17 thoughts on “DIS-EASE Q&A #46”

  1. In my humble understanding, there are no degrees of dis-ease or ease. You either have ease when you have 100% force going to the matter, or you have dis-ease when it’s less than 100% force to the matter. Like a 100 watt light bulb – it’s at ease when 100 watts are getting to it and it’s at dis-ease if less than 100 watts are getting to it. (Too simple, it must be the wrong answer).

    • Straight DC : I humble agree, in reality then none of us are truly in a state of ease ( due to VS and life stress). So important to check infants from birth on. 100% is perfection: only know of one perfect Man….

    • Straight,

      “It is as simple as that!”
      Amazing isn’t it?

      … as long as you understand that there is the metaphysical component of innate forces that cannot be measured and that the message is an ALL or NOTHING construct.

  2. The physical components of the vertebral subluxation CAUSE a physical deconstruction of a physical nerve tissue interfering with the transmission of innate forces, for COORDINATION OF ACTION, from brain cell to tissue cell and vice versa (pri.29,31,32). The physical nerve tissue involved is now lacking ease and is an interference to the transmission of innate forces (pri.28,29). The ultimate effect CAUSED by VS will be incoordination of action of ALL parts of the body, due to the fact that now, all the parts of the body are NOT fulfilling their office and purpose.(28,29,30,31,32). –

    – This begs the question: WHAT are the two factors that all the parts of the body depend upon so that the integrity of the principle of coordination (pri32) be maintained?

    • Steve,

      Universal forces maintain existence and without it e/matter does not exist. –

      – The question relates to principle 32 in a living body that obviously exist. –

      – Innate forces is one factor as you have indicated in your response. What is the other factor that all parts of the, already existing, living body depends upon so that the integrity of the principle of coordination (pri32) be sustained?

      • Ok Sir Claude, not sure what you’re looking for but let’s say……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Wait for it…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….TRANSMISSION (uninterrupted flow)

        • Steve,

          Very——-/— clev/-/–///—–er. 😉

          Can you post a statement, a la Steve, about what you just posted innate forces and uninterrupted flow being those two factors? Then we will see where it leads us, together without condemnation?

  3. When considering the proposition at hand as to: “What is the other factor that all parts of the, already existing, living body depends upon so that the integrity of the principle of coordination (pri32) be sustained”, I must refer to the previous literary response. The necessary requirements for sustained coordination of the pre-existing (due to matter being subjected to universal forces as expressions of universal intelligence), body are as follows. Innate force as an expression of innate intelligence, whose sole purpose is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization, and as well, the uninterrupted transmission of the transmitted instructive information heretofore designated as innate force.
    Upon divergence from this above mentioned formulation, by such deviation as is produced in the presence of a subluxation, the afore mentioned coordination will cease to exist due to dis-ease of the transmitting matter creating an absence of innate force being received, which logically concludes in disorganization and a general lack of ease in the previously discussed matter (the pre-existing body).

    • Steve,

      I got what you said and it is me WHO choose to accept what you said. Now, knowing your abilities for getting to the point quickly, HOW would you make a simple statement for the simplification of this complex phenomenon?

        • Claude, your reply:”I hope you notice the paradox! ;)” was to yourself. They have a name for people who “talk” to themselves but the term is not “paradox”, unless you consider yourself and Steve a “pair of docs”!?

          • Dear Joe,
            I think Dr. Lessard was making fun of my writing style and attempting to stifle my freedom of speech. In as much as you are the owner and operator of this blog, I am compelled to request that a review of his past contributions (in there entirety) be conducted and disciplinary measures corresponding to his unjust action be served posthaste.
            Accordingly, I am not opposed to him receiving 30 lashes with a wet noodle.

          • Steve, I offer the following:
            1. Being a French Canadian, writing on an American blog, I think Dr. Lessard would be the last person to make fun of anyone’s writing style (even someone from South Carolina).
            2. I do not see how he was “attempting to stifle (your) freedom of speech.” Without your comments he would have far less opportunity to respond and hence, create the material for his next book My Contributions to the Blog or The Wit and Wisdom of Claude Lessard.
            3. I have examined his “past contributions” (in their entirety) and find no cause for “disciplinary measures.”
            4. I do not care for chicken noodle soup and only eat it under protest. It makes me think I am perceived as sick and my mother, who would have been 97 today was not even Jewish.
            therefore, REQUEST DENIED

      • How? Give us 30 days and we’ll write a book, 6 months and we’ll write a chapter, 1 year and we’ll write an epigram.
        What? ADIO


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