Innate Intelligence

There are so many differing viewpoints as to what the innate intelligence of the body is that it never hurts to review the concept. It must be acknowledged that the present day position that non-therapeutic or objective straight chiropractic takes concerning this important foundational principle of our profession differs considerably from that of our founder and developer. We have abandoned the anthropomorphic characteristics that the Palmers and those that followed them ascribed to innate intelligence. We do not give the innate intelligence of the body a personality. We no longer say things like “innate told me to do this” or “innate decided.” That does not mean that we deny the existence of a “still small voice” or being led to some action or decision. We just do not associate that with a natural phenomena like innate intelligence that exists in everything from a one-celled animal to us a human being. Characteristics like extrasensory abilities or special mental capacities that appear in only a few people for reasons that can’t be explained by natural law would be considered supernatural. Innate intelligence is not supernatural.

Some may charge that this type of thinking is mechanistic. It is not. It is just not theistic. If you read the Palmer writing you see that there is a theistic tendency to their writings. We have adopted a more vitalistic approach. While we explain innate intelligence as a law, like the law of gravity, we acknowledge that laws do not create themselves and do not happen by chance. The 35 MPH speed limit and the posted signs on my street did not appear by chance nor did they evolve. Someone (an elected official) or something (an elected board) created that speed limit. Technically, in a democratic republic, we the people created those laws. In a similar way, we see innate intelligence as the “law of life” and acknowledge that Someone created it and “enforces” it. Who that Someone is, is not necessary to our chiropractic philosophical understanding and its application. Inasmuch as that Someone transcends the natural realm (a supernatural Being, i.e., Deity), I choose to capitalize Someone. Since innate intelligence is in the natural realm and created by Him, I choose not to capitalize it.

What I have presented here is not the last word on the subject of innate intelligence. We must continue to explain it, its ramifications and ways to explain it philosophically both in our minds and as we share it with our practice members. Your thoughts and comments are welcome. V24n3

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