New Book – The Rise and Fall of Pennsylvania College of Straight Chiropractic

For many years I have had the desire to write a book about the experiment that was ADIO Institute of Straight Chiropractic. Retirement from active practice has given me the opportunity to sift through boxes of memorabilia and remember not only my colleagues but also students who were young men and women to be admired. They were courageous pioneers to be sure.

Needless to say, the sifting brought some very poignant moments. So we began the daunting task of documenting the days of the college as best we could, not only to bring value to all the individuals involved with the college, but also with the hope that we can all learn from the victories and the failures we experienced and allow them to inform our future as a profession.

The text is an historical account of the college which began in 1978 as ADIO Institute of Straight Chiropractic. Being one of the original founders and developers of the college, a faculty member and one of the five presidents, I believe I have a unique, intimate and informed perspective.

This history gives insight into how and why the chiropractic profession has reached the state that it is in today. There are pictures of administrative staff, faculty, students and student life throughout the text.

CD Addendum
It is supported by an Addendum on CD which includes nearly 900 pages of scanned documents, pictures, and articles from the formation of the college to its final closing in late 1994 or early 1995.

Also included on the CD are 325 pages covering the 5 administrations during the life of the college: Gold, Strauss, Healey, Gelardi (interim) and Volk administrations. The Addendum is meant to enhance the reader’s understanding of the text.

6 thoughts on “New Book – The Rise and Fall of Pennsylvania College of Straight Chiropractic”

  1. I cannot remember the name of one fabulous instructor–we called him Captain. He taught at PCSC in the 1980’s but we cannot remember his full name and how he is doing.

    • Thanks for that reminder Peggy. Dr.Bill Lisenby was a mysterious character. His lack of mention in my book, no listing, no photo only adds to the mystery about him. He was a good teacher, a graduate of and a former instructor at Sherman, former military, having served in the Viet Nam War. I don’t believe I ever had more than a few words with him. He always did his job and students ran the gamut from liking him to physically fearing him. His reason for coming to PCSC and his leaving were part of his mystery. Coming from the faculty of Sherman apparently lessened the need for vetting him by whomever was responsible for his hiring. His present whereabouts are unknown. Your comment/question is the first I have heard of him since leaving the school. I would love to hear of his present status, if he is still living. Anyone??

      • I went to school with Captain Bill Lisenby. Back in those days at Sherman, we called him “Wild Bill” since he used to come to class with a crazy looking motorcycle and was shooting guns 1000 yards long with extreme accuracy. Everything about Wild Bill was done to the extreme. That’s why student, as you posted Joseph, “ran the gamut from liking him to physically fearing him”. The Captain passed away in 2008.

  2. I stumbled upon this post while reminiscing of my time at ADIO way back in the early 80s. I remember Captain Bill very well, both as his role as an instructor and as a friend. He was not in any way crazy or unbalanced, he was strong willed and a person not to be trifled with.

    He was a great man and a great instructor. I admired him highly and he gave great credit to the school. Those that feared him were only those that did not think they needed any education beyond spinal adjustments and chiropractic philosophy. I recall his course in renal physiology as being one of the high points of my time at ADIO.

    I can recall him saying on one occasion, to a student not particularly paying attention;n ” if you want to be ignorant, you are not going to do it with my help” and then he abruptly leaving the room.

    Most students just sat there in awe of the clarity and frankness of the comment. In my opinion he was the finest instructor at ADIO and rivaled any that I have had the opportunity to attend will at the school..

    • Daniel, Bill Lisenby was an interesting character, unappreciated in his former chiropractic position. I liked him and got along well with him. His military background enabled him to respect my authority. He demonstrated loyalty- up and I respected that. I never questioned or asked about his previous teaching experience. While he thought highly of his subject and his teaching style, he did not belittle the other subjects or the importance of their subject matter.


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