Quote: Ability and Stability

2 thoughts on “Quote: Ability and Stability”

  1. 1% inspiration – 99% perspiration
    It takes perseverance, commitment, constant checking and fortitude to maintain a philosophical intent thus offering the Chiropractic Objective.
    The philosophy is there to serve, to work, by LAW. The joining of Educated Intelligence and OIBU can be the path of least resistance, where Authority rules by power, ego, arrogance, moral relativism and pragmatism.
    The truth has never and probably will never be the most popular if logic, effort and humility are not used to solve ones own and mankind’s problems.

  2. Adjusting spines is an art, the art of Chiropractic- the foundation upon which this profession was born. The foundation upon which this profession remains a separate & distinct healing art; separate because is a life science within the healing arts in contrast to medicine which is a disease science (Medicine- the diagnosis & treatment of disease and the maintence of health/Dorlands Medical Dictionary).

    The ability to adjust spines, the art of Chiropractice requires an understanding of the foundation upon which D.D. & B.J. brought forth this profession, thank God they had the stamina & guts to bring Chiropractic to the public and to place in our trust to maintain & preserve . Without a philosophical grasp of what Chiropractic is i.e. a life science admidst a sickness oriented world/a dis-eased world; an individual with a Doctorate in Chiropractic all too frequently practices medicine with a Chiropractic liscense.

    Thank you Joe, David, Claude & everyone who takes the time to read & post- it is refreshing and strengthens us individually & collectively.


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