Mechanism vs Vitalism

We never seem to come to a resolution between the mechanistic chiropractors and the vitalistic ones. They say, “Prove your metaphysical assumptions empirically and we will accept your concept of innate intelligence and its ramifications. Until you do, you are nothing more than a quasi-religion.” We respond that they should disprove our metaphysical foundations, knowing full well that they cannot because we are confident of the truth of them. They counter that, what they call “belief” systems, (i.e., our philosophy), cannot be disproved (that is why they are beliefs) that the onus should be upon us to prove our position, not on them to disprove it. So the battle rages, them calling us unscientific and we calling them…whatever we call them. We seem to be willing to live and let live, to let it go as an argument that cannot be resolved. But they are not willing to do that, perhaps because we tend to also attach certain scientific underpinnings to our chiropractic philosophy. To them that is not legitimate. But they also know that they have us backed into a corner, not able to “prove” innate or universal intelligence. We are at an impasse.

Well, I believe I have found a solution. It does not require us to prove or them to disprove the empirically unprovable metaphysics of chiropractic.

Science has made great strides in the past half century. We have put a man on the moon (and brought him back). We can put the contents of a library on a medium that can be held in one hand. We have created telecommunication systems to enable us to talk to the far end of the earth in seconds, and the freedom to talk to somebody in the next town while driving in a car. We are able to do things that 50 years ago we never even imagined. Yet with all the scientific advancements, all that science has been able to accomplish, it has not been able to do two things that it has been promising to do for at least the last 50 years, two things that are somewhat related to our chiropractic philosophy and to the discussion before us.

First, medical science has not been able to cure one disease. They have been promising us a cure for diseases since before Jerry Lewis had his first telethon. Recently, a news item stated that given sufficient money a cure for Parkinson’s could be found in the next ten years. How can they make that promise, especially given their 0 for 3,000 track record for curing disease thus far? Someone once said humorously, we can put a man on the moon but we cannot cure the common cold. It would be funny if it were not so truthful. I would suggest that they are no closer to finding a cure for any disease then they were 50 years ago (except in the sense that they have found thousands of “cures” that don’t work).

The second area of science that has shown no progress is in resolving the origin and cause of life and biological organization. In fact, not only have they not shown any progress, they have gone backwards. Almost all the theories that they held fifty years ago have been proven false. Here is the resolution to this mechanistic/vitalistic battle. If scientists could explain the complex activities of human function in purely mechanistic terms, the concept of innate intelligence would be laughed at, relegated to the trash heap of history. The reason for the continuation of this “primitive belief” in a vitalistic phenomena is that scientists have not demonstrated even to their own satisfaction, the workings of the most rudimentary of physiological activities. We in chiropractic formulated the idea of an innate intelligence more than 100 years ago because science had not come up with a testable mechanistic model of the activities we ascribe to an innate intelligence. They still have not, yet they have been promising it since Darwin’s Origin of Species was embraced as science. Want us to quit talking about innate intelligence? Give us a mechanistic explanation, one with no gaps, for the genetic code, the production of insulin, or the coordinated activities of 25-30 quadrillion cells. If mechanism is scientific then prove it and we will shut up about innate intelligence. If life is merely about chemistry and physics, then prove it and vitalism and the chiropractic philosophy will fade from the scene. It is not necessary to prove that innate intelligence does not exist. Just prove that it is not necessary, that life can get along with mechanistic answers, that scientific naturalism explains it all. You see, we did not make up this chiropractic paradigm just to be different. We did it because we came to the conclusion that life, health, healing, the cure for disease and all those activities associated with life could not be explained apart from metaphysical phenomena. Life and health are important concepts, so important that we cannot stand around waiting for science to come up with a mechanistic explanation and then a practical application of that explanation, one that enhances the life experience of human beings. We do not choose to believe in innate intelligence, we are forced to accept it as truth because science has not and cannot find a sensible alternative explanation. Not only has that situation not changed, but every bit of research, every scientific discovery over the past 100 years has further confirmed the correctness of our conclusion.

So the next time the mechanistic scientist or chiropractor says that we must prove innate intelligence, admit it cannot be proven scientifically. Then tell him that if there is a mechanistic alternative to this explanation of life that conforms to the empirical standards of science, get off our case and find it, and we can settle this issue once and for all. V20n1

31 thoughts on “Mechanism vs Vitalism”

  1. I’m curious. Why is this number of ~25 quadrillion cells always used for the number of cells in the body? That is factually wrong from what the seen. Closer to 30 trillion cells is the correct estimation. Tell me if I’m incorrect? I think we should be both deductively metaphysically and empirically correct with the information we disseminate.

    Seriously. Where did the number 25-30 quadrillion cells come from?

    • Dave,

      I agree with you. I will use 25-40 trillion cells instead of 25-40 quadrillion cells from now on… it is a more accurate ESTIMATE for 2014.

    • Dave, I think Reggie made that up and apparently no one ever had the nerve to question/challenge him on it. I only tried that once. I forget now what the subject was or what the figure was. But a student in class raised his hand and asked, “where did you get that figure?” I said, “I made it up!” It got a good laugh but I learned my lesson and never tried it again.

  2. Joe,

    Both or Neither >>
    You tried to be average but you’re normal
    and I truly respect that.

    Keep them topics, books coming you creative, OSCing Author…
    ICONship is Write around the corner.

  3. Joe, I think you’re an OIDU Iconoclast,
    Exposing dogma with philosophical truth, as an Innate Expression, the ADIO way


    1st an Iconoclast then an Icon

  4. There 1000’s of chemical cascades in the body. Cycles, pathways (eg.krebs, glycolosis, phase1,phase2 detoxification
    cycles in the liver, hormone feedback mechansims, healing pathways, etc. From cell to organ to full body functions
    that chemically can be manipulated for the purpose of altering function, malfunction, pathological disease chemical pathways, etc.

    Just read something on Statin drugs. The withdrawal of which can cause a backlash of decompensation chemistries that
    in that statistically (average), can be problematic.

    Looking at Mechanism, and it’s integration into the Life Process. It would seem that intelligent design certainly has integrated 1000,000’s of interelated chemistries and functions that DO effect Life and the ability to maintain Life

    I would summize that as pure interactive chemistries, they are universal forces, and therefore left unchecked by ii, or as LOM to ii, reak their own destructive havoc on biological processes.

    The 33 Principles, ii (p25,p27) >> That Innate Intelligence is Perfect. How is that deduction, deduced, and
    where is that bridge so to speak from IForce to the chemical matter that keeps it in check or surrounded by Life IForce control.

    I vascilate so much on this. Believing, then having to prove, then doubting, then believing. Around and round.
    It’s difficult to not slip and check back. Very difficult, at least for me.

    It’s as if to have an ADIO viewpoint you need a tremendous experience or understanding of 33 principles. When I say experience, I’m saying something which shows one the reaching effect of ii. That getting from gnosis to epignosis, so difficult, at least to remain there without doubt.

    I search for the interaction or Proof, Deductive Proof that has greater distinctions, showing that the Evidence of Living Processes is evidence of a profound intelligence. The intelligence that is the vitalistic component of Life, that maintains it in active organization.

    I know, I’ve talked this tune before and those out there have kindly responded, but slipping and checking!! Very challenging for this Doc.

    Maybe someone, once again can shed some light on this Mechanism-Vitalism Interface


  5. As per reference >>
    ‘First, medical science has not been able to cure one disease.

    What do you mean by cure?

    google >> cure – relieve (a person or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition.
    “he was cured of the disease”
    synonyms: heal, restore to health, make well/better;
    “after a long course of treatment, he was cured”

    webster >> cure – something (such as a drug or medical treatment) that stops a disease and makes someone healthy again
    : something that ends a problem or improves a bad situation
    : the act of making someone healthy again after an illness

    I think I know what you’re implying (That medicine removes symptoms until the body cures, or removes external invasive forces, until body cures, or stops a destructive mechanistic process (might be constructive in the long run??), until the body cures.

    Certainly the process of doing something to something in order for something to happen is basically an outside in approach, so by definition medicine, does at least in certain circumstances, take part in curing.

    Yes/No >> can you explain the distinctions

    Sometimes in learning, one has to clean the mirror, so to speak and start all over again. It would seem that I am prone to this, almost to fault. I ask for guidance

    • David,

      Your process is to “clean the mirror and star all over”? Well for that to happen TO you, letting go of what you have learned is imperative. In other words the first step is UNLEARNING! It is the most difficult thing to do. It requires ACCEPTANCE of that reality. In the long run, it is an ACT of your WILLingness rather than WILLfulness. There is a need for ALL of us to BE re-framed so that our NEW structure can contain a NEW way of thinking. That takes time (pri.6). The AUTHORITY of the 33 principles of Chiropractic’s Basic Science is the foundational platform on which that NEW structure rests. Let us, together without condemnation, BE open to that AUTHORITY… it has NOT let me down for over 40 years this month!

  6. Claude,
    “ACT of your WILLingness rather than WILLfulness. There is a need for ALL of us to BE re-framed so that our NEW structure can contain a NEW way of thinking.”

    With this process of unlearning, there is a sense of anxiety and doubt that comes over me, and I presume everyone. It is what drives the Slip into a Fall, rather than a Check. (Do I feel like Mel-Brooks in High-Anxiety? sometimes

    Like you’re shaking the foundation of your perspective and the OI perspective is fighting back real hard.

    I read, and re-read the philosophy. Sometimes my perspective (actually what I see and experience), is seeing all this LIFE around me. All this II around me.

    and sometimes – particularly in times of stress (probably OI stress)
    Sometimes the words on a page, the re-read, fall flat, nothing, nada!!!! No Connection, just analytical doubt, etc. I have to stop reading and just let things be, take a breath and then go back, at will, in TIME.

    I want so much to own the philosophy, to see it, to breath it. But the unlearning, the stepping out of ones old-self into a-new, can be so so challenging. Particularly when your livelihood depends on it, and the only way for me to DO it is to walk the walk, talk the talk. (Unconsciously, I think it might be all a fear of success, or failure). Bottom line a sense of vulnerability that the other shoe will drop off. If I don’t own it, I can’t use it and that’s a problem. It’s almost a prerequisite for perfection, and What’s That About Dave?

    Let me ask you a question, without the rhetoric, from Gods mouth to your ears,
    Do you have doubts Claude, with the REALITY of the 33 principles and how they affect our Lives, health wise, talent wise, relationship wise, intellectually wise.

    What’s going to make me WILLING? Is it bravery? Is it telling the story over and over, over TIME and then Poof! I’ll get it enough to BE Successful with it.

    ADIO put’s me in charge, allows me to believe in, that Health is the Given not Disease.

    I struggle with this, in lifes events

    • David, it would seem to me that cure connotes making something permanent. The cure of a disease (as if it was an entity apart from its manifestation in an individual) has never been made permanent. Technically, even a ham cannot be cured. It may begin as a living pig, become pork (product) and then become a ham. It cannot go back to being a pig. ham is its “final” state unless you are inclined to eat it. Then it becomes along with the eggs, part of your body. Even life, (the expression of innate intelligence through matter) is not permanent. In the context of that post, what diseases have been permanently eradicated? There are still cases of smallpox, polio, and bubonic plague. We may claim to have cured certain disease but only because the microorganism associated with that disease has changed its form and we have called it by another name. That reminds me of the BJ story in which he attended a lecture titled “No spit, no consumption” (tuberculosis). Growing up I still would see signs that said “no spitting” left over from before we “cured” TB. The speaker maintained that if people stopped spitting we could cure tuberculosis. BJ asked the doctor/speaker how you got TB. He said, only from someone who had it, who spit. Bj then said, “I guess Adam had TB then but how did he get it when there was no one around to give it to him?!” Microorganisms, like bacteria and viruses are living organisms. They have the ability to adapt and because they perpetuate faster than us we get new disease like ebola and the one that “started” at the American Legion convention in Philly some years back. I guess we cured that one also, haven’t heard of a case lately.
      Gold may come the closest to having permanency. Whatever state it is in, jewelry, a tooth filling or in the ground it still retains its value and recognition as gold. Even an adjustment or the “results” of an adjustment are not permanent because biological/innate life is not permanent, at best only perpetuated. Just my thoughts.

  7. Joe,
    It’s a viewpoint that certainly the sponsors of all the therapeutics wouldn’t want to yell to loudly.
    May I make the assumption that Medicine as a philosophy would NOT ascribe to your (OUR) definition. Being that there can only be 1 truth, I’d would say OURS is the correct one. Be that as it may, I wonder what the ‘biggest man’ MD would define cure as?

    So what you’re saying is THERE IS NO CURE.
    So I ask you, as it pertained to this post, why did you bring it up?
    Medicine has NO cure
    Chiropractic has NO cure. or have I misinterpreted the reality of
    The Triune as it relates to health and life?

  8. Joe,
    Let me rephrase.
    There is no cure, no permanence.
    Perhaps change is all that is permanent.

    All there is, is a rational or irrational decision to either use
    Therapeutics – medical, OIBU, etc. based on educated intelligence supremacy or mechanism or Non therapeutic – chiropractic, ADIO, based on the authority of the 33 principles, a vitalistic embrace-meant

    • How can there be a cure (permanence) when, within the universe, EVERY electrons, protons and neutrons are CONTINUALLY configured into structural forms and velocity (pri.1)? Isn’t it ALL e/matter in flux? Can you step in the same river twice when the water is CONTINUALLY flowing? Every time you step into that river, it’s NOT the same river, is it? When you step into that river and then step out of it, if you step in it again, it’s different water flowing in that river than the one you stepped in before, is it not? We ALWAYS experience NEW moments, do we not? How can there be a cure of NEW life? Life is NOW and NOW is NEW. Again, how can there be a cure of NEW life? The word cure is a medical term which is associated with other medical terms. In other words, the word cure does not belong in the chiropractic lexicon or in OCs offices. –

      – It is observed, within the living human body, that cellular replacement occurs at the rate of about 500,000,000,000 cells per day. So, you don’t even have the same body you had when you woke up this morning! Your own body is renewed, by the law of ACTIVE organization, faster than your educated intelligence can choose and put your clothes on! The definition of permanence according to Webster-Meriam is: “Perpetual or continued existence”. Therefore, the ONLY permanence is that of e/matter being continually maintained in existence by universal intelligence (pri.1). 😉 –

      – So, what is really happening here? –

      – According to the AUTHORITY of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science, it is that interference with TRANSMISSION of innate forces (pri.29) due to VS (pri.31) causes incoordination of DIS-EASE (pri.30) which violates the principle of coordination (pri.32). In other words, the interference is with the FLOW (transmission, flux) of mental impulses from brain cells and tissue cells, and vice-versa, within the living human body. That is precisely WHAT the chiropractic objective is addressing in order to fully express the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body RIGHT NOW! –

      – Regarding chiropractors, it is all about WHO we choose to BE that will determine whether, or not, we practice the chiropractic objective! –

      – Obvious is it not?

  9. Or how come that scar on the inside of my right index finger that I got when I was 2 years old is still there on the inside of my right index finger. 60 years latter?
    Matter changes but the template keeps building the same imperfections?
    Innate intelligence, where are you?

    • David, what makes you think that the scar is an “imperfection” (Prin. #27)? What caused that scar?. It was the ii of your body responding to an EIF, doing the best it could to put “glue” there to protect that finger. Your innate intelligence does not know that you will not be so stupid as to slice that finger again, whittling a stick (who gave you a penknife to whittle at age 2?), so it protects it with cicatrix tissue, which is tougher than dermis. Obviously, it still has limitations. My son-in-law’s sister (age 57) had a brain bleed on Monday. The surgeons said it was due to a congenital arterial venous malformation (AVM), capillaries were missing in that area of the brain. The heroic surgery consisted of putting “glue” (that’s what they called it) in there to prevent it from happening again. They claim that the odds are no greater that she will have another brain bleed than before.Your ii acted as a surgeon and, at age 2, had not yet gone to med school. As Claude would say “Amazing, isn’t it?”

      • Yes Joe,
        and so is your insight and analogies.
        It would seem that the well ADIO’d educated brain responds
        well to viewing, deducting all or many, what on the surface would appear somewhat negative or questionable occurring events, AS POSITIVE EVENTS.
        This ii, viewing the body in the MOMENT IS an interesting way of looking at things.
        You’ve mentioned FAT, now SCARS >>> hmmmm
        You sure turn lemons into lemonade well, or should I say your
        well trained ADIO”d Educated brain.
        I think I got the Criminal Brain (aka – mel brooks), as per Claude’s
        DS Puddles Pity Party. I know! Self deprecation doesn’t do anyone any favors.
        You guys! Scars as Surgical Glue, hmmmm
        What about wrinkles and sagging ___?
        Oh, that’s Wisdom and the Affirmation that Universal Intelligence teaches Humility and Innate Teaches Free Will under Authority.

      • Hi Joe,
        I’m only pressing further with this, well according to Claude, he thinks I’m mixing ADIO and OIBU thinking.
        1st we’re talking about ii working in the domain of NOW, and always thinking that NOW is the reason it maintains (eg. fat storage, scars), to anticipate problems that could come to the NOW.
        Then at other times we talk in general, about ii wisdom, protecting one from the future (eg. scar acting as glue for an EIF resolution)
        Educated Intelligence comes along and deals with the future events, the remnants of scars and fat and gets involved.
        Scars DO at times cause problems in function
        Fat Does at times cause problems with health
        It would seem that this interplay of ii and educated intelligence is a tightrope we walk
        We claim that the ADIO way, IS THE way, THE REALITY Way. And I understand the what could i say, the RESPECT that ii deserves and the DISRESPECT that it is given.
        It just seems that sometimes, there is a whole lot of rationalization (the bad kind), going on in the discussion, or examples.
        We bring up the word CURE. Basically saying there is NO CURE in REALITY. Then Claude says, it’s not in the lexicon, which is true, but it still has a meaning, a meaning that YOU brought up. Yes I know. You were trying to show that Medicine claims to do things which it doesn’t and never will. Claims to have THE ANSWERS, which it doesn’t. But it would seem the Chiropractic doesn’t have the answers to at least the questions that CONCERN many people.
        The Life they have here, living, loving, suffering. Pain.
        Yes, Chiropractic has its objective. LACVS Period. And the expression of intelligence thru matter is the Chiropractic meaning of Life. Yes. LIfe consists of Intelligence that creates force and expresses in Matter.
        MATTER IS A PROBLEM! A big big Problem. Which is a bigger problem? Matter? or the Intelligence that is failing to express within it (I’m talking about Life now, not Universal Intelligence (matter-atomic).
        Your teeth get cavities, and ii can do nothing about it.
        What’s that about? Claude would say I’m mixing once again ADIO with OIBU thinking.
        Pain. Ignore pain? Pleasure? Ignore Pleasure? It’s just
        Laws of the Universe, Laws of Life and MAN best Obey those laws, respect those laws, VALUE those laws, use his free will, with humility under the umbrella of Universal Intelligence dominating everything, and perhaps (I’ll say it that way) g_d dominating UI?
        Hard to Choose, Walk, Stay Focused, Avoid Distraction, Continue, ADIO, push away OIBU, push away Pain, take Responsibility, Walk Walk Walk.
        Am I saying anything here, or am I just ranting AGAIN, for a change!
        You guys make it all sound so EASY.
        Yet, you still have to SELL all this to the public, debate them, love them, get over yourself.
        AAANNNN. I’ll come back to this later. Now I got myself all worked up.
        ADIO continues 😉

  10. … furthermore, you corrected me once by saying that it was not 30 quadrillion cells but more likely to be 37 trillion cells estimated within the body by todays information and you were right. So, 500 billion cells turn over everyday is about 0.0013%. Principle #6 is also involved. –

    – It is the AUTHORITY of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science that conclude that “results” are the domain of the law of the innate intelligence of the body. David when you mix OIBU thinking with ADIO, Puddles Pity Party wins.

  11. The word cure means to preserve, so (medically) bodies are cured, not diseases. Since the Law of Active Organization oversees a constant turnover of matter the body is not preserved, it is renewed. Subluxations allow/cause the body to be “cured” and chiropractic would therefore be the anti-cure.

    • Well that’s interesting Steve!
      Where do you get this perspective from?
      or should I say Educated Intelligence from? YOUR Innate Intelligence + YOUR Educated Brain?

      • Hey David, Think about it. When you cure a ham you are trying to stop the natural changes that will occur in de-composition. When you subluxate the spine/nerve system you stop the natural(innate) changes occurring in re-composition.
        Chiropractic…the anti-cure of dis-ease. Only a real chiropracTOR would understand.


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