Grace and Chiropractic

Grace doesn’t mean doing nothing, just doing something that is non-meritorious, deserves no credit. Pushing on the right place in the right manner on the spine is meritorious and deserves some (financial) reward. The adjustment and the subsequent changes, whatever they might be, are done by the innate intelligence of the practice member’s body and reflects no credit to us. Unless we understand that we will continue to try to crawl up on the pedestal from which we are attempting to remove the M.D.

3 thoughts on “Grace and Chiropractic”

  1. Joe,
    You said:
    “Pushing on the right place in the right manner on the spine is meritorious and deserves some (financial) reward”
    Is that the Chiropractic definition of Grace?

    • No, David , just the opposite. The location, analysis and part of the correction (introduction of the educated EIF) of VS is meritorious, is an educated (learned) activity of the chiropractor. The actual correction and the “results”are done by the innate intelligence of the practice member’s body. For that we can take no credit, it is non-meritorious. Chiropractic is what the ii of the body does with what we do, the same as food (what the ii of the body does (non-meritorious) with what we choose to put into it (meritorious). Chiropractic is a combination of educated action, what the chiropractor does (meritorious) and what the innate intelligence of the practice member’s body does (non-meritorious). Chiropractic is then part work and part grace except that without an innate intelligence we would not have an educated brain. We get rewarded/paid for the work part. Is that helpful?

  2. Joe,
    Yes it is.
    1. Did you set me (us), up? 🙂
    2. Does Chiropractic Philosophy illuminate thru words (language), a non-meritorious Authority, called Grace? Grace does have different meanings. I’m assuming you are referencing it by it’s quasi-theistic implications. Is that true, and wouldn’t that be a ‘beyond scope’ territory in the name of Chiropractic? Perhaps another synonym for non-meritorious? It’s your call.
    I happen to like the word Grace, as used to suggest intelligent purpose in the Principle of Life.


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