Our World and Life Viewpoint

Do people see us as the healer or do they see the innate intelligence of the body as the healer? If we view the innate intelligence of the body in the same way we view ourselves we will never make the distinction or develop the distinction of what we do. Do they see us as getting them well or the wisdom of their body as getting them well? Do they refer people to us because of us or do they refer people to us because we give the credit to the innate intelligence of the body? Do they see the healer in us or the healer in them? Do they recognize us and our hands as making the difference in their life and well-being or do they recognize the God-created principle of life that has made a difference?
Perhaps the problem with us is us. We want the credit, we want the praise and we want the honor and glory. It is only when we can manage to get out of the way, when we can direct their focus on the inborn wisdom of their body that we can build the practice. Because it is not our practice. It is the innate intelligence’s practice. That is our WALV.  April 7, 2010

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