32 thoughts on “Q&A #17-DIS-EASE”

    • The only aspect of your answer that I would disagree with John is the idea that DIS-EASE can exist “to some degree”. It seems to me that EASE and DIS-EASE are exclusive and absolutes. There is no degree of DIS-EASE. There may be degrees of manifestations of DIS-EASE from 1% (lookin’ good!) to 99.9% (on death’s door). Other than that, I think your answer is right on the money! Thanks.

    • JOSEPH,

      Great question! Tricky! Tricky! Tricky!

      There can be interference with the transmission of innate forces (pri.30) due to a vertebral subluxation (pri.31) preventing the mission of innate intelligence (pri.21) by changing the character of the mental impulse back to a nerve impulse which has no intelligent direction any longer. This interference with the transmitting matter is inherently destructive as it prevents the innate intelligence of the body from ADAPTING the cell to universal forces.(nerve impulses without intelligent direction). A nerve impulse is a universal force in matter
      that is not adapted by the innate intelligence of the body and has no intelligent direction and IS therefore… dis-eased.

      We can reasonably deduce that dis-ease is an effect of a cause which is a vertebral subluxation due to a concussion of forces where the external invasive force overcomes the internal resistive force of the matter of the body. Technically, dis-ease is not a state of matter, it is a state of FORCE which is the second component of the triune even though the interference is located within the transmitting matter of the mental impulse. Dis-ease affect the matter of the body by altering its active organization.

      FORCE is WHERE the integrity of the triune is loss in failing to unite intelligence and matter (pri.10). That’s WHAT dis-ease is.

      By the way, that’s WHY dis-ease which is within FORCE is absolutely, totally and irrevocably different and distinct than disease which is in matter.

      • Claude, actually I think dis-ease is the state of the physical body when its parts are not under the perfect control of its innate innate intelligence. Force as I see it is metaphysical and therefore cannot be altered, what is affected by the subluxation is the matter of the body, causing brain and tissue cell to not correspond adequately.

        • Paulo,

          The definition of a subluxation is: “A vertebra that has lost its juxtaposition with the one above, the one below or both, occluding an opening, impinging upon a nerve and interfering with the TRANSMISSION OF MENTAL IMPULSES from brain cell to tissue cell and vice-versa”.

          What is affected by the subluxation is the “TRANSMITTING MATTER” of the body. The organs, systems and muscles are the same anatomically before and after the subluxation. They, however, will not function properly any longer. The innate intelligence of the body works within the limitation of the matter in which it “resides”. Subluxation induces further the limitation of the matter of the body.

          HOW does the subluxation affect the matter of the body? The matter is the same as it was before the subluxation. It has not changed. Yet the subluxation affects it. HOW? WHAT is it, that has been changed? The matter is the same. Could it be the “mental” message (metaphysical) “causing brain and tissue cell to not correspond adequately” as you stated?

          If you have a cell phone and I call you in Brazil and I ask you to meet me in San Diego on the 4th of May. You might be willing to do so. However, let’s say there is static interference in the communication and you don’t hear me well. My message to you that requested our meeting is now distorted and you can’t make out what I say. Your hearing is fine, my voice is fine and we are “not corresponding adequately”. You come to San Francisco of March 4th. Why? Are we not lost in communication? Was not our message with intelligent direction altered (metaphysical)?

          Universal forces (metaphysical) radiate and penetrate the living body and become the nerve impulses. Then, they are transformed into innate forces by the innate intelligence of the body, becoming mental impulses (metaphysical).
          When a subluxation happens, the mental impulse (metaphysical innate force which is constructive toward structural matter) is changed back to a nerve impulse (universal force which is destructive toward structural matter). It’s the character of the metaphysical mental impulse that is changed. The second component of the triune of life, FORCE, has been compromised and is causing the matter of the “brain and tissue cell to not correspond adequately”.

          Stomach is fine and producing right amount of gastric juices due to proper mental impulses. Concussion of force happens and external invasive force overcome internal resistive force of the matter of the body. This causes a subluxation in matter which alters the character of the mental impulse with intelligent direction (innate force which is constructive toward structural matter) changing it into a nerve impulse without intelligent direction (universal force which is destructive toward structural matter). Stomach is fine and is now producing inadequate amount of gastric juices due to improper nerve impulses.

          Technically, the matter of the stomach is the same before and after the subluxation. When the impulses has lost its intelligent direction it is DIS-EASED. It’s message is altered and will cause the the brain and tissue cell to not correspond adequately. The triune has lost its integrity due to FORCE being altered thereby causing the innate intelligence of the body to not fully express and therefore not fulfilling its mission, which is to maintain to maintain the matter of the body in active organization (pri.21)

          • BJ’s famous pun: “Christian science always mind never matter… medicine always matter never mind” inspires an ATTEMPT to clarify further.

            1- Chiropractic does NOT attempt to change intelligence.
            2- Chiropractic does NOT attempt to change matter.

            Chiropractic maintains (that’s WHY we call it MAINTENANCE care) the integrity of the triune by restoring FORCE which has been altered by the vertebral subluxation. That’s WHERE dis-ease takes place. From dis-ease, the matter does not fully express the innate intelligence of the body as it further induces the limitations of matter of the body. Dis-ease compromises the fulfillment of the mission of innate intelligence, which is to maintain the MATTER-ial of the body in active ORGANIZATION (pri.21). WHEN a subluxation is present it further induces the limitation of matter of the body and the ORGANIZATION-al ACTIV-ity of the MATTER-ial of the body is now maintained by innate intelligence within THAT further limitation of matter which is due to the dis-eased impulse which has no intelligent direction (nerve impulse). At this point the function of FORCE in the LIVING body is compromised and the link between intelligence and matter has lost its integrity (prin.10)

            The objective straight chiropractor will practice the objective of chiropractic which is to locate, analyze and correct vertebral subluxations for a full expression of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD. The correction of the subluxation will allow the innate intelligence of the body to transform the nerve impulse (universal force without intelligent direction) back into a mental impulse (innate force with intelligent direction). Deep reflection is required to enable any chiropractor to recognize the potential destructive capabilities of the vertebral subluxation and the AMAZING contribution, that we are ALL invited to, in practicing the SOLE objective of chiropractic.

            We also observe this phenomena in universal matter (non-living). WHEN a vocalno erupts. SUPER hot lava with destroy HARD rock-boulders. Again the UNIVERSAL FORCE of rock-boulders are compromised by the UNIVERSAL FORCE of the lava. Universal intelligence is the same. Matter in the lava is the same. Matter in the rock-boulder is the same a moment before being melted by the heat (FORCE) of the lava. Yet the matter of the rock-boulder is affected by the “alteration” of the TRANSMITTING exchange of forces between the lava and the rock-boulder. It could be said that the EXCHANGE of universal FORCE (created by universal INTELLIGENCE) between the lava-MATTER and the rock-boulder-MATTER becomes “dis-eased”. Once again, it is in the “ex-” CHANGE of forces (in this example the concussion of universal forces) that the dis-ease takes place. Somehow this “ex-“CHANGE literally is the CAUSE of a CHANGE in the character of the force involved. We could say FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE MATTER, that this universal FORCE is now dis-eased and will affect the matter in which it works by not maintaining the properties and actions of the MATTER-ial of the rock-boulder any longer. FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE INTELLIGENCE, this universal FORCE is now trans-FORMED into the MATTER-ial of the lava and maintained in existence by universal intelligence which gives to the lava all its properties and actions (MP).

            In the living body, the interference IS between MATTER and MATTER not in FORCE. Between brain cell and tissue cell is where the “mental” is altered. In the “transmitting” matter. The interference WITH TRANSMISSION within the body is always directly or indirectly due to subluxation in the spinal column (pri.31). Subluxation is the CAUSE of dis-ease which is a CHANGE of the character of the mental impulse with intelligent direction from innate intelligence (innate force) into a nerve impulse WITHOUT intelligent direction from innate intelligence (universal force). Dis-ease is that particular CHANGE in the FORCE which alters proper function of the matter of the living body.

            The reverse happens when universal forces, (which are destructive toward structural matter), radiate and penetrate the living body and are CHANGED into innate forces (which are constructive toward structural matter) by the innate intelligence of the body.
            By the way, this CHANGE {which is the innate intelligence adapting forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law (pri.24)} is called: EASE (active organization) (pri.21)

  1. Question for everyone:

    WHAT makes chiropractic SEPARATE and DISTINCT from EVERYTHING else? This is NOT a trick question! πŸ™‚

  2. Earlier posts discussed Palmer’s inability to separate chiropractic from disease care…..Now you (Claude) say dis-ease is a process, not a product. {By this means a continuous circuit to and from the seat of all intelligence (the mind or Innate intelligence) is established. Break the circuit completely and death, or partially by subluxation and dis-ease, are the relative products. (1911 Vol.3).} Does this quote make BJ the first OSC?

    • No. BJ’s objective was to get sick people well.

      The objective of chiropractic is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD.

    • Sorry, you may have misunderstood my question. How can you say BJ’s “only” goal was getting sick people well? By the end of the Greenbooks he wrote of dis-ease not sickness. He distinguished dis-ease as a lack of innate control, a disconnect from innate law(s). As I stated before in another post, maybe that was just his first goal or starting point. He proved to himself and many others that chiro. did help people get well, and lets not forget it does. Personally I don’t see anything new in OSC that DD and BJ didn’t already say. Yes the new philosophy has been cleaned up and polished, made simpler and more precise. But it seems more has been taken away and discarded than added. Palmer said adjust subluxations for a better expression of innate too and probably first.

  3. Steve,

    In BJ’s time, there was no way he could have moved away from getting sick people well. His whole life was given to proving that people get well under chiropractic care as you stated: “He proved to himself and many others that chiro. did help people get well, and let’s not forget it does.” People get well without chiropractic care too! And people under chiropractic care do not get well.

    So, the point is that YOU “do not see anything new in OSC that DD and BJ didn’t already say.” I have no problem with that.

    YOU say that “Palmer said adjust subluxation for a better expression of innate too and probably first”. I have not read that anywhere in the Green Books. If you could please direct me to the book and page I would so appreciate the reading. Thank you.

      • ADIO
        As for your previous question, it was my opinion. After reading the GB ( I did not have them all but most) I came away with the opinion Bj was saying Innate law can not be broken, with out a price. That price may be in any facet of our existence. Innate Intelligence could only be fully expressed when we were subluxation free. It didn’t really matter if the effect was observable or measurable as long as we found the neurological disconnect and made the adjustment to facilitate reconnection with ii.

    • Steve,

      The dis-connect is between brain cell and tissue cell. Matter and matter. Innate intelligence is always 100% and is an absolute. Either innate intelligence is present (100%) which means life for the body or it is absent (0%) which means death to the body the only dis-connect possible.

      • OK Claude, if all other parts of the body are running normally because of a good nerve supply, but the liver is diminished in function because of subluxation, is it not disconnected from ii.? The liver now being run by nerve impulses(ui) instead of mental impulses(ii) or functioning on cellular intelligence(ci) alone? Would you not consider the liver to be in a state of dis-ease. Would it (the liver) not be separated from innate?

        • Steve,

          If the liver would be separated from the innate intelligence of the body, death would be the result, unless the human body does not need a liver to live (pun intended). It is true that “the liver is diminished in FUNCTION because of subluxation”. The liver is mal-functioning due to the nerve impulse lacking intelligent direction (lacking ease… the impulse is dis-eased). It’s not a mental impulse any longer. The liver is fine. It’s just producing the “improper amount” of chemicals due to “improper message”. 2 liters of bile per hour is different than 3 liters. Nothing is wrong with the liver. It’s the “transmitting matter” that is affected. The vertebra has LOST its juxtaposition with the one above, the one below or both, occluding an opening and interfering with the FLOW of mental impulses from BRAIN CELLL TO TISSUE CELL and vice-versa.

          It’s really the message that is altered due to the transmitting matter being further induced in limitation. Innate intelligence is now dealing with more limitation of matter due to the subluxation and will maintain the MATTER-ial of that body in active organization (pri.21) without breaking universal laws (pri.24). There is no dis-connect between the innate intelligence of the body and the liver. It’s just that the innate intelligence has to deal with matter that is further limited.

          • Claude,
            Indulge me here. As per what you say in this post.
            Now, empirically >> Liver Transplant >> NO NERVE CONNECTION >> Liver LIVES (cellfishly) YET >> Liver functions are NORMAL (apparently), Body survives and apparently communicates chemically between liver and entire organism, or at least within the primary liver functions (detoxification, etc.), and within ORGAN INTELLIGENCE.
            Please explain or counter explain as per your post, HOW is their adaptation p23 to allow this to take place?
            Is this like a symbiosis (e coli living in gut – we benefit from what they do and they benefit from what or organism allows (their life!).
            OK I’LL BE QUIET…
            But Please, INDULGE ME.
            You’ve gone out on a limb and given THE EXAMPLE.
            How does ONE LOOKING THRU THE LENS OF THE AUTHORITY (33), resolve this Empirical instance of Success in Life Maintaining itself in Active Organization with NO NERVE????
            I Await Your Response and anyone else who wants to contribute.
            Je Serai Tranquille!!!!

            You can use more lines if you require πŸ™‚

  4. You say a mental impulse is changed to a nerve impulse at the point of interference in the nerve fiber, does this not constitute a loss of innate control or regulation in the end organ?

    • Steve,

      There is 100% of innate intelligence in every “living thing”, the requisite amount, proportional to its organization (pri.22). The innate intelligence of the body is 100%. Never less. It is an absolute and as such is ALWAYS present in the living body.

      ..”proportional to its organization” really means that it’s the matter which is limited and the (unlimited) innate intelligence will maintain the MATTER-ial of the living body in active organization (Pri.21) without breaking universal laws (pri.24).

      Stated in a different way, it’s the function of the innate intelligence of the body to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body WITHIN the limitations of matter of that body (without breaking universal laws (pri. 24), so that ALL parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23).

      When the subluxation happens it’s the “transmitting matter” that is further induced in limitation CAUSING dis-ease. WHERE? In the message! WHERE is that? In the NERVE impulse WITHOUT intelligent direction! The dis-connect is between the brain cell and the tissue cell. Between matter and matter. The dis-eased nerve impulse is not the appropriate message and the liver will not function properly.

      Now, the innate intelligence of the body will adapt universal forces and matter for use in that body with its NEW limitations which is more limited than it was before the subluxation. The matter of the liver will NOT produce the right amount of bile and will still be adapted by the innate intelligence of the body with its NEW limitation. And even though the liver is receiving nerve impulses without intelligent direction, the innate intelligence of the body will ALWAYS be connected to the liver to adapt the matter of the liver without breaking universal laws. Innate intelligence is the LAW of life and life continues within the matter of the body!

      I would like to give you and example, understanding that examples eventually breakdown in the process. Here we go:

      • Let us parallel universal intelligence/ law of gravity and innate intelligence/law of aerodynamics.
        – Universal intelligence creates universal forces which are destructive toward structural matter.
        – Gravity on planet has an attractive force toward the surface of the earth and if matter is hurled down a mountain that attractive force will be destructive as the structure of that matter collapses at the bottom.
        – Innate intelligence adapts universal forces into innate forces which are constructive toward structural matter.
        – Aerodynamics adapt gravitational forces into aerodynamic lift and drag which are constructive toward the structure of the matter of the airfoils.

        You are invited to speak in Montreal to a group of chiropractors about chiropractic philosophy. You choose to fly from Columbia, S.C. to Mirabel airport. Your talk is scheduled for 7pm and your departure time is 11am. The estimated time en route is 4 hours. You will be landing at 3pm with a additional hour’s drive to downtown Montreal’s Queen Elizabeth Hotel. Enough time to refresh yourself and having dinner before your talk.

        Over, Norfolk Virginia, the humidity increases and creates some disturbance in the atmospheric pressure. Lightning strikes the aircraft and creates a sizable hole at the bottom of the fuselage enough to cause vibration to such an extent as to warrant slowing down the aircraft from 400 knots to 200 knots. At this precise moment, the gravitational forces begin to pull the aircraft slowly downward due to the excess drag and change in lift of the airfoils of the fuselage. Fuel burn increases creating concern for captain and crew. The aerodynamic law is constantly creating lift and drag even though it is now doing so with an a further increase of limitations of matter of the aircraft. The law is always connected to the parts of the aircraft to maintain altitude and continue the flight under these NEW circumstances (more limitations of matter which hole in fuselage creating vibration and increasing drag interfering with FLOW of the flight)).

        Obviously, you will arrive in Montreal at 6 pm with barely enough fuel on board for which the captain had declared an emergency causing to have emergency vehicles close to the runway furthering the delay. Customs are backed up because of the commotion and you call the organizer of the seminar and tell them you will arrive one hour late.
        No refreshing time, no dinner and now you have to give your presentation to a group which is annoyed by your lateness. Good luck!

        As you can see, all along the flight, there was no dis-connect between the law of aerodynamics and the aircraft. Adaptation took place under the NEW circumstances and the further increase of the limitations of the matter of the aircraft. The dis-connect is between the fuselage and the airfoils (matter and matter) which created dis-ease between the FLOW of air increasing drag and decreasing lift.
        This CAUSES mal-function of the engine increasing fuel consumption of the aircraft and contributed to its loss of airspeed.

        The point is that the law of aerodynamics did not lose control as it continued to adapt gravitational forces and kept the aircraft aloft so that the crew could bring the aircraft to a safe landing amidst many difficulties and worries from passengers, aircraft crew, air traffic controllers, airport emergency personnel, family members, etc…

        Of course, your first opening remark to your audience in Montreal was: “I apologize for being late and I learned an important lesson about chiropractic today: “It is better to be on the ground wishing wishing you would be in the air than being in the air and wishing you would be on the ground… REALLY… It is better to be at the chiropractor’s office getting checked and not having a subluxation than having a subluxation and wishing to be at the chiropractor’s office.


  5. Thanx Claude, sorry to make you work so hard but I get it. As long as there is a nerve pathway from brain to tissue there will be some innate control. Since ii is the great adapter it will provide direction to the best of the transmitting matter’s ability. Only a complete severance of the nerve would block ii, then the “liver” would be under cellular intelligence only. And thank you for your concern I get checked at least weekly sometimes more, depending. So dis-ease is an altered state of tissue, specifically nerve tissue, which further limits the matter of the body.

  6. I do appreciate you Steve. It is YOU WHO CHOOSES to investigate chiropractic philosophy at a deeper level. You create for yourself the possibility to expand your understanding and that’s what “owning” chiropractic is all about.

    Strauss wrote a book titled: Towards a better understanding of chiropractic philosophy. It’s an amazing book! Everyone clicking on this blog (2000 viewers last week) should definitely read this book. It’s quite a good warm-up for going deeper into the philosophy.

    Perhaps, Joseph should work on a NEW book titled: “Rolling in the deep of chiropractic” πŸ™‚

    Anyway, Innate intelligence ALWAYS has 100% control because it is ALWAYS 100% (pri.22) and it is perfect. However, innate intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body AS LONG AS IT CAN DO SO WITHOUT BREAKING A UNIVERSAL LAW (pri.24). It is important to realize the distinction, otherwise we will fall into a trap.

    Innate intelligence is a LAW which is a part of and a part from universal intelligence. Innate intelligence cannot break a universal law because this would mean that innate intelligence would supersede universal intelligence and literally BE untrue to itself and then less than perfect.

    Therefore, we can reasonably deduce that the law of innate intelligence adapts universal forces and matter for use in the body so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23) within the limitations of the matter of the body (pri.24).

    When you say: “Since ii is the great adapter it will provide direction to the best of the transmitting matter’s ability”. You are correct! Does this means that the TRANSMITTING MATTER is further limited! Of course it does! Limited by WHAT? Could it be the subluxation? Of course it is! Subluxation is the CAUSE of WHAT? Dis-ease of course! WHAT is it that is lacking ease? WHAT is it that has been altered and undergone CHANGE? Could it be the mental impulse message? Of course it is! Subluxation is the CAUSE of dis-ease! Subluxation changes the character of the mental impulse with intelligent direction into a nerve impulse without intelligent direction. It’s the mental impulse that is dis-eased. Not the tissue. The transmitting tissue is further limited and the innate intelligence of the body will ALWAYS and FOREVER adapts universal forces and matter including the limited transmitting tissue (nerve) for use in the body so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23).

    With a subluxation will there be as good a coordination of all parts of the body than without a subluxation? Of course not! Yet, the innate intelligence of the body will adapt the ALL the tissues within the limitations of the matter of the body.

    Even with a complete severance of the left auditory nerve for example, the innate intelligence will adapt universal force and matter for use in the body. The person may not hear as well, yet the innate intelligence of the body is NOT blocked by the severance of that nerve. And do you know why? Because, innate intelligence is an immutable, absolute LAW that is ALWAYS 100%! No ifs! No buts! IT JUST IS!

    If there is a complete severance of the nerve “going to” the liver, the innate intelligence of the body would ALWAYS continue to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body within the limitation of the transmitting tissue (severed nerve). The “block” of the innate intelligence of the body would ONLY occur WHEN the matter would reach the point of absolute limits of activity and principle #21 would no longer be active. Death of the body would ensue. There would remain ONLY the innate intelligence of the cell until the matter of the cell would also reach the point of absolute limits of activity and principle #21 would also no longer be active. Death of the cell would ensue.

    We conclude through deductive reasoning that dis-ease is an altered state of FORCE within the body, namely the mental impulse (if) which is changed into a nerve impulse(uf) in matter. The consequences of the dis-eased message is: An altered quantity and quality of body chemistry which further limits ALL of the matter of the body.

    • As I understand universal laws, I realize the genius of atriculating the LAW of LIFE called innate intelligence. Laws exist and are absolute within their sphere of operation. For example, the law of gravity will operate according to the limitations of the matter of the planet which it governs. Earth’s gravitational force is different than that of the Moon or Mars. The law of innate intelligence will operate according to the limitations of the “living thing” which it maintains in active organization (pri.21).

      The law of aerodynamics are comprised of the FORCES that let an aircraft fly. It includes the laws of motion:
      1- inertia
      2- force
      3- action/reaction
      4- Bernoulli’s principle

      The law of life is comprised of the FORCES that let matter live. It includes the signs of life:
      1- Assimilation
      2- Excretion
      3- Adaptability
      4- Growth
      5- Reproduction

      The shape of an airfoil, its material composition and its relationship to the air stream is important and will have limitations accordingly. The generation of lift of an airfoil depends on the airfoil’s being able to create a special air FLOW in the air stream. For example: A small Piper Cub with wings of fabrics and an small engine will fly at a maximum altitude of 10,000 feet. A 747 Jet will fly at 35,000 feet. An F16 Fighter Jet will fly at 60,000 feet…. while the Spacecraft Challenger will fly to the moon. Each one of these aircrafts has limitations of the matter with which they are engineered. The law of aerodynamics is limited through the limitations of the matter of the particular aircrafts in keeping them in flight.

      – The classification of a living thing, be it vegetative, insect, animal or human, their material composition and their relationship with “active organization” is important. The active organization of the MATTER-ial of the body depends on the mental impulse to be able to FLOW from brain cell to tissue cell and vice-versa. This FLOW of a mental impulse has intelligent direction. Subluxation INTERFERES with this FLOW of the mental impulse (if) and CAUSES dis-ease changing the character of the mental impulse into a nerve impulse (uf) . The FLOW of a nerve impulse has NO intelligent direction and is now a dis-eased FLOW. It’s the FLOW that is lacking ease, that is lacking intelligent direction. It has been altered due to the subluxation. The consequence of dis-ease is an incorrect message to the tissue cell. Dis-ease IS a mental impulse that has lost its mental intelligent direction and has become a nerve impulse. —– There is nothing abnormal with the tissue cell receiving the incorrect message. The tissue will perform according to the message its receives: normal or abnormal. We have to realize that THE ORGANS AND CELLS OF THE BODY ARE NOT SMART AND THEY ARE NOT DUMB EITHER…. THEY ARE OBEDIENT, or if you prefer, THEY ARE COMPLIANT. They will perform according to the message they receive. Period. —–

      Since there is an innate awareness for every innate need, the innate intelligence of the body will adapt the forces of the body so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23) without breaking a universal law (pri.24). —– The innate intelligence of the body will use the incoming universal forces and adapt them into innate forces in order to correct the existing subluxation without breaking a universal law (pri.24). —–

      Now comes the big part…. YOUR part. It’s you WHO chooses to locate the subluxation, analyze it position, select the appropriate technique, and deliver your specific thrust which is a universal force with the HOPE that it will be used by the innate intelligence of the body for the performing of the adjustment. WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW!



  7. David,

    You posted: ” Liver functions are normal (apparently)”. Principle 23 and 24 do address this issue. –

    – ACTIVE organization means to keep the body ALIVE. They are many people alive who have had nerves severed. You are confusing being ALIVE with coordination of activities. Come on David, do you derive pleasure in running in circle? Do your homework and get the “cassette tape recorder” you need. After studying these classes over, and over and over and over and over again (minimum 10 times) you might just witness your own TRANSformation. I’ve done it myself. πŸ™‚ It’s truly worth it! Ask Tom. πŸ˜‰ –

    – Then, and ONLY then, might your educated brain that prevents you from letting go of past paradigms, might become untangled from the “land of confusion”. It might just, as the TRANE said, “get you closer to the sources of nature, and so feel that you are in communion with nature” (ADIO) – πŸ™‚

    – Chiropractic is completly SEPARATE and DISTINCT from OIBU and is NON-THERAPEUTIC, You keep asking the same empirical OIBU questions and you’re getting more frustrated as time goes by with the AUTHORITY of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science. That’s all fine. It just takes a lot of study and homework. Will you do it? WHO knows? πŸ˜‰ That’s all.

  8. Claude,
    Apparently I do gain pleasure going in circles. That’s why, not SO long ago I was a good spinner doing artistic freestyle roller skating.
    (Drum – Rim Shot. – Ka Ching )
    Anyway, a body, an organism, living, in health, is dependent on the triad manifesting p21 and p23. Yes?
    Subluxation p31 and LOM p24 determines that manifestation, Yes?
    Remove enough transmitting nerves, p28 p29, would by logic, HAVE TO EFFECT that manifestation. Yes?
    So in the case I mentioned, liver or kidney, etc. transplants, and of course drugs to deal with tissue rejection, whatever else, HOW DOES THESE PRINCIPLES still maintain LIFE, with normal matter signs?
    I know, ask the wrong question you get the wrong answer. I know Claude. I know you must be getting sick and tired, more like fatigued from my blinders, my one track focus. Perhaps?
    If you embrace the TRUTH OF ADIO, then how do you make OI decisions?
    I understand, or claim to understand SEPARATE AND DISTINCT.
    I think my ISSUE is that it would seem that Innate Intelligence IS an ultimate Truth, explaining Life, The Meaning of Life, In Action, but by the standards of Educated intelligence, it can appear to be SO STUPID.
    Eg. Replace a kidney, give the person the appropriate?? Controlling chemistries, drugs, and they can continue to live, in active organization, for many man years, productive, ALIVE.
    Something is problematic, or inconsistent, or JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSE. Yes, I know. I don’t make sense. But that’s the thing Claudious, I do. DO DEAD MEN BLEED πŸ™‚ God help me.


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