Knowing v. Learning

14 thoughts on “Knowing v. Learning”

    • Richie,

      I remember, very vividly your having lived it years ago… and HOW you came to know it! No ONe can take that away from YOU… EVER!

  1. Interesting..
    I’m wondering if NPM orientations geared to getting people to know and understand chiropractic is enough.
    What could I put into place to get them to the application phase?
    Test…too structured
    Question and answer sessions…no accountability. The keen ones always answer first
    One on one conference…maybe onto something here.
    I’ll give it some more thought. umm…err…application. 😉

    • Don,

      WHAT you put into place is SIMPLY a reflection of WHO it is that YOU choose to BE in relationship with others. So, take a long loving look around YOU. 😉 –

      – Remember, Don, that it is NEVER about the WHAT… It is ALWAYS about the WHO !!! –

      – Your office, your staff, your techniques, your procedures, your orientations, your education system, your fee system, your building, your furniture, your carpet, your decor, your computers, your parking lot, all of that IS important of course. In other words, ALL of WHO you choose to BE is, RIGHT NOW, in service to CREATE an environment that is suitable for the PMs to EXPERIENCE the ABOVE-DOWN-INSIDE-OUT of WHO they REALLY are (they just don’t know it yet) and WHO they can choose to BE truly LIVING (as Richie mentioned above). WHAT you CREATE is a MIRROR for you PMs to SEE themselves as they TRULY are. The ADIO principle is ALREADY a part of WHO they are and they just don’t know it yet. WHY? We ask WHY? –

      – Re-read and re-read and re-read and re-read… WHAT Joseph, Steve and Richie wrote above, over and over and over and over again… and make that 3 of your most important EPIGRAMS to live by. In the long run, It is ALWAYS you WHO is FREE to choose to BE WHO you choose to Be. As a matter of fact, it is you WHO, now, choose to BE open to your own transformation and get out of your way. It is you, WHO, in posting your blog, chose to be a channel of ADIO. Thank you. 🙂

      – I have 2 question for EVERYONE reading this blog: –

      – 1. Can you CREATE (not copy) that which you HAVE NOT experienced yourself?

      – 2. Can you CREATE that which you HAVE experienced if, for whatever reason, it is you WHO choose NOT to LIVE your experience?

    • Hey Don,
      There is also table talk. Take a core idea and try to reference it all day on each patient. Tell every one today that Chiro is about communication. I love the example of 2 cans and a string making a telephone. Tight string = good connection, loose string = no connection. String touches a tree (subluxation ) loss of signal.(may not work with younger patients who grew up with walkie-talkies) Tell all tomorrow about harmony. All the players in the orchestra must play together for beautiful music. Innate is the conductor.

      • Thanks Steve!
        I am a firm believer that people learn in different ways (visual, kinesthetical, oral) and there is no one method that works for everyone. As such, in order to communicate the principles of chiropractic I understand that I need to find a variety of ways to relay the the message.

        Your suggestion of table talk and the anaolgy are great ones. Both great for the oral learners.
        Other than physical models of the spine and posters, has anyone any other suggestions that may address the other (visual and kinesthetic) learners learn the message?

        • Hey Don,
          For the physicals try the rubber band around their finger showing the effects of a minor constriction on a normal finger, adjustments remove the constriction. For your visual learners you can use a small light with a dimmer switch. When illustrating the atlas/axis subluxation I like to use the old Indian burn or snake bite( like my older brother used to do to my forearm).

          • Thanks Steve.
            I understand that every analogy breaks down at some point. For example, from what I remember snake bites hurt and the vs doesn’t always. Regardless, these are great suggestions in an area where I have yet to figure a great learning tool to use. Thanks again.

  2. Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate this site, the discussion and Dr. Joe. I dont know him that well on a personal level, but have been richly blessed over the years by his wisdom.




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