On the subject of deduction….

Perhaps it is time the leadership in the straight chiropractic movement step back and take a long critical look at its approach. The approach(es)has been a Power Politics/Pacifist Politics cycle for the past 40-50 years rather than deduction/logic approach. For a time the straights would fight against the mixing element in the profession. Then a group would rise to position of power and advocate working together with the mixers but retaining our seperate identity. The working together or Pacifist part of the cycle always lasted a much shorter time than did the fighting or Power phase. Eventually, toward the end of the passive cycle a group of “idealistic” straights would come to the realization that the chiropractic principle was being sold down the river and “war” would once again break out. Unfortunately, the casualties would weaken the movement. We are now moving toward the Pacifist phase. (eg. getting rid of hostile, descriptive terms like “straight”). Apart from a major split into two professions, we must do a better job of communicating our philosophy and the difference to the profession and the public.   November 7,  2010

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