How are You Explaining Chiropractic? Part II

One of the difficulties in teaching people about chiropractic is enabling them to understand our non-therapeutic philosophy.  We need to help them understand that chiropractic does not treat medical conditions, but that if they have a medical condition, they still need to see a chiropractor.  Even as I look at what I have just written it seems to be confusing.  We are often afraid to mention sickness and disease in the same breath as chiropractic for fear people will think we treat diseases.  As a result too many people miss one of the benefits of chiropractic, having a greater potential to heal.  The other side is that in associating chiropractic with conditions, most people see chiropractic as nothing more than a means of treating diseases, especially musculoskeletal conditions. 

Like almost everything else about chiropractic, the answer is in educating the public.  In this case, it is important that people understand the following:

  1. The innate intelligence of the body controls and coordinates the function of every organ, tissue, and cell, primarily through the nerve system.
  2. The body can heal more effectively without interference in the nerve system.
  3. Chiropractic is the only profession that concerns itself with removing interference to the expression of the innate intelligence over the nerve system at the vertebral level.


While making the above points, we must be careful to make clear that as chiropractors we have a non-therapeutic objective and that chiropractic is not a substitute or an alternative to medical care.

            There are a number of ways to do this, all of which involve education and communication tools.  We have designed a tool that is helpful and it has been very well received by our practice members.  In fact, we give a sheet to every new person who comes into the office.  This “chart” with its accompanying explanation utilizes one of the most famous and effective educational tools but in a different way.  “The Effect of Vertebral Subluxation” chart does not infer that chiropractic cures disease so it is consistent with our philosophy and it does not jeopardize our practice from a legal standpoint.

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