Expressing Life vs. Treating Disease

There is nothing wrong with Newtonian physics but relativity and quantum mechanics demonstrated that it had a smaller application than was previously thought. In a similar way there is nothing wrong with the practice of medicine. It’s just  that it too has a smaller application than was previously thought. Its application is not related to expressing life and health but to treating disease. Chiropractic addresses life.  And, with apologies to Newton and Einstein, that’s the biggest idea that a man has ever come up with.

3 thoughts on “Expressing Life vs. Treating Disease”

  1. Hey Joe,
    Do you think medicine has always been that way or that is what it evolved into. Didn’t Hippocrates say “look to the spine”?

    • I believe that the non-therapeutic approach requires tremendous outside the box thinking. Take this for that is so much easier to conceptualize and often produces instantaneous albeit temporary and probably deleterious long term results. Sadly, the majority of people have difficulty grasping outside the box thinking which means we have a big and critically important task.


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