with your practice member?
            Non-therapeutic vs. therapeutic?
            HIO vs. full spine?
            I guess my thinking isn’t wired for these questions 🙁
            Could you offer something more..I really want to understand this.
            I know Steve was helping me earlier but I still don’t get it…argh!!

        • Don, it seems to me that whatever system of analysis that we use to determine a vs should tell us that we have been successful in the introduction of the corrective force.

          • Dr. Strauss,
            Does that mean all systems of analysis are correct or that there isn’t a correct and incorrect method of analyzing for vs? Please help me out here. I’ve had this discussion with a few chiropractors now but never a straight answer. No pun intended. I am looking for the NTOSC view on this matter. Thanks.

          • Don, as much as BJ wanted to make it a science, analysis is an art form like hitting a baseball. There are certain basic things one must (as a hitter) do but in the end, it is an individual thing and each must do what he/she feels most comfortable with. As long as you are comfortable that you have facilitated the body’s correction of a vs, I have no problem with anybody’s technque. But there are certain basic principles that must be met. Mine works best for me but maybe not for you. I was 3 for 4 in yesterday’s game, which helped to offset 3 ground ball errors in the field!

      • Dr. Strauss,
        Sorry, could you expand on your answer?
        I know this is a complex question. Here are a couple of thoughts I had that may help you frame and answer. Does this imply that as long as we have a post check and there is a change that we have accomplished what we need to and that the how or what we check is not as important?

        • Don,

          I don’t think you will ever get an answer that satisfies your inquiry. In my experience with the philosophical discussions like the ones here, unless you are willing to accept some mysticism, you are left to just keep asking the same questions in many different ways to attempt to produce an answer that makes sense. Since 1982, I have been asking the questions; how do you know when a vertebral subluxation is present? How do you know which way to adjust it? (only innate intelligence can correct it… right?) How do you know when it has been corrected? I could ask many more, but I doubt there is a point to asking them. I have never had an answer that makes sense to me on these basic questions, so why bother asking more? Oh yeah… I have another… why does innate intelligence allow so many vertebral subluxations to occur in the first place or does universal intelligence have the upper hand on such matters? One last one… did universal intelligence invent chiropractors just to give innate intelligence someone to mess with? Oh, one more… which came first, the brain cell or the mental impluse?

          • Rich,welcome to the blog. I have a few questions of you and a few answers: First, what do you mean by “mysticism”? What do you use to determine a vertebal subluxation? I assume you use pain as an indication that a vs is present and absense of pain an indication that it has been corrected. By the definition of mysticism, pain has to be the most mystical criteria one could use and it seems to me from my experince any form of analysis is superior.
            Now for my answers: innate intelligence does not “allow” subluxations. Ii is limited by the matter. Ui does not invent anything especially chiropractors. You must have had a lousy philosophy instructor in chiropractic school:)

          • Rich, just curious…but how does one graduate from Pa College of STRAIGHT Chiropractic, be the recipient of the Chiropractic Philosophy Award for your graduating class of June, 1986. (This award recognized the student who best represented the principles and philosophy of Chiropractic as laid down by Drs. D.D. Palmer and B.J. Palmer, the founder and developer of Chiropractic respectively…as per your website), and still have these Philosophy 801 (1st quarter philosophy for all of you non PCSC grads) questions?? 🙂 Thanks.

      • Joe,
        You wrote, “As long as you are comfortable that you have facilitated the body’s correction of a vs, I have no problem with anybody’s technque. But there are certain basic principles that must be met.”
        What are the basic principles you speak of? I assume you mean the four components (Stephenson) for the presence of vs.

        The problem I have if that if I use a check such as galvanic skin temperature, a deficient leg length or thermal readings and they all changes as a result or an adjustment, does that indicate a correction has taken place?
        What if everything else being exactly the same and two of the readings change and the third does not. What does this mean in terms of the vs and its correction?

        • Yes, the subluxation criteria must be met first. It must also meet the reqirements of scientific and/or logical plausibility.If one of your three is not checking out one or none of them are good criteria. For example, I have always had a question about pattern work. Pattern work is based upon the body adapting,(no pattern) or failing to adapt (pattern). Yet we know the body adapts in the presence of vs, just not as well. So, a pattern can indicate you are subluxated but lack of pattern cannot indicate that you are not subluxated. A chiropractor using pattern work may be failing to correct some subluxations but a person not even trying to correct them is missing them all! Since we have no absolute criteria to measure the 4th component, a metaphysical one and I am not convinced there is a demonstrable objective physical manifestation of a metaphysical phenomena (the mental impulse), we are left with the task of doing the best we can. Our consolation is that while we have less than perfect methods of LACVS to restore the expression of intelligence through the matter by removing an interference in the nerve system at the vertebral level, no one else is even trying. Very early in the parenting process, I realized that I was not and would never be a perfect father to my daughters and worked at becoming a better one (perhaps not as hard as I should have). Meanwhile I also realized that an imperfect father was better than no father at all. The very fact that we realize our limitaions in LACVS and are trying to improve in that area puts us far ahead of those who do not even understand our objective. The worst technician in LACVS is better than the person who is not even trying.

    • Rich,
      Thanks for your input. Two questions:
      1) I lieu of the answers to your questions, ow do you practice chiropractic?
      2)And how do you know it is chiropractic? In other words, how do you define it?
      Look forward to your answers. Thanks.

      • Don… I really don’t define chiropractic. It already has been defined. I can only provide my learned skills as a chiropractor to patients who seek me out. As far as educating patients, I found over the years, telling the story, as it is referred to, did two things… stressed me out due to the fact that the majority of people just plain don’t connect with it… and not telling it does not affect how many patients I see. I am much more relaxed with giving patients a very basic explanation of what I do and how it may affect their concerns. To patients, results matter… to most chiropractors, ego matters.

  5. Don,

    You asked: “what are my choices for… WHO to be as a chiropractor for that particular encounter with your practice member?” –

    – Your choices are limitless! Remember that WHO you choose to BE, will be dealing with life “in front of you” that is in flux and never to be repeated… NEVER! Therefore, don’t sweat the small stuff and choose to BE present to the momentary encounter with your practice member and leave the rest alone…. it will take care of itself with or without you. –

    – So, CHOOSE and BE happy with your choice! 😉

  6. I guess experience in practice and life affects perception. Hi Joe… Thanks for the welcome. My philosophy instructor was pretty decent… never could get him off track!

    As for the Philosophy award thing, I guess you have to gauge who else was in my class… “That’s about all I have to say about that.”

    Sorry if I seemed to be a wise guy here, just my nature, I guess. I will continue to read the blog and enjoy the conversations. Have a good day!

    • Rich, even former philosophy instructors need to have their slipping checked and positions challenged, so keep on contributing to the blog. Don’t worry about sounding like a wise guy. There are plenty of people on the blog who will be happy to slap you down whenever you do:)

      • Rich,

        It’s good to have you on the blog. 🙂 –

        – Experience in practice and life are circumstances giving to us to test the veracity of WHO we choose to BE as chiropractors. We are completely free to increase our conviction about the veracity of the 33 principles or to “forgitaboutit”. Then, it is still about WHO we choose to BE as a chiropractors that makes all the difference. It’s ALWAYS about WHO… isn’t it?

  7. Joe… on the limitations of matter topic… isn’t matter a manifestation of energy? How is the energy of matter limited? Naturally I am equating energy to force, as in Universal force or Innate force.

    Also, on the topic of locating, analyzing and correcting vertebral subluxations… if a patient were to go to a dozen different subluxation correctors, he or she would receive a dozen different corrections.(oops, chiropractors don’t correct subluxations, innate does, even though we all say, chiropractors correct subluxations… that is all we do!). How is this patient better off?

    • Rich, actually didn’t Eistein show that matter and energy are the same? That being the case force must be different than matter. Today we say that force is more like information or thought, making a clear distinction between it and energy/matter. If as you maintain, the ii makes the correction there is only one correction so I’m not sure what you mean by only one correction. If you mean a dozen different findings/listings, well I’m not sure there would be that many but if there were, at least 11, perhaps all of them could be wrong. In spite of that imagine how many people would still experience a “correction” because ain’t innate great! If you mean the person would receive a dozen different adjustment techniques, that might be true. In fact it most likely would. Adjusting is an art and no two artists are exactly alike. If you asked a dozen different artists to paint the same landscape, you would have 12 different styles, all would look slightly different but all (if they were good artists) would be recognizable as the same landscape, accomplishing their objective. Anyone who has an ii of the body correction,no matter how it is facilitated, is better off.

      • Okay. Matter and energy are the same. I kind of doubt energy is ever limited, so I am wondering about the limitations of matter?

        For the 12 different adjustments, which I can pretty much assure there would be, which are the ones that produce a correction, which are the ones that produce a subluxation, or worse, an injury maybe? The artists may all produce a different painting, no doubt, but all they have as a result is a painting… really doesn’t matter what it looks like, it’s just a painting. A person that gets the bad adjustments doesn’t hang on a wall… something in their function is going to affected by the improper force put into them. Improper forces must occur, otherwise we would never get subluxated.

        One other question has to do with the “fuller expression of life” quote. I’ve heard this statement so used and overused over the years, it has become just an accepted chiropractor comment that really has never been satisfied in meaning. Do you get many patients that tell you they came in for an adjustment because they were not at their fullest expression of life? How do they know what is their fullest expression of life? Is their some kind of expression of life scale that I have never seen yet?

          • My times never match either. I stopped paying attention to them.
            Rich, please answer my question above
            time stamped Don 10/20/2012, 1:48 pm:

            I’m curious and I think I like your approach.
            Can you fill me in and tell me what you tell [patients] ?


          • Rich, since our blog is read in other parts of the world, we use GMT (Grenwich Mean Time). It’s more of a hassle for me than anyone else. The day ends and the total comments and other statistics are toatled at 7 or 8 PM (depending on EST).

        • Reference on force and energy:
          “Various terms can be synonymously used, such as force, energy, power, electricity, mental impulse, nerve force, etc., depending upon whether we refer to the activating agent external to or the motivating agent internal to the human body.” B.J. Palmer Vol. 22 1949

        • Rich,

          You doubt if energy is ever limited? Go to Natashquan in Quebec in the middle of winter and take a walk in your swim trunk and tell me if energy is not limited. Yet, a polar cub might just stroll by… enjoying itself and might even taste some “RICH” jerkey! 😉

          • Rich,

            You wonder about the limitation of matter? Go to the Sahara desert at mid-day in the middle of the summer in your swim trunk and tell me if matter is not limited. Yet, a baby scorpion might just stroll by… enjoying itself and might even taste some “RICH” meat loaf! 😉

          • Hey Claude,

            Thanks for the anecdotes, I enjoy your responses. Now, how does me getting eaten by a polar bear or stung by a scorpion limit matter? It may change my “physiology” drastically, but the matter is still matter, isn’t it?

            Don… what I tell patients really depends on the patient. I always ask them what it is first and what they feel they it does or will do for them. Depending on where they are in their understanding, I attempt to present them with an explanation that will make sense to them. I do review the role of the nervous system as the master controller of the human body and that chiropractic focuses on the relationship with the balance of the spine and function of the nervous system. I then explain that my job as a chiropractor is to improve that balance so the nervous system is able to do its job as it should. I always use the “subluxation model” with the flashing LED’s to “demonstrate” that when the spinal segments are not in their “normal range of movement” the nerve function (change in the speed of the LED blinking) is affected. If they can digest that much, I go from there.

            I really think paying attention to body language, how people communicate to you, how they fill out their paperwork and what their lifestyle may be like, tells me how I should communicate to them. Sitting each patient in front of a half-hour video or requiring them to come to a group lecture, I feel is a deal breaker for most people. Too much of a sales pitch will send people out your door quicker than you might think. Personalize the information on a sincere level they can understand and relate to, will create a much better relationship. There is no boxed formula for communicating chiropractic that works for everyone.

        • Rich,

          You missed the point. How long would you survive in your swim trunk in those two examples. Perhaps a few hours, then you would die from exposure in these harsh elements (extreme cold and extreme heat). When the polar cub and baby scorpions stroll by your dead body, they would make a sumptuous meal of your dead matter. However, the matter of the cub and scorpion are unaffected by those harsh elements. Your matter is limited to living only few hours in those elements. The cub will live his entire life in the extreme cold and the baby scorpion will live his entire life in the extreme heat. The matter of your body is limited compared to theirs, is it not? –

          – Just reverse the the animals. How long would a polar bear live in the Sahara? How long would a scorpion live in the arctic? Same matter of the animals, yet different limitations of that same matter is it not? –

          • Claude,

            What exactly is a “limitation of matter”?

            From Wikipedia:
            The term “matter” is used throughout physics in a bewildering variety of contexts: for example, one refers to “condensed matter physics”,[87] “elementary matter”,[88] “partonic” matter, “dark” matter, “anti”-matter, “strange” matter, and “nuclear” matter. In discussions of matter and antimatter, normal matter has been referred to by Alfvén as koinomatter.[89] It is fair to say that in physics, there is no broad consensus as to a general definition of matter, and the term “matter” usually is used in conjunction with a specifying modifier.

            In all I read on the subject, I can’t find a reference to how matter can be limited.

            I may have missed your point because I can’t grasp the point. I understand different species need their environment to survive and when they are out of it they perish. I have caught many fish and know how quickly they die in the boat, but they are still composed of the same matter. As I said, their physiology (which I would agree is limited) changes drastically and the fish out of water is dead, but how does that limit matter?

            I have a problem with that chiropractic principle. For that “matter’, I am not sold on principle #1, so I guess that would affect the rest of them somehow, huh?

        • Rich,

          You are correct in guessing that by not being sold on principle #1, that it would affect the rest of them. So, before we address principle 24, tell me Rich, which part of the major premise are you “not sold on”?

          • Claude,

            Universal Intelligence is an unknown. We do not know if there is a Universal Intelligence or if the universe is just highly organized by physics. Saying there is a Universal Intelligence in all matter thus maintaining its existence is a belief, not a law. It is a rhetorical tautology.

      • Rich,

        You posted that universal intelligence is unknown. I hear what you say. I respect YOU and your position. –

        – As for myself, it is me WHO chooses to accept the major premise based on OBJECTIVE observation of the organization of the universe. The major premise is the start point of chiropractic philosophy, science and art. From the major premise and through deductive reasoning, I logically conclude that the existence of the human being is vitalistic. I further logically conclude that the human being experiences a physical life which is maintained in active organization from the metaphysical aspect of the 33 principles chiropractic.

        • Claude,

          First… I should have read the thread I read last night that Joe posted on “A Thought on Research” before this. That was quite a discussion and I got a lot out of it on several of the posters personal philosophies on chiropractic philosophy. Pretty interesting read.

          Anyway, back to the major premise questions. How do you handle or rationalize #26 with #1?

          #1 states – a universal intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it “all of its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence”. Pretty absolute statement. Covers pretty much everything we relate to as powered by this universal intelligence… “properties and actions”… “all matter”.

          #26 states – Universal forces are “destructive, and Innate forces constructive, as regards “structural matter””.

          I’m perplexed!

          • Rich,

            Please read RWS Senior Text Article 343 on page 265. It will shed some light on your perplexity. –

            – Let’s use principle 11 with an example and it may even shed more light. The character of universal forces: “The forces of universal intelligence are manifested by physical laws; are unswerving and unadapted, and have no solicitude for the structures in which they work”. Rich, please note that it states “IN” which they work. These UF organize and maintain matter into existence in one form or another. These are not the same forces as the hurricane force winds or water floods we are experiencing today with Sandy that are are working ‘ON” matter. Principle 26 “COMPARES” UF with IF. The example I am using is: In Atlantic City today they are using sand bags to prevent water from coming into the buildings. Why not using dirt? Obviously dirt would disintegrate into mud and water would seep through. Here you see the different levels of organization of matter. Yet, you can swim in the ocean and your skin will prevent water from coming into your body cavities. WHY? The innate intelligence of your body will adapt UF within your body and invest these UF with NEW characters and transform them into IF. In doing so, your skin can adapt to the ocean water and you can swim in it and enjoy yourself…. all the while due to principle 1 and 20. –

            – Amazing isn’t it?

      • Rich,

        You posted that “universal intelligence is unknown”. I respect your position and I accept WHO you choose to BE. –

        – Please tell me, WHAT is the foundation of HOW you pracrice and WHY?

        • Claude,

          First… sorry, but due to the extended power outage from the storm I was unable to get online until now.

          You wrote:
          I agree! That IS pretty good! _
          I have a question for you: What is YOUR reason WHY what you do helps people function better?

          My reasons why what I do helps people to function better are a few, primarily reducing irritation to their nervous systems due to spinal imbalance, which improves their physiology. I relate improved physiology to improved function and improved function to a higher level of health. Whether they are then a better expression of what they were meant to be, I have no idea… Haven’t figured out how to assess that claim. I’m not sure my reason for what I do has any bearing on the person receiving it. I think they just base the reason I do what I do on their outcome… either they feel it has helped them or it hasn’t. If it helps them, they come back… if it doesn’t, they don’t. I think the reason is simple and does not need a lengthy philosophical discussion.

          As a side note, I know people who make an in-depth study on what makes a great baseball pitcher. They go into great detail on all the aspects of pitching a baseball… the proper mechanics, the pitch grips, the psychology of pitchers vs hitters, knowing each hitter’s strengths and weaknesses, what pitch to throw on each pitch count, how to hide the ball from the hitter, all the rules for the windup, the pick-off moves, what determines a balk, etc., etc… But, put them on the mound and they can’t reach home plate.

          I also know of pitchers who don’t pay much attention to the intricate details of what, why and how they become a textbook pitcher… they know the basics and have the talent to just get on the mound and throw pitches that get batters out and that’s why they do it.

          On the Universal Intelligence subject… How can there be interference of Universal Forces if it is they that are responsible for maintaining matter in existence? How does Universal Intelligence maintain matter in existence and provide all of its properties and actions if its forces are destructive? How does a localized portion of a destructive force suddenly become a constructive force? Doesn’t this pit one intelligence against another, even though both come from the same source? Am I coming or going? Which way is up?

          • Rich,

            I got what you said. I accept what you said and what you didn’t say. I accept the way you are and the way you aren’t. I am committed to get whatever you have to say to me. –

            – It is ALWAYS upside down right side up from below the bottom. All of your questions are answered in your notes of your first course on chiropractic philosophy. Please read them again and tell me what you come up with. –

            – To whet your appetite, WHY do you put sunscreen at the beach or WHY do you use an umbrella in the rain? It is to INTERFERE with universal forces is it not? There are universal forces acting within matter through matter and some acting on matter. Again, please go back to your notes…. it’s all in there. –

            – Also, Joseph blog a great expose on the law or organization yesterday Nov.2nd. It may help you further.

    • I’m not quite sure Dr. Lessard how it fits in but I have heard Reggie Gold use energy and Force interchangeably before. I believe it was in a talk about the Triune of Life. I’ll have to check.
      For that reason I once used the term energy in place of force on this thread and was quickly corrected.

      • Don,

        Yes, I know and I have done the same in the past. I slipped my checkings. That’s WHY it is so important to constantly check our slippings. That’s one of the functions of this blog. –

        – Force is NOT energy. Force is information. Force gives specific motion to matter (pri.14) according to the intent of the intelligence creating the force (pri.8). –

        – Chiropractic has its own lexicon. Chiropractic is separate and distinct from EVERYTHING. Chiropractic has its own objective. Chiropractic is inclusive of EVERYONE regardless of creeds, personal beliefs, cultures or social status. It is the chiropractor WHO is called to choose to use the chiropractic lexicon or not. –

        – It is ALWAYS about the WHO is it not? –

        – Now, how does E = mc2 fit within the 33 principles?

        • Hey Claude,
          E=MC2 is a universal law, a property of the universe, like gravity and aerodynamics. It is an observation on our part that describes how we think the facts relate.

          • Hey Don, when did they do the experiment that proved E=MC2,making it a law? Has anything ever reached the speed of light?

          • Hey Joe
            Uranium, for example, is radioactive. Every second, many of the atoms in a chunk of uranium are falling apart. When this happens, the pieces, which are now new elements (with fewer protons) are LESS massive in total than the original uranium atoms. The extra mass disappears as energy … again according to the formula E=mc2 ! This process is called nuclear fission.
            Does that not fit in with “A universal intelligence is in all matter…..” A property of matter is that it releases energy upon it’s destruction.

      • Dr. Strauss,
        You wrote “Hey Don, when did they do the experiment that proved E=MC2,making it a law? Has anything ever reached the speed of light?”

        I’m not sure but I didn’t state it was a law. I think that was Steve.

      • Interesting point Don. I am reading the unpublishd draft of the only book Reggie ever wrote…on Spinology. He uses the term energy where innate force is clearly appropriate. Perhaps there is a spinologist out there who knows why he did that…anyone?


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