DD's Initial Rationale

The first/only rationale established by D.D. Palmer was that VS was the cause of deafness until after Harvey Lillard, and the next person did not get well from their deafness but from another condition. Eventually he reasoned that it was the cause of all disease. Finally, it took his son to conclude that it was not the cause of disease but DIS-EASE. BJ stopped it that point with the 33 Principles. Most of the profession has not and has gone forward or backward….either by conjecture or hypothesis.

2 thoughts on “DD's Initial Rationale”

  1. My opinion is very simple, In the 1970s, our colleges received financial aid from the ‘gov” and our institutions decided to lower our standards ei philosopy. We have a great amounr\t of “D.C.s that were NEVER tought what DD. or B.J. learned. Our ‘PROF’ is driven by iCD9 OR now 10 CODES. My wife and I have been this mess for 40 yrs and we BELIEVE that the power that made the body HEALS the body.


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