Expression or Being

Sometimes we try to split hairs so finely in chiropractic philosophy that we can lose sight of who we are and what we do. Some years ago a chiropractor took issue with my statement that chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations to enable the innate intelligence of the body to be more fully expressed. His argument was that the innate intelligence is always 100%, adapting and striving for homeostasis. I think we are talking about two different situations or circumstances with regard to the innate intelligence of the body.

The first situation is the absolute circumstance, the being or existence state. Either an organism possesses, manifests, or expresses the innate intelligence of the organism whether the organism is a one-celled amoeba or a human being. In other words, whatever organism we are referring to, it is either 100% or 0%, alive or dead. We must not only define our terms in philosophy but we must make sure we use them in the proper context, especially since there are different but legitimate ways of explaining innate intelligence. In this case, while there is an absolute aspect of innate intelligence, there is also a relative aspect. In comparison to a dead organism, a living one is expressing 100% innate intelligence. We describe this as innate matter expressing innate intelligence as opposed to universal matter expressing universal intelligence. But again, this is confusing because all matter expresses universal intelligence but only when it is viewed on or reduced to the atomic level.

As Stephenson says in Principle No. 2, life is the expression of intelligence through matter but there are different levels of that expression. DIS-EASE, which has had various meanings throughout history, to the Palmer philosophy it was a lack of ease or lack of the expression of intelligence throughout matter. It obviously was not a lack of innate intelligence because the person experiencing DIS-EASE was still alive so it was not an absolute state but rather a relative state of the organism, expressing less than 100 % life. The intelligence was still 100%. It was creating 100% force but the subluxation reduced the expression of that 100% life to something less than 100%.

There is one more point to be made. Since the mental impulse is an absolute, that is, either the cell is receiving the exact message from the innate intelligence of the body or it is receiving no message at all, but it is receiving a universal force in the form of a distorted mental impulse.  The cell is technically no longer part of the body. It is in the body but not part of the body, much like a cancer cell. The body is in a state of DIS-EASE less than 100% expression of the innate intelligence of the body. The chiropractor restores the relative expression of intelligence through matter, thus restoring more (relative) life. Questions?

48 thoughts on “Expression or Being”

  1. Joe,

    How do you conclude the mental impulse is an absolute? I explain the safety-pin cycle to every new member after their first spinal check and adjustment. In that education I have always referred to the mental impulse being less than 100% perfect to the end cells, tissues and organs rather than being an absolute. Would you mind sharing how you get to the absolute state with mental impulses?



    • Good question Trent. If ii “creates’ the mental impulse (and it does) and ii is perfect (and it is), then the mental impulse is perfect,100%/an absolute. Any interference with the mental iompulse creates a distorted message and hence no message at all and in fact a uf. It is not like a garden hose having its flow cut down but more like a cell call breaking up due to interference and making the message not discernable and no message. So a mi is eiher a mi or its not…an absolute.

  2. Joseph,

    – Relative expression of innate intelligence involves the degree of expression of innate FORCES by living matter (pri.13). VS interferes with the FLOW of mental impulses by altering the TRANSMITTING matter of the LIVING body. This alteration of transmitting matter (nerve tissue in the LIVING body) CAUSES the intelligent direction of the mental impulse (adapted UF which is IF) to be change into a non-intelligent direction and becomes a nerve impulse (unadapted UF). It is precisely at this moment that DIS-EASE takes place (in the “interfering of the FLOW of mental impulse), that matter is expressing less adapted universal forces (MI) which are constructive toward structural matter (pri.26) and more unadapted universal forces (NI) which are destructive toward structural matter (pri.26). –

    – Your reasoning is faultless when you state: “The chiropractor restores the relative expression of intelligence through matter, thus restoring more (relative) life”. This restoration happens WHEN the chiropractor LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES (relative expression of ii through matter) of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! –

    – This makes so much sense! Force is manifested by motion in matter; all matter has motion, therefore there is universal life in all matter (pri.14); matter can have no motion without the application of force by intelligence (pri.15) and universal intelligence gives force to both organic and inorganic matter (pri.16). We can logically conclude that life is motion and since there is no motion without the application of force (pri.15), the function of matter is to express force (pri.13) which is the “relative expression of intelligence” . –

    – Joseph, your post becomes a conflict clarified regarding principle #2 and I am profoundly grateful. Thank YOU! Claude

  3. I just want to make this clearer for me…
    innate intelligence is always 100% in the LIVING organism.
    innate intelligence does is 0% in the NONLIVING organism (e.g. a rock).
    Another way to state this is LIVING tissue is adapts, NONLIVING material does not.

    Now comes the confusing part for me…
    relative expression of innate intelligence. Relative to what?

    I imagine this on a continuum (this may be my problem). Vs interferes with the transmission of innate forces. Innate forces are not transmitted properly (timing, quality, quantity i.e non-intelligent direction) to the tissue cell. If the transmission of innate forces are interfered with then there is less innate forces and less expression of innate intelligence through matter and therefore less life. Less than 100%. This is a departure from 100% life (in the chiropractic definition) and closer to becoming NONLIVING tissue or the opposite of life…dead. Does this make sense?

    Last part that was confusing…Is it the absence of the innate force or a change in it’s character that produces the Nerve impulse/unadapted Universal force?

    And so, the tissue cell (matter) does not express receive the Innate forces in order to express the innate intelligence. This tissue is now no longer innate matter it is uncoordinated and is subject to universal forces that are unadapted bu the innate intelligence. Remember at this point that this situation with the tissue cell is the direct result of the interference with the transmission of innate forces by the vs presence.

    Thanks. I look forward to the responses.

    • Don,
      You stated that “innate intelligence is always 100%” ( it is so) and then a few sentences below you say that “there is less expression of innate intelligence through matter and therefore less life”. HOW can that be? –

      • Hey Joe, Don and Claude,
        Could the problem lie in the phrase “interference to the expression of innate intelligence”? In previous threads we discussed the impossibility of interfering with II. or it’s expression. II. is always 100%, therefore Mental Impulse (the only expression of II.) is always 100% as well. Subluxations interfere with the FORCE aspect of the triune or the transmission of the mental impulse.
        This new phrase “relative expression”, I can only assume means the observable response in matter (matter expresses force). When force is interrupted/ interfered with, less percentages of MI. are delivered to (and demonstrated in) the tissue downline from the subluxation. Innate intelligence is still 100% perfect but not fully realized in the matter due to interference in the force of transmission.
        Relative expression then would be the exhibition of 100% or less force acting upon matter.

        • Steve,

          If innate intelligence is always 100% (pri.22) and innate intelligence is ALWAYS normal and its function is ALWAYS normal (pri.27), it logically follows that innate intelligence ALWAYS produces 100% innate forces which is the metaphysical mental impulse. HOW, as you say, can relative expression then would be the exhibition of less force acting upon matter?

          • Hey Claude,
            I was trying to figure out Joe and Don’s phrase “relative expression”. Wouldn’t that be how much II. got to the cell/matter? How much force/MI was delivered?
            P.#10 F. unites I. and M.. P.#31 Subluxation affects F. Therefore the relative expression of II. (in matter) would, beyond the subluxation, be diminished.

          • Don, ii is in the matter, if the matter is alive, so it does not “get” to the matter. It is there. The issue is whether it is the ii of the body being expressed (coordinated activity of all cells) or the cellular intelligence only (because of nerve interference) that is being expressed. The issue is how much force is being expressed. Any less than 100% is a state of DIS-EASE and that percentage is not the concern of the chiropractor because if it is less than 100% it is the result of limitations of the matter and the only limiation the chiropractor addresses is the limitation of matter caused by vertebral subkuxation, (the matter’s limitation in expressing force).

          • Steve, ii is always 100% so it does not “get to the cell”. A living cell is always either expressing the ii of the body or cellular intelligence (when there is nerve interference). Like intelligence, innate forces are also always 100%. If there is nerve interference there is no mental impulse but a nerve impulse (a universal force) travelling over the nerve to the organ, tissue or cell.

        • Joe Strauss wrote:
          “Don, ii is in the matter, if the matter is alive, so it does not “get” to the matter. It is there. The issue is whether it is the ii of the body being expressed (coordinated activity of all cells) or the cellular intelligence only (because of nerve interference) that is being expressed. The issue is how much force is being expressed. Any less than 100% is a state of DIS-EASE and that percentage is not the concern of the chiropractor because if it is less than 100% it is the result of limitations of the matter and the only limiation the chiropractor addresses is the limitation of matter caused by vertebral subkuxation, (the matter’s limitation in expressing force)”.

          What about #33? If innate intelligence is “already there” and doesn’t need to “get to the cell”, why is there a “Law of Demand and Supply” existent in the body? This would indicate the cell makes a demand and the brain makes the supply… supply of what?

          • Rich, the cell does not make a “demand”. It is only matter. It is the ii of the body, in the cell that makes a demand for some chemical, material, or action, which we call intellectual adaptation. Since the demand is of a material nature in the cell, the ii of the body needs to, at some point, use a material pathway to meet that material demand (adaptation). In the body, it uses the afferent pathway, the brain, the efferent pathway, organs, glands and other cells to meet that need in the cell. Why? That’s the way we were designed. I guess by analogy, your ei has a need to have your question answered. That is your “demand”. But since unlike the omnipresence of ii my ei is not there so you are writing me. That information is not important to our analogy except for the fact that (unlike the ii which is aware of every innate need) now I know yor “demand”. I immediaely know your demand and how to respond (that’s IA). I must send ( type) my answer (afferent impulse) to the computer (brain cell) and then to you over the internet (efferent) pathway. Perhaps with the idea of ii being everywhere, #33 needs to be rewritten to explain that. I think the principle is valid, perhaps it just needs a different way of explaing the material pathway since ii is not confined to the brain. Hope that makes sense, good question.

    • Dr. Lessard,
      Prin 2 – The Chiropractic Meaning of Life – The expression of this intelligence through matter is the Chiropractic meaning of life.
      Prin 7- The Amount of Intelligence in Matter – The amount of intelligence for any given amount of matter is 100%, and is always proportional to its requirements.
      I agree with Steve that the confusing part may be the EXPRESSION but I am not exactly sure. I guess the continuum I had in mind is wrong. Maybe you could explain?

  4. Dr. Lessard,
    I’ll give it another try…
    The amount of intelligence for any given amount of matter is 100%, and is always proportional to its requirements. (prin 7)
    This 100% is relative to the matter of the LIVING body and is our reference. There is no comparison of my innate intelligence and your innate intelligence. They are immeasurable.

    With that we have a new absolute for each LIVING thing. It’s 100%.

    Innate intelligence is always 100% and the FORCES (mental impulses) produced are 100%.
    It is the innate FORCES received at the tissue cell which are not 100% because of the interference to the TRANSMISSION of innate forces by the vs (or whatever else can interfere with transmission ..but that is not chiropractic). So the production of forces are always 100% but the matter does not EXPRESS (i.e RECEIVE and EXPRESS) the forces at the right time (too late, too soon) right quantity or right quality. Therefore any interference to the innate forces other than perfect quality, quantity and timing will cause dis-ease. Dis-ease being the interference to the transmission of innate forces of innate intelligence through matter.

    • Don,

      As long as you understand that when you say that “it is the innate FORCES received (received is the key word here) at the tissue cell which are not 100%” that you are REALLY talking about the flow of mental impulse. In other words it is the FLOW of mental impulse that is altered that is not 100% due to the limitation of the TRANSMITTING matter (nerve tissue) caused by the vertebral subluxation. If this is WHAT you meant, you have just validated principle 24. Good job! 🙂 –

      – I think that the more we delve deeply into this subject, the more convince I am, that the OBJECTIVE of chiropractic is understood and further explained through principle #6: process and timing! Restoring FLOW of mental impulse! –

      – The objective of chiropractic is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES (flow of mental impulse) of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! It is about FLOW! –

      – Amazing isn’t it? –

      – Any further thoughts everyone?

  5. Dr. Lessard,
    intransitive verb
    1a (1) : to issue or move in a stream (2) : circulate
    b : to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles
    2: rise
    😉 .. And you?

  6. Don,

    Before I answer your question, and I will, you asked me to “explain and define FLOW in YOUR words”. Are YOU satisfied with your answer? And if so, HOW would you describe INTERFERING with the FLOW of mental impulse according to your post? 😉

  7. Dr. Lessard,
    I had a feeling you wouldn’t go for that one… 😉
    In my own words (which I have a feeling could be wrong here) FLOW is the transmission of innate forces from innate brain to tissue cell. These messages are always 100% and it is the conduit or the matter that allows these messages to be transmitted to the tissue cell. If the matter were not viable or was interfered with (subluxation, poison, obliteration) than the messages would not transmit through this matter to the tissue cell. Dr. Lessard, this is the best definition I can come up with. I hope you can clarify this for me. Thanks.

    • Don,

      You should have more confidence in yourself. You are not wrong here. You expressed your thoughts very well and you did some very good logical reasoning. I understand WHAT you said and I also agree with WHAT you said. –

      – Philosophically in my own words, FLOW is transmission of accurate information. In other words: proper communication. –

    • Thanks Dr. Lessard!
      Last two questions:
      1. Relative expression of innate intelligence. Relative to what?

      If the transmission of innate forces are interfered with then there is less innate forces and less expression of innate intelligence through matter and therefore less life. Less than 100%. This is a departure from 100% life (in the chiropractic definition) and closer to becoming NONLIVING tissue or the opposite of life…dead.

      Does this make sense?

      2. Is it the absence of the innate force or a change in it’s character that produces the Nerve impulse/unadapted Universal force?

  8. Don,

    Now is time to re-read Joseph opening statement and my post of 10/4/12, 12:28pm and I will give you a hint 😉 –

    The LAW of life is NOT life…. (pri.4)

  9. Dr. Lessard,
    Innate intelligence is always 100% proportional to the requirements of the matter. It is either present or absent in the LIVING organism. This is the absolute. This is one part of the Triune.
    The relative expression of innate intelligence is the transmission of FORCE. Another part of the Triune. This is relative
    In order to have 100% life there must be 100% intell, force and matter. LACVS is the restoration of more (relative) life.
    What is the difference in the use of the terms Life? It seems there are two different meanings that I am not understanding.

  10. OK Joe let’s start over,
    In paragraph 2, you say life is absolute, 100% or 0. {In other words, whatever organism we are referring to, it is either 100% or 0%, alive or dead.} {In comparison to a dead organism, a living one is expressing 100% innate intelligence.}
    In Para. 3, you state there are different levels, {life is the expression of intelligence through matter but there are different levels of that expression.} {It was creating 100% force but the subluxation reduced the expression of that 100% life to something less than 100%.}
    Which begs the question, where did the “life” go. We know subluxations affect/alter force. Is the decreased life a result of lost MI or diminished force? Is it a difference of force transmitted vs. force received? Is it a difference of MI intact or missing?
    What then is the difference between saying, 1. with a subluxation you cannot express your innate potential, or 2. with a subluxation you experience less relative innate expression?

    • Okay Steve, let’s start over;
      1. Life is an absolute, the expression of100% intelligence through100% matter.
      2.An organism is either alive or dead, either expressing innate intelligence or not, 100% or 0%.
      3.When an organism , system , organ, tissue is alive but has nerve interference, it is functioning in a state of incoordination, what Palmer calls DIS-EASE, (a relative expression of life).
      4 . If life is an entity, then there can be different degrees, levels, or states of life (the expression of intelligence through matter) just as light, heat or sound can have different levels as well as existing in an absolute state (turn up the heat , turn down the lights, lower the sound!). The relative state is not a function of the perfect intelligence but of the imperfect matter.
      5. If the organism is in a state of incoordination (DIS-EASE) but some of the organs, tissues, cells, while in that state are still alive, they are functioning as a result of their cellular, tissue or organ intelligence(adapting universal forces for use in the cell, tissue, or organ). They are dead to the body (not contributing to the coordinated function of the organism but only “living” for themselves.
      6. Cells in a state of DIS-EASE are more susceptible to destructive universal forces and death. They are not receiving the benefit of being part of the whole.
      7. If the coordinate function is restored (by the adjustment) the new cells will express the organism’s innate intelligence through matter and we say that “healing” has taken place.
      8. It is indeed fortunate that cells in a state of DIS-EASE have a reduced life-span and the potential to be replaced by healthy cells (ones functioning in a coordinated manner).
      9. If a cell is alive, it is expressing 100% innate intelligence. Whether the expression is of the innate intelligence of the body or the cellular, tissue or organ intelligence depends upon the degree of coordinated function that is taking place. If it is dead then it is expressing 100% universal life.

      • Thank you Dr. Strauss!
        Absence of innate intelligence coordinating function over any cell, tissue organ in the body results in a loss of ease. The tissues at this point expresses cellular, tissue or organ intelligence which adapt UF for its use.
        The state of dis-ease is the relative life you spoke of. Does this have any bearing on the absolute life (your point #1)?

      • Hey Joe,
        Let’s go at this another way.
        1. Wouldn’t it be correct to say, 100% life or 100% I, F and M is only a philosophical construct?
        2. Considering the above, can anything be truly 100% alive? Even with 100% II. producing 100% Force there will always be LOM, no?
        3. Would “(a relative expression of life)” be the same as a relative expression of Innate Intelligence?
        9. A dead cell is expressing UI at the ….atomic level?

  11. Steve, Dr. Lessard and Joe,
    I think I am having the same problem as Steve.

    Prin 2 The Chiropractic Meaning of Life – The expression of this intelligence through matter is the Chiropractic meaning of life.

    The expression of intelligence through matter is the chiropractic meaning of life. I assume this is not universal intelligence because then non-living things have universal intelligence. So this must be innate intelligence. Therefore, the expression of innate intelligence through matter is the Chiropractic meaning of life.

    Prin 20 Innate Intelligence – A “living thing” has an inborn intelligence within its body, called Innate Intelligence.

    Living things have inborn intelligence.
    Having the inborn intelligence is not life itself. It is the principle by which the “living thing” is organized. The expression of innate intelligence is the chiropractic meaning of life.

    Let me know if I am on the right track..

    This is getting hard. How do the two relate?

  12. Don,

    Principle #2 addresses universal life. In other words, existence. There is universal intelligence giving force to both organic and inorganic matter (pri.16).

    • Dr. Lessard,
      That was where my mistake was ..Universal life is in all things (e.g atomic level organization) not innate intelligence.

      WE are working with two defintions of life, universal and the other, correct?

      Can you define LAW of LIFE? and how it is different than life (I assume here you mean universal life)

        • Don,

          As I mentioned previously, principle #2 deals with universal life which is EXISTENCE! ALL matter have existence. –

          – Force is manifested by motion in matter, all matter has motion therefore there is universal life (existence) is in all matter (pri.14). –

          – We can reasonably and logically conclude that existence is motion. –

          – Universal intelligence gives force to both organic and inorganic matter (pr.16) –

          – The material of the body of a “living thing” is organic matter (pri.19) and manifest the signs of life (pri.18). –

          – A “living thing” (organic matter) has an inborn intelligence within its body called innate intelligence (pri.20) which mission is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” (organic matter) in active organization (pri.21) which is called: The LAW of LIFE. –

  13. Dr. Lessard,
    When you said “The LAW of life is NOT life…. (pri.4)”. You meant the law of life is not universal life/existence. Is that right?

    • Don,


      Principle #1 (MP)is the LAW of ORGANIZATION for EXISTENCE of ALL matter. –

      Principle #20 and 21is the LAW of LIFE for “living things” (organic matter only). –

      – Principle 21 is directly dependent on innate INTELLIGENCE adapting universal FORCES to MAINTAIN the MATTER of the LIVING body in active organization. Intelligence alone is NOT life NOR existence. Life is TRIUNE (pri.4).

      • Let us all keep in mind that the signs of life are the evidence of the intelligence of life (pri.18) which is directly related to the mission of innate intelligence (pri.21). Innate intelligence is absolute ALWAYS! –

        – Motion, which is the manifestation of force in matter (pri.14), is relative, and we are talking about universal matter (existence). Assimilation, excretion, adaptability, growth and reproduction which is evidence of life (pri.18) are relative, and here, we are talking about innate matter (life). Both motion and the signs of life are dependent on forces to be manifested or evidenced, and ALL forces can be interfered with (Pri.12 and pri.29).

  14. Dr. Lessard,
    Life is 100% intelligence producing 100% innate FORCE that is expresses through 100% matter.
    Matter either expresses intelligence or not. This is an either or. Either expressing intelligence (which is always 100%) and alive or not.
    All tissue expresses either innate life or universal life. If it is expressing any amount less than innate life this is termed relative life.
    At the point I want to say that the triune has been disrupted as there is not 100% of matter or 100% force, but it doesn’t seem correct. 🙁
    I know my persistence will pay off eventually…

    • Don,

      Your opening statement pertains to “in order to have 100% life” ONLY. That NEVER happens in the concrete human being. Matter is ALWAYS limited (pri.24). –

      Chiropractic philosophy is a pointer.

      • In other words, chiropractic philosophy uses concepts to point to the concrete life in the human being. Remember the car analogy. You use your car to drive to your house and you don’t enter your house with your car… you get out of your car and enter your house by walking in it.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        So since matter is always limited in the concrete human being all life is relative to being with? There is no actual getting to the absolute 100% health (force, intelligence and matter all 100%) because the matter is always less than 100%?

  15. Unrelated questions, sorry for posting them here..

    1) Monitoring the expression of innate intelligence is downright impossible as I now understand it. (I may be wrong here so please correct me if I am) but is there a thread on the site that describes how the NTOSC checks for vs and how we know it’s been corrected?
    2)I know not all methods are congruent with NTOSC but what pre and post check methods for the vs would indicate that there is no interference to innate forces if the innate forces are immeasurable?

  16. Don,

    I know we have a couple threads about techniques. Joseph is the manager of the site and has access to previous threads, I think, in an organized manner from his intelligent actions. 😉 Perhaps he will direct you to it. –

    – In the meantime while you wait, let me say that for a technique to be chiropractic, it must LACVS. Many techniques fulfill this requirement. It is you as a chiropractor WHO is called to choose the technique that is appropriate to LACVS. If your choice of technique provides you with accurate location of subluxated vertebra, with accurate listing, then it is you WHO will introduce a specific educated force with a specific line of drive with the hope that the innate intelligence of the body will adapt your educated universal force into an innate force, thereby correcting VS. It is you WHO will choose the appropriate post-checks. Then, the NTOSC is one WHO chooses to let go.

    • Dr. Lessard,
      Thanks for the response.
      Does that imply that all techniques are equal? Are they all chiropractic if they name what they address the subluxation?
      I am not out to name any specific techniques however I am finding that some techniques seem more mechanistic in their approach to correction. How can I know which are providing an “accurate” location and listing? What does the term accurate mean exactly?
      As always thank you.


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