Questionable Techniques

In a private conversation some years back, Dr._______ expressed to me how his _______technique was having a big impact upon non-straight chiropractors. (I suppose that was intended to impress me.) His inference was that because his techniue was removing nerve interference, he was getting more chiropractors to practice straight. Why is it that more mixers than straights gravitate toward this technique and similar energy medicine techniques? Perhaps it is because those who understand straight chiropractic and its ADIO viewpoint do not need to embrace anything new. What they know/have is sufficient to achieve their chiropractic objective. Conversely, the mixers can apparently begin to practice these techniques without giving up their ouside-in philosophy, which is primarily manifested as a getting sick people well objective. If that is the case, then perhaps the technique is outside-in.

2 thoughts on “Questionable Techniques”

  1. Yes Joe. For years I went from this technique to that technique to add to my adjustment because I didn’t feel I and my adj was enough. Now that I am more learned in the philosophy of ADIO I just adjust and know I have done enough from my end and their body will now do the rest.

    • That’s probably the most freeing aspect of this approach to chiropractic. We don’t have to accomplish anything. The ii of the body does it.


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