God and the ui/ii controversy

Some years ago 2 Christian women came to my office and told me that they had been to a chiropractor who had explained that universal intelligence/innate intelligence were equivalent to God within man. I knew that the ultimate source of that belief came from D.D. and B.J. Palmer. Before dismissing chiropractic as a cult or religion and discontinuing their chiropractic care because it conflicted with their Christian belief, they came to me. They had heard that I shared their common faith. I proceeded to share with them my understanding of both universal intelligence and innate intelligence as they relate to our chiropractic philosophy. I explained that both chiropractic and Christianity speak truth and they should not be in conflict. They understood and went on their way. I don’t know if they continued under chiropractic care.
I explained to my practice members my Objective Straight Chiropractic perspective on universal intelligence and innate intelligence, that is, that God and universal intelligence are not synonymous. Rather, God is eternal, much more than ui/ii and He pre-existed all of His creation, both material and non-material. Universal intelligence and innate intelligence in the matter that He created, including man, are manifestations of His Essence relating to matter. Traditional Straight Chiropractors believe, on the contrary, the perspective of D.D. and B.J. who believed that God and ui/ii are synonymous. As I began to reconcile my chiropractic philosophy with my theology, without giving up either, I have had to reject some of the Palmer “philosophy,” including “chiropractic gets sick people well” and the idea that God is synonymous with ui/ii. I totally believe and embrace the 33 Principles which do not conflict with my theology or OSC.

2 thoughts on “God and the ui/ii controversy”

  1. AMEN and ADIO – The Palmers were well intentioned in their perspective but not in tune with the Creator God. In the past I have been bothered by their pantheism but now am just sad they did not understand more. The hand of God has touched Chiropractic since Reverend Weed named it. Many of our best leaders have been men of true faith and I am glad you are making the distinctions to point people in the right direction.


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