McDonalds v. Chiropractic

16 thoughts on “McDonalds v. Chiropractic”

  1. Most people find Mc D’s a pleasurable experience, good value for the price and readily available…….cannot say that about most Chiropractors!!!!!

  2. Why don’t any of our national orgs. advertise? Can’t agree on a message, no funds, no leadership, no incentive? Chiropractic needs an OSC sugar daddy !!!! Or we can bribe children with cheap gifts to nag their parents for adjustments.

    • That would be nice Steve, but whose message would be advertised? Plus, how do you put the OSC message in an advertisement? In house education, I believe is the key.

      • Hey Tom, how about a little old lady yelling “WHERE’S THE INTERFERENCE”. Or an acappella group singing “I WANT MY INNATE EXPRESSION, INNATE EXPRESSION, INNATE EXPRESSION”. Even a short clip of Yoda stating “MAY THE FORCE MOVE THROUGH YOU”. If we are going to change the world we have to speak to the world. “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise”. (5 points to the first person that can recall who said that)

  3. I’ve heard it said that no matter how successful McDonald’s was, is or will be, they always have an agressive ad campaign going.
    Maybe this is good advice for us DC’s (who have 10% or less of the population interested) to continually promote our service AGRESSIVELY……..with some marketing expertise.

  4. I use to think that if people knew what we knew, they would do what we do; keep our spines clear of vertebral subluxation for the simple reason, a person is better off without a subluxated spine. It then occurred to me that EVERYONE knows they should exercise on a regular basis throughout their life; yet I would guess 10% of the population exercise on a regular basis. Most telling is how a good percent of the 90% who don’t exercise will criticize those that do. Should familiar? Be careful of those chiropractors, once you go, you have to keep going. Regarding food, everyone knows they must eat. Everyone knows they should eat good food as opposed to bad food. I guess MacD’s meets that qualification for if it was NOT good for you, the government would NOT allow it!

  5. Back when I was doing full time office coverage, I was in almost 100 different offices. Some were thriving, others barely survivng. THE ONE golden thread that ran among the ones that were thriving was that they ALL did an orientation and/or lay lecture. They educated their people. And the funny thing was it didn’t matter what approach they ran in that office. Some offices had every disclipline known in there to the point where chiropractic was just another modality, then there were the offices on the opposite end of the spectrum, the straightest of straight offices. They all saw their little share of the community and people knew very well who they were. My point, I guess I”m trying to make (and I’ve had this discussion with another member of this board and we’ve agreed to disagree) is that it all begins in YOUR office, a grassroots effort if you will. Do the absolute best educational program you possible can including but not limited to intro orientation, orientation, basic lay lecture and continuing educational programs. Explain to people that you are not trying to build a chiropractic office, that you are building a chiropractic community and you need their help. You don’t know the people that they know and with knowledge comes responsibility. They need to share with their family and close friends what you just shared with them. Better yet, get them to bring them to one of your lay lectures. If each person came regularly, paid regularly and referred just one or two other people (thank you Joe D), the need (or lack of) external advertising is taken care of. You will have enhanced the quality of that community and that “10%” will no longer be 10%.

    • Pre-care orientation, lay lecture, public speaking, power point presentations to local venues, visit by visit educational program, pamphlets, visuals, books, articles of the week (english, spanish, french, etc…), educative blogging, newsletters, appreciation notes, members appreciation days, wellness fairs, spinal screenings, T-shirts logos, business cards, press releases…. This is truly —


      – It is we WHO choose to tell the story over and over and over and over and over again… in as many specific, different and distinct ways possible. 🙂

      • Yes, Claude your message is exactly what I mean by aggressive advertising. It’s a 24/7 job. Besides doing all that goes with in office education, everyone OUTSIDE the office (people that see me frequently) should know that I am a chiropractor and what CHIROPRACTIC REALLY IS because I told them & because I live it.


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