Sensory Nerves

118 thoughts on “Sensory Nerves”

  1. Through a variety of means, most certainly including the medical, pharmaceutical and mixing chiropractic monstrosities, they have been taught to think “out of sight…out of mind” and also “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”. Systematic mental conditioning has created the pain/symptom mindset, based on partial truths and unscientific information.

    As a result, people have become primarily interested in “feeling good”, rather than “being good”, regardless of how that might feel.

    • Michael,

      You are correct! This is pre-programming at its best which is based on erroneous thinking, misguided motives and cultural beliefs.-

      – This is also a good clue for Don, WHO is trying to figure out HOW to MOVE people. πŸ˜‰

    • Lol! You are absolutely correct Dr. Lessard, I welcome ALL the clues I can get.
      For the sake of any discussion, please assume I have NO knowledge of how to MOVE people, please!! (In fact, some say, I couldn’t be further from this knowledge πŸ™‚ )

      So, I gather from Dr. Duncan’s post that the first step is to guide them to the self-discovery that they have been pre-programmed and “being good” is not always “feeling good”. They are separate and discrete occurrences that occasionally happen at the same time.

      • Don,

        You WHO choose to love examples, YOU are the prime example of our inquiry, together without condemnation. Do YOU see HOW you MOVED from point A to point B in this thread? Aren’t YOU inspired by the possibility for YOU to actually “connect” with people so it is they WHO will choose to MOVE from no chiropractic care to regular chiropractic care? Your word “guide” implies leadership, which requires authority. Where does authority come from in order to “connect” with people? I will give you a clue… πŸ˜‰

        – Look HOW Michael connected with YOU even from another thread without YOU realizing it!

      • Dr. Lessard,
        How did Michael connect with me from another thread?
        He simply presented his idea. Am I missing it? Was there intent?

        • Don,

          Your statement: “I gather from Dr. Duncan’s post…”? is the very proof that you and Michael connect with each other.

          Michael’s intent is to participate and connect with bloggers and he does. Your intent is to participate and connect with bloggers and you do. My intent is to participate and connect with bloggers and I do. It is the same intent. This blog is whole, we’re the one separating it in threads. When one has integrity, congruency and humility, “connection” happens with or without being conscious of it. Has it ever happened to you that you had a conversation with someone and thought to yourself that you did great, only to have the person politely walk away? And another time your having thought you did poorly and having the person become a practice member and a “raving fan”? Obviously in the latter example πŸ˜‰ BOTH of you “connected” right? –

          – What is intent? I refer you to one of Reggie’s most famous quote: “Do what is right and not expedient and wash your mind of all compromise”. BJ said it this way: “Get the BIG IDEA and the rest will

          – Let us carry on. ADIO.

    • The point is that when it comes down to sensory nerves, people are all about interfering with them to “kill” the pain instead of looking for the “cause”. When it comes down to functional nerves, if there’s no pain, no symptoms and no bad feelings involved, people are pre-programed to “think” they’re fine. The greater percentage of the public in the world regarding earthly life, is based on a LIE… and that goes for those WHO sincerely care for the well being of others too. The real issue is that: PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT THEIR BELIEFS SYSTEM IS BASED ON A LIE. So it is passed on from generation to generation. It is called TRADITONALISM (which is that people do things in ONLY a certain way without consideration to NEW information that are available to them… just because it has ALWAYS been done that way). It is like cutting both ends of the roast before cooking it… just because mom did it that way. If you ask mom WHY she does it this way, she responds that’s because her mother did it that way and if you ask you grandmother WHY she does it that way, she also responds that because her mother did it that way and if you ask your great grand mother WHY she does it that way, she responds: BECAUSE THE POT WAS BIGGER THAN THE ROAST!!!” And that’s HOW the story of the LIE is passed on and on and on and on and on. –

      – It is up to those WHO know about the LIE of THAT story to choose to share the THEIR story over and over and over and over and over again.

      • Hey Claude,
        I understand the numbers were not the point, but I like to use substantiated facts and would love the reference.
        And I think you meant the roast was bigger than the pot.

        • Steve,

          Yes I did! The roast was bigger than the pot. French Canadian have a tendency to speak backward. I bet you knew that.
          Thanks for having my “back” and checking my slippings. I appreciate YOU! πŸ˜‰

  2. Dr. Lessard,
    Yes, connections do happen in many different situations.
    So, at this point of the inquiry, what would you say is the place of or the value of marketing and promotion in moving people from A to B?

  3. Don,

    No matter WHAT we do, it will ALWAYS boil down to: TOITMITWD. –

    – WHY wasting precious time and energy by misdirecting our attention to outcome. It is, WHEN we, WHO choose to direct our FULL attention to telling the story over and over and over and over and over again that the REST follows. –


    • So you are saying it does not matter what is happening at the “receiver” end of this connection?? Would we not be wise in taking note of what is working when communicating & what is not working & use more of those techniques that work???

      Why would we not be interested in those things that help people get the BIG IDEA????

      • Straight,

        No, that’s NOT what I’m saying. When I stated to give your FULL attention to telling the story, FULL attention means to your audience of one or many. That’s WHO we can control, WHO we can choose to BE (learning whatever communication skills). It will ALWAYS boil down to TOITMITWD! WHEN it is we WHO choose BE giving our FULL attention, as creatively as is doable, then the REST will follow (whatever that is at the moment!). –

        – WHAT we, WHO choose to BE fully attentive, get from that specific act of GIVING, is sufficient unto itself. There is NOTHING else to do. It’s like WHEN you LACVS for a FULL expression of the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! You let go of the outcome as you KNOW that your practice members benefit from having had their subluxations corrected. PERIOD! –

        – Eventually, we’ve got a choice to make in order to enter the “sacred space”. It is we WHO can choose to get out of the car and “CARRY ON”. –

        – Let us carry on. ADIO.

        • OK, so we GIVE as creatively as possible and do the best on our side of the equation, but it is still up to the listener as to what they come away with.

          I am still trying to figure out the answer to: WHAT are we talking about WHEN we mention connection?

    • Straight and Dr. Lessard,
      I think we can all agree that the orientation either develops a connection or not. This is an either or event.

      So is there also a quality to the connection made?
      This is where there could be an excellent connection or no connection. Or anything in between!!

      If this is the case, let us inquire into what those factors are to make the most important thing we do evoke a better connection.

      Any suggestions?

      • Don,

        Yes! Let us inquire further, together without condemnation. In order to proceed, the question is the same as mentioned before: –

        – WHAT is the nature of that “connection” and WHO is in control to make that “connection” happen?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Based on this thread, no one is in control. Each simply chooses to be who they choose to be.

        So is there also a quality to the connection made?

        If this is the case, let us inquire into what those factors are to make the most important thing we do evoke a better connection.

        I may have noticed a pattern with out discussion. Questions being answered with questions. What do you think? πŸ˜‰

          • Don,

            Don’t you think that before we can identify what “those factors are to make the most important thing we do evoke a better connection”, we must answer the question: WHAT is the nature of this “connection”? –

            – In other words, WHAT are we talking about WHEN we mentioned connection? We CANNOT go deeper into “connection” without knowing WHAT it is we’re inquiring about!

        • Hey Don,
          This is Claude’s way of drawing the answers out of you, it is also called the Socratic Method. Very effective. It has been said that true knowledge comes only from within. In fact the word educate , from educe, means to draw from within. The same holds true for your orientations, you’re guiding people to find what they already know to be true. This is the best “connection” you can make. Quite possibly the 2nd best method is repetition, tell it over and over again until they can repeat it. However, if you keep changing the presentation, eventually you may get to the example that rings true with the PM/audience and they realize they already knew that. At that point it is no longer mind control, it is education. Do you know why Jesus spoke in parables?

          • Steve,
            I am familiar with the Socratic questions but do not know if it is purely questioning.
            Although chiopractic is not religion (always feel compelled to state that before transitioning into religion), yes, please let me know your opinion of why Jesus spoke in parables.

          • Hey Don,
            I understand your trepidation. I was told as a child that Jesus spoke in stories so everyone could understand, no matter what their education/intelligence level was.
            After reading and rereading these last posts, I think the “connection” is engagement. In Claude’s example, I believe, he was attempting to see if you could use the question asked by Mrs. Jones, wife of Dr. Smith,( modern marriage) as a segue into your OC declaration. For example, No Mrs. Jones as an Objective Chiropractor I choose not to artificially stimulate my body. If indeed she “engages”, then you are free to educate/enlighten her on your purpose.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Sorry, I thought I had.
        I said the connection is each simply choosing to be who they choose to be.
        Connections are where people make similar choices in who they will be.

          • Dr. Lessard,
            You are correct, we (read: just me alone with your guidance πŸ˜‰ )
            are still trying to figure out what we are talking about when we use the term “connection”.

            You asked:
            Can you identify and name who you choose to be, with who they choose to be that is similar?

            If I may, allow me to re-word this..
            What is similar in who you choose to be and who they choose to be?
            Hopefully I haven’t changed the essence of your question.

            I suppose my answer is we are similar in that we both would be is open, attentive and willing to observe and reflect

  4. Dr. Lessard,
    I am not sure I understand the question. That seems like the same question to me.
    We choose to both be open to chiropractic..??

    • Don,

      Do you really think that when YOU have a conversation about chiropractic with someone for the first time, that this person is “open” to chiropractic when ONLY 5%-7% of the population go to a chiropractor… for therapeutic reasons to boot? –

      – Here’s the example πŸ˜‰ –

      – Mrs. Jones, the wife of Dr. Smith, Psychiatrist, is at the super market and you are in the aisle loaded with “natural and artificial” energy boosters. She looks at you and says: “Excuse me, young man, have you ever tried these?” –

      – HOW would you “connect” with her and educe from her the chiropractic objective in telling her the story?

  5. Dr. Lessard,
    I would think that some part of them is open to chiropractic. If not, then what would you attribute that 5%-7% to?

    In your example of my cart being full of “natural and artificial” energy boosters, I do not know how I would educe from her the chiropractic objective. I assumed it was up to the receiver of the information or lostener to educe (educe= infer from data).

    Btw, I rarely use energy boosters. The primary reason being that trying to figure out which are artificial and which are natural has proven to be too difficult for me to determine. πŸ˜‰

    • Don,

      Lol. I did not say your cart was full of energy booster… I said you were in the aisle loaded of energy booster on the shelf. She was the one looking at them, ON THE SHELF, picking one bottle up, and asking you a question. It was another one of my slippings. πŸ˜‰ –

      – The question is: WHAT are we talking about WHEN we mentioned connection? It was Straight WHO mention that we needed to connect with WHO is in front of us, in order to proceed to tell the story over and over and over and over again. And it is true!!!! So, WHAT is the nature of this connection? WHO is in control of that connection? And Steve even asked: HOW do we make that connection happened?

  6. She might very well ask Don that question but I think the more pressing question she woud ask him is, “What is that plastic thing you are carrying and why are you carrying it??” (you are carryinbg your spine around aren’t you Don?? πŸ˜‰ ) As Reggie always told us, more important than your American Express card is your spine. Don’t leave home (or office) without it!! It will open doors to conversation like no other!

    I think anything we can do to get them to approach US on the topic makes our job of communcating the message that much easier.
    Other thoughts beside carrying the spine as not everyone can do that, is to wear chiropractic shirts, jackets, etc. I will say this, that if you do choose to carry the spine, be sure you can answer the two questions I presented above. Rehearse the dialogue over and over so when it does happen you won’t be skipping a beat to answer the person.

    When we were in spinology Reggie REQUIRED us to carry our spines with us everywhere. Across the street from the tutorium was a beauty school. It was quite a sight at the beginning and end of the day as our classes started and ended the same time the beauty school classes started and ended. Here we have the spinology trainess all carrying their spines while the beauty school trainees were all carrying their model heads (to practice make up and hair styling). The first time I saw that there were a number of us waiting for the bus. We all cracked up at the sight of heads and spines everywhere. I took it upon myself to approach one young lady, took her model head and placed it on top on my model spine. That was good for a laugh from all but it also opned the door for great conversation and I ended up getting her to come in to have her spine checked at the tutorium. A number of other spinologists followed suit and ended up with the same results. The options and opportunities are endless with a little creative thought.

  7. Steve 05/17/2013, 2:22 pm:
    No Mrs. Jones as an Objective Chiropractor I choose not to artificially stimulate my body. If indeed she β€œengages”, then you are free to educate/enlighten her on your purpose.

    OSC doesn’t take a position pro or con on whether a person should use β€œnatural and artificial” energy boosters nor do they give advice about the same. To answer in the example you gave would imply that it is the position of OSC to not take β€œnatural and artificial” energy boosters. That would be akin to someone asking about vaccines, and saying well I don’t give advice about vaccines, but if it were my child I wouldn’t vaccinate. You just indirectly told them what to do.

    If that were me in that position and for whatever reason I didn’t have my spine with me. I might say something like, You know Mrs Jones, this amazing body of ours has the ability to generate all the energy we need daily provided we do just a few simple things. I would then pause and wait for a response. If she asked me more I would then go thru a mini letter N ala Reggie for her. If for some reason she’s into taking β€œnatural and artificial” energy boosters or even if hubby the MD told her to get some, whatever the reason we don’t want to challenge her belief or it will be difficult if not impossible to get her to see a new point of view. Getting people to accept new ideas is not difficult, provided it doesn’t challenge their current beliefs. Either way we redirect her to chiropractic without having to get involved in giving advice on non-chiropractic topics.

    • Hey Tom,
      Now that’s the benefit of experience and an excellent mentor.
      What pray tell is a mini letter N?
      Yes I am ENGAGED in this conversation, that was slick.

      • Steve this is something I wrote a few years back that summarizes Reggie’s letter N talk. Ideally you try to get them to the office for a full orientation. I use this the best I can to apply chiropractic to that particular person when I have just a few minutes to speak with them.
        10 Concepts Toward a Better Understanding of Objective Straight Chiropractic
        1. Objective Straight Chiropractic (OSC) deals with every level of human performance.
        2. Every level of human performance is regulated by body chemistry. That is to say that everything you do and everything that you are is a result of your body producing chemicals.
        3. Your body chemistry is regulated by the countless numbers of chemical producing organs and glands in your body.
        4. It is your brain, through your nerve system, that controls, coordinates and regulates your organs and glands to produce your body chemistry at the right time and place, made in just the right quantity and quality.
        5. The bones of the spine house and protect your very delicate life line: spinal cord and related nerve roots (extensions of your spinal cord that divide and re-divide to form your nerve network).
        6. When one or more bones of the spine (vertebrae) lose their proper relationship with the adjacent vertebrae, instead of now protecting the nerves they now interfere with the communication between the brain and all of your chemical producing organs and glands. This situation is called a vertebral subluxation.
        7. A vertebral subluxation results in a less than optimal production of your body chemistry.
        8. An alteration in body chemistry results in a lessening of performance of all your bodily functions: i.e. adapting to the toxins in the environment, physical coordination at work and for sports, digesting and converting food into you, resisting and recovering from disease, maintaining emotional balance, handling stress, creating: music, art, literature, poetry & dance; learning, thinking clearly, concentrating & remembering, laughing, crying, communicating, loving, sleeping, conceiving and bearing children, making decisions, forgetting unpleasantness, enjoying a happy sex life….in short, everything you do and are. Your body MUST make chemicals in order for you to do all of these things.
        9. The job of an objective straight chiropractor is to locate these vertebral subluxations and to introduce a very gentle force so your body may make the correction. This correction will allow your brain to properly communicate to, control and regulate, your chemical producing organs and glands. When your body chemistry is in balance, and ONLY when your body chemistry is in balance, can your body function properly. And when your body functions properly it has the opportunity to perform the way it was designed to perform: at peak levels.
        10. Objective Straight Chiropractic helps you to get more out of life by removing a very negative factor that will, if left in place, rob you of the very talents, abilities capabilities and potentials that you have been blessed with through your genetic heritage. Objective Straight Chiropractic wants to see you be the best that you can be and get more out of life.

        • THANX TOM,
          Man, that was well written. Please do not be surprised or upset if you ever come by my office and see that list in some form or another, handout, poster, whiteboard, painted on the wall in BJ script.

          • Thanks Steve. You’re very welcome to use it anyway you can that helps getting the message out!

  8. Hey Don,
    There you go. A wrong (mine) and a right (Tom’s) answer to Claude’s question. Tom made a connection when he responded to my slipping with his checking. I became engaged when he said something I did not understand.

  9. Steve, Tom and Dr. Lessard,
    This thread is getting even better.
    Thanks for the additional posts.
    Doing anything I can cause them to approach US on the topic seems like a great thought.
    I recall Dr. Lessard suggesting the title OC instead of chiropractor. This would engage those who have never heard the term objective to ask what it is. Engagement achieved.
    Tom’s example of carrying a spine may engage some but I imagine others may not be so inclined. πŸ™‚

    I often wondered about the “mini orientation” or as Tom mentioned “mini letter N” lecture.
    Is it best to have them wait to get to the office for the full orientation?
    Is it a disservice to abbreviate th orientation?
    How compact can the message be made without sacrificing something?

    • Don, ideally we would love for everyone to come for a full orientation and gear all that we say and do to have that happen. Practically though it just doesn’t happen. The mini orientation is done to stimulate more curiosity, as it may be the only opportunity we get to share this approach with them. There is no way we can cover all the bases in the few minutes they may allow us that would otherwise be covered in the full orientation. We want to give them just enough info to stimulate that curiosity and have them come in, be given the full orientation and get started.
      As you know, everyone is different, so we really have to custom tailor the mini to suit them. Obviously if they have no children, we’re not going to waste the precious few minutes we have talking about how chiropractic relates to children. But if we find out for example, that they are into sports we can relate the relative importance of eye-hand/foot coordination, stamina, speed, strength etc is to them and how chiropractic relates to human performance. Again, this is Reggie’s Chemistry of Life talk and one NEEDS to own that IN FULL before setting out to do mini talks. Then always end up the conversation inviting them to the office for a no charge consultation/orientation letting them know that what we just covered in these few minutes is just a fraction of the awesome benefits that OSCtic has to offer and to have ALL their questions answered in full.

      • Tom,
        There is no way we can cover all the bases in the few minutes they allow us. Custom tailoring the mini lecture like you have with the mini letter N so that it relates to their situation makes sense to me.

        Although I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing him speak, I have heard that Reggie was an expert at this art form. He was able to make the message clear and relatable.

        Malcolm Gladwell has proposed that it takes 10,000 hours of practice in order to attain this expert level of performance. I can see how tailoring the message could be an art form and experience in the practice is important.

        I could imagine Reggie had more than 10,000 hours explaining chiropractic. I’d like to think that this is what both you and Dr. Lessard are speaking of when you mention OWNING the letter N message or Dr. Lessard speaks of doing it over, and over and over in as many different ways as possible.

        Is it be possible to be more efficient in the art of the custom tailoring the message (mini or the orientation) or is it a matter of years of practice, self reflection and refinement?

        • Don,

          It is both and neither.

          When Dr. Peruso first gave his orientation to Reggie back in the mid 50’s, there was a “connection” that happened between the two of them that changed the course of Reggie’s life and chiropractic as it was known then. Peruso was a chiropractor WHO chose to be WHO he chose to be in relating to Reggie. WHO did Peruso choose to be relating to this “art dealer” WHO had a “bad case of hay fever that particular month of June 1955? It is indeed and art form, as you mentioned, “that Reggie was an expert at this art form”. WHAT is implicit to the “10 concepts (instructions) of the letter N”? –

          – In other words, as a regular individual, when YOU read these 10 concepts WHAT happened to YOU inside? WHAT is the dominant process of WHO you are at that moment that prevails?

  10. Dr. Lessard,
    It is a choice of Who you want to be.

    Someone asks you a question related to what you do, or what chiropractic is….

    1. Mrs. Jones as an Objective Chiropractor, I find the most important thing I do in my office is the orientation. Wait for them to engage…

    2. Mrs. Jones, as an Objective Chiropractor….then start explaining Tom’s 10 Concepts Toward a Better Understanding of Objective Straight Chiropractic (as above).

    Mini-lecture on the spot or full orientation in office later seems to be a choice to me Dr. Lessard. What are your personal thoughts?

    • Don,

      You’re onto something here. Let us inquire, together without condemnation, into the nature of the “connection”. Without understanding “connection”, it’s going to be “hit or miss”, rather than people WHO definitely will transform themselves into your “raving fans”. –

      – Example πŸ˜‰

      – Back in 1997, Reggie gave a lecture to 80 of my practice members WHO chose to bring 16 prospective members with them. All together, close to 100 people. 14 of the prospective members BEGAN care. 12 of which are still under care. 2 of which were under care until they died. One of them is NOW a chiropractor for 10 years in Texas. Reggie was the one WHO chose to be WHO he chose to be in relationship with his audience. The “connection” was ALWAYS powerful FORCE. –

      – WHAT is the nature of that “connection”, WHO is in control of that “connection” and HOW does that “connection” happen? In other words, WHAT is it that touches people inside… that causes them to move from point A to point B… that inspires them to make an elegant choice for themselves? –

      – Reggie did it all the time. Many of us on the blog witnessed it first hand many, many, many, many times. Here’s a clue: Principle 8 πŸ˜‰

      • Dr, Lessard,

        I would say that I do not know the nature of the connection but only make assumptions about the outward signs of it. For instance, according to the numbers, Reggie did a phenomenal job and was batting 12/14= 86% or 2/14 = 14% depending on who you choose to be when reading this! πŸ™‚

        I would assume the number of years under care would be more telling or referrals made would be signs as well.

        • Don,

          Obviously, WHO Reggie chose to be, was “educing” something from his audience. WHAT was educed from within each of these people WHO were touched by Reggie, moved from point A to point B and WHO were inspired to act on becoming practice members and one of them a chiropractor?

          • Dr. Lessard,
            You asked,

            WHAT is the nature of that β€œconnection”, WHO is in control of that β€œconnection” and HOW does that β€œconnection” happen? In other words, WHAT is it that touches people inside… that causes them to move from point A to point B… that inspires them to make an elegant choice for themselves?

            WHAT was educed from within each of these people WHO were touched by Reggie, moved from point A to point B and WHO were inspired to act on becoming practice members and one of them a chiropractor?
            Here’s a clue: Principle 8

            I don’t know what inspires people to make an elegant choice for themselves. If I had to guess, I would have to say that it is ultimately a personal choice and there are many factors that play into that decision.
            Each person is responsible for their own connection and that connection happens when they see or realize the value/benefits of changing outweigh the value/benefits of not changing or staying the same.

  11. Don,

    On this blog, HOW are YOU inspired in WHO you choose to be in making the elegant choice to engage in the ongoing conversation with all of us, together without condemnation?

    • Dr. Lessard,
      I find I am inspired because what I read on this blog resonates with me.
      Sorry, I don’t know how that connects to prin. 8.

      • Don,

        WHY is it that as you say… “I find I am inspired because what I read on this blog resonates with me.” Everyone can see that it is a FACT that you are inspired. In other words, WHY is that which you read on this blog resonates with YOU? WHAT is it that is distinctive about this blog? –

        • Dr. Lessard,
          You asked,
          WHY is that which you read on this blog resonates with YOU?
          WHAT is it that is distinctive about this blog?

          Hmm..that is a tough one. It may resonate with me because I choose it to by being who I am. Is that the correct answer.

          I find this blog is unique and unlike any other I have read before.
          The contributors are sincere and seek to push my thinking. I happen to like that. πŸ™‚

  12. Don,

    For your thinking to be “pushed” and moved from point A to point B, does it not require “force” created by an intelligence of some sort (pri.8)? πŸ˜‰

    • Don,

      You will answer your question further into the thread… For now, you answered that the function of force is: “To unite intelligence and matter?” You are correct! –

      – Are not the words unite and connect awfully similar in their definitions in your opinion?

  13. ….. in other words since their definitions use the expression “joining together” would you say that it would be fair to say that they share that similarity?

  14. Don,

    As we MOVE deeper, together without condemnation, into our inquiry of the nature of the “connection” that Straight mentioned previously, we see that “connectIng” (uniting) is a function of force. If you recall, in a previous thread with Steve, we concluded that the nature of force was INSTRUCTIVE information that sometimes is DECONSTRUCTIVE or CONSTRUCTIVE. It is this INSTRUCTIVE information, created by an intelligence of some sort, which connects you and this blog, that causes the “pushing” of your thinking. Obviously the INSTRUCTIVE information is presented to you in such a way (custom taylor) as to “resonate” with you and it MOVES you from point A to point B. For example: πŸ˜‰ Principle #15 states that there is NO MOTION WITHOUT THE EFFORT OF FORCE. So to MOVE from point A to point B requires the effort of INSTRUCTIVE information. –

    – In the context of “connecting” with people, “connection” is more a verb than a name. WHAT are we talking about WHEN we mention connection? In other words, WHAT is the nature of this “connecting” between you and us on this blog?

  15. Dr. Lessard,
    Yes, I can see that there is something connecting myself to this blog. I can also agree that the instructive information plays a big part.
    I would assume the nature of the connection is the shared experience of chiropractic.

    • Don,

      You are thinking correctly. The shared experience is that which keeps the “connection” in existence. WHAT does “the shared experience of chiropractic” create in YOU? In other words, WHAT it it that is present to YOU, so much so, that YOU “resonate” with the instructive information to the point of being inspired as it is you WHO choose to MOVE from point A to point B?

  16. … stated differently: WHAT is possible for YOU and your life as a result of “connecting” with ALL of us on the blog?

  17. Dr. Lessard,
    What is possible for me as a result of connecting with everyone on this blog is a deeper understanding of chiropractic and a clearer understanding of the non therapeutic approach in practice.

    • Don,

      So, would you say it is this possibility of a “deeper understanding of chiropractic and a clearer understanding of the non therapeutic approach in practice”, that is constantly present to YOU in this blog, that keeps you coming back?

  18. Don,

    Therefore, as long as new possibilities are kept present for another in creative ways that engage them, the instructive information may RESONATE with them, INSPIRING them to MOVE from point A to point B. For example πŸ˜‰ In you case, YOUR possibility is that of a “β€œdeeper understanding of chiropractic and a clearer understanding of the non therapeutic approach in practice”. If YOUR possibilities are kept present to YOU in this blog and are constantly part of the conversation, you will continue to participate. –

    – As a result of our inquiry into the nature of “connection”, together without condemnation, we conclude that on this blog, intelligence creates instructive information causing new possibilities to be present for YOU and others in such creative ways as to RESONATE, INSPIRE and BE MOVED into ACTION.

    – We can further conclude, together without condemnation, that the nature of “connection” is POSSIBILITIES!!! –

    – Earlier in the thread you said: “Doing anything I can cause them to approach US on the topic seems like a great thought.
    I recall Dr. Lessard suggesting the title OC instead of chiropractor. This would engage those who have never heard the term objective to ask what it is. Engagement achieved.” — As long as people are engaged by YOU, you can “CONNECT” with them by creating INSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION that will CAUSE new POSSIBILITIES to be present for them in such creative ways that will RESONATE with them, INSPIRE them and MOVE them. –

    – In my example above πŸ˜‰ Reggie, engaged the group by his “showing up and his presence” (I had invited the people myself). Then Reggie proceeded by GIVING an orientation with INSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION that was deconstructive of “taboos”, “lies”, “superstitions”, “brain washing”, INSTRUCTING people as to: WHAT health is NOT, WHAT chiropractic is NOT, WHAT subluxation is NOT, WHAT adjustment is NOT. AND, constructive of WHAT health IS, WHAT chiropractic IS, WHAT subluxation IS, WHAT adjustment IS, and WHAT the chiropractic objective IS. Reggie CAUSED new POSSIBILITIES for everyone, therefore, it was Reggie WHO chose to BE in control, that evening. He kept those possibilities constantly present for his audience in many creative ways. –

    – And that is HOW you make that “connection” Steve. By causing new possibilities to be present for people such that they resonate within and are inspired to move by that possibility. YOU, the speaker, give freely YOUR orientation… which proves that TOITMITWD! πŸ˜‰ –

    – Yes, Reggie was a master communicator. We can ALL continue to learn from Reggie. –

    – Let us carry on. ADIO.

  19. Dr. Lessard,
    Just so I am clear, Reggie caused the new possibilities to be present by choosing to be in control and keeping those possibilities present for his audience in many creative ways.

    You mentioned the WHAT in Reggie’s instructive information, Is the content of th instructive information important?

    Is the creativity of the ways, or the variety of the many ways in which those possibilities are kept present by Reggie important as well?

    • Don,

      For the orientation, the content of the instructive information is very important. That’s WHY the 10 “instructions” that Tom mentioned above are a good blue print for a start. You’ve got to be creative and current in as many ways as possible and tell the story over and over and over and over again. –

      – First, YOU engage them. “Hello, my name is Dr So and So. I am an Objective Chiropractor and I am glad to be here.” –

      – Second, if you are one on one, YOU listen. If not, you skip to the fourth step. –

      – Third, YOU ask questions pertaining to “where they’re at” then you listen. –

      – Fourth, YOU create instructive information causing new possibilities to be present for themselves by giving YOUR orientation in such creative ways as to resonate with them and inspire them to move from where they are, to where their possibilities are. –

      – Fifth, YOU do this as long as it takes, over and over and over and over again. –

      – TOITMITWD!

      – Let us carry on. ADIO.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Yes, the 10 concepts to understanding OSC by Tom is a fabulous blueprint. Very often I get sidetracked in my explanations and these 10 can guide one back on course.

        It is true that we’ve got explain chiropractic in such a creative way as to resonate with them so that they move to where the possibilities are.
        Questioning is important. I feel we are getting to the crux of my promoting question.
        So, what did you mean by “where they’re at”?

          • Don,

            By the way, possibilities are NOT in and of themselves possibilities…. POSSIBILITIES are created! Remember, POSSIBILITIES are the nature of connection. Connection are created, otherwise it’s hit or miss. YOU are the one WHO can choose to CAUSE new possibilities to be present for your audience, such that they resonate and are inspired to choose to move by that possibility.

        • Don,

          I think with regard to answering your “where they’re at?” question, Claude was stating either they are coming from an already ADIO or OIBU viewpoint. In my experience, they come in usually OIBU and it is often difficult and longstanding paradigms that are present in them.

      • Dr. Duncan and Dr. Lessard,
        I can see that. So, in your opinion, where we go from there?
        HOW do we determine the questions or methods to create the possibilities to be present for that particular person?

        • Don,

          If I may, let us inquire, together without condemnation, into the question of “HOW do we create possibilities to be present for another”… –

          – From WHAT the conversation yielded so far, we realize that intelligence creates instructive information which may be deconstructive and/ or constructive in order to invent a NEW possibility which is the nature of “connecting”. The question is: –

          – For WHO can YOU invent a NEW POSSIBILITY?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        You asked
        “For WHO can YOU invent a NEW POSSIBILITY?”
        Since I am the one providing the instructive information, then I see that that new possibility is created for anyone who are inspired to move. Anyone who it resonates with.
        In other words, the connection is made only with those that it “connects” with. A connection cannot be made where it does not resonate with them.

        • Don,

          Let us inquire further, together without condemnation, shall we? The nature of “connecting” is POSSIBILITY. WHAT is it which resonates, inspires and move “anyone”?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        If the nature of β€œconnecting” is POSSIBILITY, that which resonates, inspires and moves β€œanyone” is the possibility of something that they desire, something better. An unsettling feeling that where you are is not where you should be.
        I have read that..
        “Change occurs when the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of changing”

        • Don,

          Now comes the interesting part. You mentioned above: “Since I am the one providing the instructive information, then I see that that new possibility is created for anyone who are inspired to move. Anyone who it resonates with.” HOW can you create a NEW possibility for someone else? In other words, HOW can educe “something that they desire”?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I can create a NEW possibility for someone else or educe β€œsomething that they desire” by:
        1. asking them what they desire.
        2. explain what I do
        3. provide the questions that foster the connection ADIO.

        “So, is it possible that the ii of the body free of vs will achieve what you desire?”

        • Don,

          Can you run a marathon for someone else? Can you eat for someone else? Can you sleep for someone else? Can you breathe for someone else? Can you create a NEW possibility for someone else? The answer is an emphatic NO!!! YOU can ONLY run a marathon for yourself, eat for yourself, sleep for yourself, breathe for yourself and invent a NEW possibility for YOURSELF and your life. That’s WHY the speaker is in control of the ALL the NEW possibilities… as long as you, the speaker, invents these NEW possibilities for yourself and your life. –

          – Listen to Reggie speak. He shares with you the NEW possibility that he has invented for HIMSELF! That’s WHO resonates with the hearer. That’s WHO inspires his audience to move. It is Reggie WHO choose to BE causing new possibilities to be present for his hearers such that they resonate, are inspired by Reggie to move from point A to point B. In reality, Reggie, IS a mirror for the audience. They desire to be WHO Reggie chose to be at that particular moment in their lives. –

          – It is you WHO can choose to control yourself by inventing a NEW possibility for yourself and your life. It is Tom WHO said in another thread that one must “own” the letter N orientation BEFORE giving mini orientations. WHEN it is you WHO choose to own the philosophy, it is you WHO can choose to invent any possibilities for yourself and your life. Then and ONLY then is it you WHO can choose to share with people the possibility that you have invented for yourself and your life. YOU become a mirror for your audience… they resonate with WHO you choose to BE… they are inspired to move by WHO you choose to BE in that particular moment with them. They desire NOT what you have. They desire WHO you have chosen to BE by sharing the possibility you invented for yourself and your life. They too desire to exercise their freedom to choose WHO they desire to BE, just like YOU! –

          – It’s NOT about the WHAT!!!! –

          – It’s about the WHO!!!

          • Along with what Claude explains, I think once you allow them to see, hear and even “feel” the YOU who you CHOOSE to be, coupled with the WHY of who you CHOOSE to be, the WHAT (OC of LACVS for a longterm/lifetime basis because VS in and of themselves are a detriment to the expression of IF, through II, and therefore detrimental to life) becomes a by-product (read: POSSIBILITY) that THEY now CHOOSE to obtain as a result of the connection with WHO/WHY you CHOSE to be.

            I hope that makes sense…

      • Dr. Lessard and Dr. Duncan,
        They desire WHO you have chosen to BE by sharing the possibility you invented for yourself and your life. They too desire to exercise their freedom to choose WHO they desire to BE, just like YOU! –

        – It’s NOT about the WHAT!!!! –


        the WHAT (OC of LACVS for a longterm/lifetime basis because VS in and of themselves are a detriment to the expression of IF, through II, and therefore detrimental to life) becomes a by-product (read: POSSIBILITY) that THEY now CHOOSE to obtain as a result of the connection with WHO/WHY you CHOSE to be.

        I hope that makes sense…

        Yes, this makes sense to me now. Thanks to both of you!!

        • Don,

          Now and I mean RIGHT NOW, create an environment in your office conducive to providing elegant space and time to educe from your practice members THEIR way of inventing a NEW possibility for THEMSELVES and THEIR life… visit by visit. If you WHO would choose to do so, YOU would have created the ONLY effective congruent marketing system that we call: TOITMITWD! –

          – Here’s HOW you do it: πŸ™‚ –

          – INVENT a NEW possibility for yourself and your live (it could BE anything… courage, inspiration, compassion, understanding, love, enlistment, education, success, whatever…). –

          – Then, EVERY TIME on the VERY first time someone comes to your office GIVE your pre-care orientation. If it is they WHO choose to begin care, then on EVERY SUBSEQUENT visit thereafter, break down your pre-care orientation into a ONE minute well created “bit” of instructive information that will be deconstructive and constructive pointing to their “bag of lies”. If your pre-care orientation is 60 minutes, you will have told the story over and over and over and over again for at least 60 visits! On visit 61 and up invent a NEW possibility for yourself and your life “on the spot” every visit and GIVE more “bits” of the story over and over and over and over and over again (by the way, this is the core of the experiment I conducted with the GSCS a couple years ago… they may have it on a CD).

          – This HOW you re-invent yourself every day and with your intelligence it is you WHO choose to create connections with WHO you choose to connect with EVERY TIME when it is you WHO choose to do so.

          – It is you WHO could choose to do this as often as you choose for the rest of your fulfilled, happy and joyous life! To put it in an other way, it is you WHO could choose to do this until the day you die! πŸ˜‰

          • …. let me state emphatically that TOITMITWD! That is the HOLY GRAIL of the “marketing” of the chiropractic objective. It is the “SYSTEM PREFERENCES” of the OC! πŸ™‚

          • Claude,educe, comes from the latin meaning to draw out.. Do you think the average person coming ino our office has enough of an ADIO perspective of life and health to even ‘draw out” an understanding of chiropractic?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I did look into your blueprint talk at the GSCS because I thought it was a great idea. I didn’t have any luck tracking it down.
        Could you give some examples of the instructional “bits” and/or the “bag of lies”?

        • Don,

          I know that you asked Claued, and not to answer for him, but if I may add some thoughts. With regard to “bits” of instruction, I think Claude is referring to taking pieces (topics) covered in the WHOLE of the orientation and touch on them again on daily visits to continue/further the educational process. Fore example, if you talk about Innate Intelligence, Dis-Ease, Subluxation, Nerve Interference, expression of life, “holding an adjustment”, TRUE HEALTH, no dx/tx, etc., that is a lot for a newbie to take in on day 1, even if the fully.comprehend at the time. You break it into small pieces and “re-teach” over and over again for them to digest and internalize so thst THEY too can CHOOSE to become WHO you have already chosen to be.

          With “bags of lies”, I consider that as the lies, myth-information, and OIBU worldview they have been taught to believe and trust, even thoughostly inaccurate and untrue. THEY must be the ones to change it internal for themselve as they now CHOOSE to be a different possibility than th they have been, but it is done THROUGH you and WHO you CHOOSE to be engaging them and motivating them to change.

      • Dr. Duncan,
        Thanks for the response and the examples ( innate intelligence, no dx/tax, dis-ease, position on exercise Rx) that was what I was looking for.
        So, do you find some individuals require more time in addition to the orientation and this subsequent instructive/reconstructive one minute to grasp the concept such as innate intelligence or dis-ease?
        How do you choose to end those conversations so you can stay on time with your other people?
        How do you choose to address the individuals need for more information? ….optional advanced additional workshops?

        • Don,

          I use a “customized” version of Joe D.’s orientation, including his perception that “a good orientation should answer all the questions up front”. That means that you do your best to answer all the possible questions with the orientation BEFORE they can ask them. If there are still questions, there are gaps in your process.

          Now, with that said, it doesn’t mean that folks will remember everything or not think of questions later. I don’t do a formal process day to day to follow up, but usually listen for opportunities to educate based on their questions, statements they might make, etc. that way, I can address what is pertinent and relevant to THEM at that moment. It might be something deeper like the concept of II again or as simple as reminding them why they need to stay on track with visits.

          I just handle as it comes up on the fly, either individually or a group-like, as my office is 1100sf totally open. But I set the stage at the end of the orientation when telling them how daily visits will go.

          Something like this…”Mrs. Jones, one of the perks of our membership practice is that we don’t require you to make an appointment for your visits. This will be yhe only visit that requires an appt. and the longest visit you ever have. We will be giving you a recommended schedule of frequency until your spine begins to change function better, but my bare minimum recommendation for EVERYONE is weekly. From here on in, you’ll have our days and hours open and ig is up to you to make it in. Additionally, day-to-day visits are very fast and only take a couple minutes. Some days, you’ll come in and it will be us and the tumbleweeds and you’ll be seen immediately. Other days, you’ll come in and there will be a number of people ahead of you. You’ll still be seen and on your way quickly because we are very efficient. We have a very relaxed, fun, family-oriented atmosphere and we joke around a lot and have fun. But even though we often get very busy, with little time to talk, I take your health, your life, your subluxation correction and chiropractci care VERY seriously. If you ever have a question or concern, let me know and I’ll do my best to answer it or find an answer for you. If I can answer it then and there, I will. If we’re busy and I don’t have time, I can give you a call, shoot you an email or text or otherwise make myself available to you. Sound fair?” They say yes and I say “Great, let’s check your spine!”

        • Don,

          Take it easy… Ask a question… Wait for the answer… You may even say: Mr. Jones, in your own words, WHAT is innate intelligence? If he seems to be wondering, tell him to think about it and tell you next time he comes in… and make sure to give him a pamphlet or article about innate intelligence before he leaves… then smile and wink at him. πŸ˜‰

          • … or if Mrs. Smith says: “I went to my family doctor for my yearly check up today and he said that everything was normal, thanks to you” … Don’t smile and say thank you… Use this window of opportunity to invent a NEW POSSIBILITY for yourself and your life on the spot (an example of POSSIBILITY for this encounter with Mrs. Smith could be “understanding” if it’s her 10th visit, or “perseverance” if it’s her 269th visit). As you do this, you will realize that you have “connected” with her. Then, challenge Mrs. Smith by asking: Is normal average or average normal? Wait for her answer and take it from there. You don’t have to plan this. Just LISTEN to them on a regular visit. People will cue you in for a terrific “bit” from your orientation. TOITMITWD and remember that it is you WHO chose to GIVE your orientation to Mrs. Smith… ALL you’ve got to do for the rest of her life with you, is to create a NEW POSSIBILITY for yourself and your life EVERY time she comes in to get checked and “mirror” that back to her by “educing” from her the very orientation YOU gave her at the beginning. Then YOU will be a master of POSSIBILITY…. over and over and over and over again… just like Reggie! (that is IF it is you WHO choose to “own” the philosophy first”) Re-read ALL the Blue Books at least 10 more times… and thank Strauss for the Blue Books!!! πŸ˜‰

          • Dr. Lessard,
            Thank you for the advice of how to own the philosophy.
            Although there is probably more to it than that, i hope that re-reading the blue books 10 times works because up until you suggested it, the idea of owning the philosophy was still somewhat abstract to me.
            For example ;)’ Sort of like a tennis pro’s advice for a novice tennis player where the pro suggests, “You gotta hit the ball with topspin.”

            The player probably knows that but the directions or procedure of HOW to hit the ball with topspin is what is not known.
            I was always wondering HOW to own the philosophy. Thanks.

      • Dr. Duncan,
        Wow! That was a thorough response. Thanks!
        Your “customized” Joe D orientation must really work because even here you have answered all my questions before I even asked them!
        Thanks again!

        • Don,

          Thanks for the compliment, although I really cannot take much credit. Yes, I am me and I do things is my way, but virtually everything I know, teach, or am as an NTOSC (or OC whichever you prefer πŸ™‚ ) has come from Joe D., Joe Strauss, Reggie and a handful of others that have also learned directly from them.

          The orientation is basically Joe D.’s outline. I (or anyone for that matter) can give his orientation in the way he can. So, when I said “customized”, what I have done is taken the outline, the content, etc. and modified that which was necessary to modify to fit me, my personality and how i say things. That way, it becomes internalized, becomes me and becomes sincere, rather than just trying to memorize and mimic a script.

          When Tom discussed “owning” Reggie’s Letter “N” talk, that is what he meant. When Joe Strauss started the other thread about “Understanding our Philosophy and Objective” and not being able to fight for or against something without first understanding, that is what he meant. We must OWN this philosophy, objective and the principles. And when we do, we can apply it to not only an ADIO worldview for ourselves, we can also answer just about any question that ever comes up. There is very little that can shake you or stump you. And it actually becomes quite easy and effective to create analogies, questions, word-pictures, etc. using a person’s personal information or their own question to lead them to a better understanding of TIC and how it plays a role in their life.

          Do you have an email address? I would like to send you a few things, if you are interested.

      • Dr. Duncan,
        I am certainly looking forward to the to,e when very little can shake me or stump me. So, I welcome anything you can send me to help with that.
        My email is:
        It is always amazing to me how helpful everyone on this blog can be!!
        Thank you to Joe Strauss for this blog and everyone else…Dr. Lessard, Tom, Steve and you, Dr. Duncan for providing the instructive “bits” so that can create my new possibility ADIO!

  20. Dr. Lessard,

    To further that point, I understand that the possibilities are discovered by the connection between chiropractor and audience. What I am not clear on is if all promoting/marketing/(insert name) activities that have the objective of increasing acceptance are all OBIU.

    So, what did you mean by “where they are at”?

    • Don,

      Again, possibilities are NOT discovered from the point of view of the speaker. Possibilities are created… it’s the nature of connecting. When the speaker is causing new possibilities to be present for another person, in such a creative way that, that person resonates and is inspired to the extent of being moved by that possibility, you can keep the “connection” going for as long as you want. It’s very important to understand that. Joe Flesia was an expert at this. EVERY TIME I saw him, he used to say: “Claude, HOW does that feel to see 1000 people/week?” He kept the possibility alive EVERY TIME we saw each other. He was “connecting” with me EVERY TIME without fail. Simply AMAZING! –

      – The only marketing you can do is your events, classes, lectures, screenings, dinner-talks, career nights, philosophy nights, things of that nature, in which you will GIVE your orientation. You can use anything you want for that. Ads in paper, TV, internet, radio, flyers, magazines, etc… Remember, it is your orientation that you are marketing and promoting. TOITMITWD. πŸ™‚

      • … if you want to use marketing firms and since you already know those are OIBU, you will have to create instructive information to engage them, by causing new possibilities to be present for them in such creative ways that they resonate, and are inspired to be moved by that possibility. Then you are connecting with them and you will have to GIVE them your orientation before you hire them.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I like the way you think! πŸ™‚
        I am also noticing I need to learn more about Dr. Flesia. He sounds like an extraordinary chiropractor.

        Great job Dr. Lessard!
        Humbly, I remain… ENGAGED. πŸ™‚

      • Dr. Lessard,
        This will require me to practice. I tried it today and fell into my old ways of giving them the benefits instead of causing the possibilities to be present.
        Remaining in the mindset of “inquiry without condemnation” is a skill I will have to develop over time.
        Thank you for all of your help.

        P.s. I think you could guess I was going to ask….why an apiarist? I don’t see the connection to bee keepers.

        • Don,

          I was telling Joe Flesia that I had reached capacity… You see, an apiarist learns a lot about intelligent organization systems. He was GIVING me instructive information which were deconstructing my capacity “threshold” and constructing a new possibility that he made present to me, by telling me by to become an apiarist in my spare times. So I read about bee keepers. I learned that beehive is a well organized system and extremely efficient. For example πŸ˜‰ –

          – Nectar collecting work bees bring in the nectar into the hive, honey maker bees make the honey by mouth, honey comb maker bees and glue bees work constantly, guard bees have total commitment, feeder bees take car of larva and royal jelly bees produce new queens, air mover bees, water deliverer bees and clean-up bees are always busy. Visitor bees may enter with nectar for the night, but must leave empty the next morning. –

          – It is Joe Flesia WHO chose to be in control and kept this NEW possibility that I had invented for myself and my life (he had ask me WHAT my goal was and I had responded with some “nudging” from him: 1000/week a few years back). He wanted me to ORGANIZE my practice in such a way that I could see 1000/week. He was constantly in control of our connection. He was a terrific mentor. I am so VERY GRATEFUL to the Chiropractic Warrior!!! I’m passing on his legacy! –

          – Let us carry on. ADIO.

  21. Listen to Reggie… He says the same things YOU say. It’s the WHO that Reggie chooses to BE that makes ALL the difference. –

    – WHO is that WHO… WHO RESONATES with you and INSPIRES you to MOVE?

  22. Hey Joe,
    I know you were asking Claude {(JoeStrauss 05/31/2013, 7:54 pm),Claude,educe, comes from the latin meaning to draw out.. Do you think the average person coming into our office has enough of an ADIO perspective of life and health to even β€˜draw out” an understanding of chiropractic?} and I don’t know the answer but how many times in our life is ADIO hinted at? Common phrases like “it’s not what you look like that counts, it’s what’s inside you that matters. Also, as they say in the south, it’s not which dog is in the fight it’s how much fight is in the dog that counts. Or how about dig deep, dig deep inside yourself and you will find the answer.
    I bet the other bloggers could find 50 more examples of the “hidden truth”
    How about it folks, any others?

    • Joseph,

      The first step is to create an environment in your office conducive to providing elegant space and time to DRAW OUT from your practice members THEIR way of inventing a NEW POSSIBILITY for THEMSELVES and THEIR life… visit by visit. It’s DEFINITELY the first step of the chiropractors WHO choose to “own” the philosophy and “mirror” for people WHO they have chosen to BE… ADIO and the understanding of chiropractic from the practice members and all the rest of it will follow… THAT i am sure!!!


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