Practice Management Programs

Once you give up your own volition and free will and subject yourself and your practice to the dictates of a management consultant, you have lost something in chiropractic. Students would complain that philosophy was rammed down their throats and that is why they now reject it. Yet they will allow a man, who is not a practicing D.C., with no philosophy, who may not have the same goals in life, to tell them how to practice, where to practice, and what kind of fee system, office procedures (with scripts to memorize), technique, machines and modalities to use. I believe it will make you less than an independent, intelligent, thinking chiropractor.

6 thoughts on “Practice Management Programs”

  1. Couldn’t agree more! There were far too many years spent chasing the dream of being what I thought everyone wanted me to be and having the office everyone else would envy….so disillusioned. Peace at last. I’m a chiropractor, that’s it. Period!

  2. joe this is so true. those practice managers instill FEAR into students which is entirely against ADIO philosophy, remember “life without fear.” instead of doing what is innately right for you they teach you fear tactics to use on your clients. everything everyone needs to know are in your practice builder books and case management. and those can be had for what $30? far better than the $800 a month you’ll fork over to someone who will make you a robot. and what i can’t understand is how these guys become “leaders in the profession.”

  3. As Popeye said ” I am what I am and thats allz I am”. Pm’s see through a DC who is living someone elses life. Chiropractic is sooo personal because of the hands on, touching thing, you cannot hide what/who you are.

  4. Joe in quoting from one of your previous articles on procrastination and the role of practice mgmnt programs that I find extremely applicable:

    The other aspect of procrastination is flat out laziness. We all tend to do the things we want to do, the things that we enjoy, and put off things we do not like to do, or like to do less. There is so much that is fun about chiropractic that I think we are given some unpleasant things to do just so we will remember that this is not heaven. When you are prioritizing, make sure you are not neglecting the things you find unpleasant or difficult. One way to deal with procrastination is to set deadlines for yourself. If you want to have a newsletter out on the first of the month, you better set a date to have it completed and ready for the printer. Of course you have to get in the habit of meeting your deadlines. Unfortunately, for self-employed chiropractors there is no one to hold your feet to the fire. So you have to do it. I think this is why so many spend their hard-earned cash on practice management consultants. They keep them accountable. I find that crossing projects off my list gives me a feeling of accomplishment. It is also helpful for me to break down a project into smaller projects.


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