Chiropractic Text Book: R.W. Stephenson-Glossary

sometimes discussion on the blog gets confusing as we are not always on the same page. Discussion in philosophy can only be valuable if we agree on terms. I have compiled a glossary of terms directly from Chiropractic Textbook by RW Stephenson for use in our discussions. To help those new to the blog or not acquainted with the book or our philosophy please use these definitions and link to this place in posting so everyone can know the context of discussion. As time goes on it may be helpful to add new terms that are uniquely NTOSC or change those that are anachronistic. Please feel free to offer suggestions and we will add them if we feel they are helpful. We are all learning. It wouldn’t hurt for all of us to read the following and refresh our memories. Repitition is a good thing.

1.) Adaptability (sign of life): The intellectual ability that an organism possesses of responding to all forces which come to it, whether Innate or Universal.

2.) Intellectual Adaptation: The mental process of Innate Intelligence to plan ways and means of using or circumventing universal forces.

3.) Adaptation: The movement of an organism or any of its parts; or the structural change in that organism, to use or to circumvent environment forces. Adaptation is a continuous process—continually varying, it is never constant and unvarying as are other universal laws. Adaptation is a universal principle—the only one of its kind. It is the principle of change, and the changes are always according to law, which is Intellectual Adaptation.

4.) Assimilation (sign of life): The power of assimilation is the ability of an organism to take into its body food materials selectively, and make them a part of itself according to a system or intelligent plan.

5.) Innate Brain: a.)That part of the brain used by the Innate, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses. b) That part of the brain used by Innate as an organ, in which to assemble universal forces into foruns.

6.) Educated Brain: That part of the brain used by Innate as an organ for reason, memory, education, and the so-called voluntary functions.

7.) Disease and Dis-ease: Disease is a term used by physicians for sickness. To them it is an entity and is worthy of a name, hence diagnosis. Dis-ease is a Chiropractic term meaning not having ease; or lack of ease. It is lack of entity. It is a condition of matter when it does not have the property of ease. Ease is the entity, and dis-ease the lack of it.

8.) Educated Mind: Educated Mind is the activity of Innate Intelligence in the educated brain as an organ. The product of this activity is educated thoughts; such as, reasoning, will memory, etc. Innate controls the functions of the “voluntary” organs via the educated brain. Educated thoughts are mostly for adaptation to things external to the body.

9.) Mental Forces: A mental force is that something, transmitted by nerves, which unites intelligence with matter. Mental force is called mental impulse because it impels tissue cells to intelligence action.

10.) Universal Forces: Universal Forces are the generalized forces of the Universe, which obey Universal (physical) laws, and are not adapted for constructive purposes.

11.) Invasive Forces: Invasive Forces are Universal Forces which force the effects upon tissue in spite of Innate’s resistance; or in case the resistance is lowered.

12.) Innate Forces: Forces are arranged by Innate for use in the body. They are Universal Forces assembled or adapted for dynamic functional power; to cause tissue cells to function; or to offer resistance to environment.

13.) Resistive Forces: Resistive Forces are Innate Forces called into being to oppose Invasive Forces. They are not called Resistive Forces unless they are of that character.

14.) Growth (sign of life): The power of growth is the ability to expand according to intelligent plan to mature size, and is dependent upon the power of assimilation.

15.) Impressions: The message from the tissue cell to Innate Intelligence concerning its welfare and doings.

16.) Innate Mind: The activity of Innate intelligence in the Innate brain as an organ.

17.) Innate Brain: That part of the brain used by Innate, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses.

18.) Internal Forces: Forces made by Innate. They are for use in and for the body. They are universal forces assembled or adapted for use in the body.

19.) Mental Forces: A mental forces is something, transmitted by nerves, which unites intelligence with matter. Mental force is called mental impulse because it impels tissue cells to intelligent action.

20.) Mental Impulses: A unit of mental force for a specific tissue cell, for a specific occasion. A special message to a tissue cell for the present instant.

21.) Penetrative Forces: Penetrative forces are invasive forces; forces external which force their way into the body, and their effects upon tissue, in spite of Innate’s resistance.

22.) Poison: Poison is any substance introduced into or manufactured within the living body which Innate cannot use in metabolism.

23.) Resistive Forces: Resistive Forces are Internal Forces (innate forces) called into being to oppose Penetrative Forces. They may be in many forms; as physical, chemical, or mechanical.

24.) The Chiropractic Definition of Subluxation: A subluxations is the condition of a vertebra that has lost its proper juxtaposition with the one above or the one below, or both; to an extent less that a luxation; which impinges nerves and interferes with the transmission of mental impulses.

25.) Vibration: The motion of a tissue cell in performing its function.

167 thoughts on “Chiropractic Text Book: R.W. Stephenson-Glossary”

  1. Hey Dr Joe. Long time, huh? Just found your blog and enjoyed it.
    Here’s a question: If Stephenson was asked to rework the 33 principles into 7, which would he choose?
    Thanks and happy holidays.
    Dr Drew

    • Hi Drew,
      Welcome to the blog. You’re asking a man who has never been known for his predilection toward brevity to “prune” the 33 principles? Perhaps some others would like to give it a try first Meanwhile I’ll give it some thought.

  2. Hey Joe,
    After reading and re-reading these definitions I am trying to remember why you say innate intelligence does not reside in the brain. Specifically #s 5, 15 and 17.
    No. 15 in particular promotes the idea ii. is not in the tissue cell as the impression must be presented to ii for assessment. This was my point earlier when you underhandedly accused me, accused ME, of mixing.(Mixing in the special sense cycle with the normal complete cycle.)
    When we say it’s existence is actual but location is theoretical, isn’t that like gravity, it’s existence is actual but location is theoretical. We can assume the source of gravity is the center of the earth but we don’t know, nor can we prove it with our limited technology of today.

  3. – 26.) Objective of chiropractic: The objective of chiropractic is to locate, analyze and correct vertebral subluxations for the full expression of the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! –

    – 27.) Universal educated forces: Universal educated forces are forces used by people for so called voluntary functions with limited intelligent direction. –

    – 28.) Chiropractic adjustment: A chiropractic adjustment is a universal force adapted by innate intelligence for the correction of a vertebral subluxation. –

    – 29.) Adjustic thrust: An adjustic thrust is a specific universal educated force introduced into a subluxated vertebra of a living person by a chiropractor with the intent that the innate intelligence of the body of that person will produce a chiropractic adjustment. –

    – 30.) Non therapeutic objective straight chiropractor: A non therapeutic objective straight chiropractor is a chiropractor WHO chooses to practice ONLY the objective of chiropractic. –

    • Hey readers,

      Being Canadien Francais, I very often switch the sequence of words. Joe Flesia was always good at pointing that out to me in his communication course 803 back in 1974. 😉 –

      – 27.) Should read: Educated universal forces. –

      – They are really innate forces created in the educated brain that we can access with our educated intelligence for so called voluntary functions. Since our educated brain is limited, our educated intelligence is also limited. Therefore, when we use forces for the so called voluntary functions, these forces become educated universal forces (EUF) with limited intelligent direction.

      • Stated appropriately for accuracy and to be added to the glossary. –

        – 26.) Objective of chiropractic: The objective of chiropractic is to locate, analyze and correct vertebral subluxations for the full expression of the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! –

        – 27.) Educated universal forces: Educated universal forces are forces used by people for so called voluntary functions with limited intelligent direction. –

        – 28.) Chiropractic adjustment: A chiropractic adjustment is a universal force adapted by the innate intelligence of the body for the correction of a vertebral subluxation. –

        – 29.) Adjustic thrust: An adjustic thrust is a specific educated universal force introduced into a subluxated vertebra of a living person by a chiropractor with the intent that the innate intelligence of the body of that person will produce a chiropractic adjustment. –

        – 30.) Non therapeutic objective straight chiropractor: A non therapeutic objective straight chiropractor is a chiropractor WHO chooses to practice ONLY the objective of chiropractic.

        • Dr. Lessard,
          Does that have to be amended from living person to living “thing”?
          What about the NTOSCor who chooses to practice on living things other than people?
          Just a thought.

          • Since the definition of a chiropractic adjustment deals ONLY with VERTEBRAL subluxations perhaps the word vertebrata is preferable. However, I think I would not attempt to introduce an adjustic thrust to a panther or a polar bear… 😉

      • Hey Claude,
        Can innate forces be created in the educated brain? I thought universal forces were converted to innate forces in the innate brain. These newly formed innate forces as mental impulses would then be sent to the educated brain, where educated intelligence is directed to make use of universal forces to perform the adjustic thrust.

        • Steve,

          The innate brain is that part of the brain used by the innate intelligence of the body, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses. The innate brain is supplied with mental impulses directly from the innate intelligence of the body. It’s existence is actual and its location is theoretical. –

          – Therefore, we can reasonably deduce that, due to the fact that the innate brain is “everywhere” within the body, innate forces can be created “anywhere” in the body, including the educated brain. –

          – This deductive reasoning does NOT change the “travel” that the mental impulses accomplish to get to the vital spot WHERE the educated intelligence of the person can use them. Only WHEN educated intelligence avails itself, through volition, of these innate forces in the educated brain, are these mental impulses transformed back to nerve impulses which are educated universal forces with limited intelligent direction.
          This is due to principle #24. –

          – This is WHY within each adjustic thrust is contained a certain amount of deconstruction…. and this is the main reason WHY the chiropractor delivering the adjustic thrust is one WHO should choose to be specific. –

          – Remember ALWAYS: Chiropractic is specific or it is nothing. In other words, the “nothing” is simply a universal force with very little educated and with no intelligent direction at all. The chiropractor WHO chooses to NOT be specific, might as well push the practice members down the stairs. –

          • Hey Claude,
            ” Therefore, we can reasonably deduce that, due to the fact that the innate brain is “everywhere” within the body, innate forces can be created “anywhere” in the body, including the educated brain. ” How do we deduce that? Where do you get this,IB is everywhere in the body? In the preceding paragraph it states “The innate brain is {that part of the brain} used by the innate intelligence of the body, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses.”
            If innate brain were indeed everywhere there would be no need for a nerve system. If you take the physical brain out of the picture or out of the body there would be no place to assemble innate forces, and no starting point for the mental impulse.

      • Steve makes an excellent point here. I have been struggling trying to figure out the need for an afferent pathway for vibrations from the TC to the IB for the longest time and whether subluxation interferes with BOTH the efferent and the afferent pathways or just one.
        The IB being everywhere and the universal forces being adapted at the site of subluxation seems rather confusing. I hope someone can clarify this one for Steve and I.

  4. Hey Claude,
    Where and when was this established {due to the fact that the innate brain is “everywhere” within the body,}? Do you mean the “Innate Mind”?
    I just can’t see it. If innate brain was everywhere we would not need to discuss cellular intelligence. What is the purpose of the nerve system then, if II is everywhere?

    • I meant IB…if innate brain is everywhere? Didn’t RW state, the innate mind is the working aspect of innate intelligence, like thought is the work of the physical brain….or something like that? I can understand the innate mind being throughout the body, which raises the question of a need for an afferent nerve, but putting innate brain “everywhere” raises the question of needing to have a efferent nerve as well.
      Will you please justify the statement of “innate brain is everywhere”?

        • Steve,

          Your question is: “Will you please justify the statement of “innate brain is everywhere”? I hope that it will also clarify Don’s request. –

          – First of all Steve, you are absolutely correct when you state that universal forces are adapted by the innate intelligence of the body in the innate brain. Here is the question: Where is the innate brain located? The answer is: The location of the innate brain is theoretical!!! Assuming it to be in the physical brain is an assumption that is derived from the “big fellow living upstairs and the little fellow living downstairs”. It worked for a while until we went deeper into the philosophy and saw innate intelligence as the LAW of LIFE. –

          – A little while ago, Steve, you mentioned the law of gravity having its source at the center of the earth. That is an assumption created by your reasoning process of having an idea of the theoretical location of the source of gravity. As your idea goes through the process of induction and you reason out your theory, you come up with a conclusion which is a hypothesis. It may be true. It may be false. The source of gravity could be everywhere and anywhere about the earth. The fact that the moon affects the tides of the vast magnitude of our waters (and our bodies are almost 80% water) leaves much to speculation. For example (Don likes examples): The center of gravity of an aircraft depends on weight distribution. If I fly a “bonanza airplane” from Philadelphia to South Carolina with full fuel of 2 tanks within the wings of the aircraft and a third tank within its tail, by the time I fly over Richmond Va., the center of gravity has shifted from about twenty inches rearward and if I don’t trim the elevator of the tail, I might cause the aircraft to stall. So, you see that when we deal with universal laws, matter must constantly adapt accordingly. The fact remains that gravity and aerodynamics are laws, are facts, are principles. Yet you and I must live without knowing the location of the source of gravity. I am fine with that.

          – Today we understand that there is the innate intelligence of the body, the innate intelligence of the systems, the innate intelligence of the organs and the innate intelligence of the cell. This means that innate intelligence is not confined to the physical brain. Innate intelligence has NO location! Intelligence is metaphysical and the function of intelligence is to create force and the function of force is to unite intelligence with matter and the function of matter is to express force. –

          – Then there is living matter that is maintain in active organization by innate intelligence and the function of innate intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body in service to principle 32. These adapted universal forces we call them innate forces which in the living human body are mental impulses. These mental impulses are ASSEMBLED in the innate brain whose existence is actual and its location theoretical. WHERE IS THE INNATE BRAIN? I maintain that it is everywhere and anywhere about the living body. The innate brain is a vital spot and its existence is actual. The innate brain is that part of the brain used by innate intelligence, as an organ, in which to ASSEMBLE mental impulses. Yet the brain is not confined to the skull as science finds gray matter of the brain in the heart, the spinal cord and specs of it pretty much all over the body. Grey matter is distributed at the surface of the cerebral hemispheres (cerebral cortex) and of the cerebellum (cerebellar cortex), as well as in the depths of the cerebrum (thalamus; hypothalamus; subthalamus, basal ganglia, brainstem (substantia nigra, red nucleus, olivary nuclei, cranial nerve nuclei) and spinal grey matter (anterior horn, lateral horn, posterior horn). –

          – From the innate brain flow mental impulses to the physical brain. From the physical brain flow mental impulses to the innate body and to the educated brain. From the innate body flow mental impulses to educated body and educated brain. From educated brain flow mental impulses to the educated body. It is when people use their educated intelligence to use their educated brain and tapped into the reservoir of mental impulses for the so called voluntary functions, that theses mental impulses are now educated universal forces (EUF) with limited intelligent direction. –

          – For Don, (even though analogies break down eventually) I will be using a software computer NETWORK analogy of a business that is occupying an entire tall building in NYC with ONLY one person “running the whole show” including programming the software, organizing the network, operating the computers and being the information system technician:

          The grey matter can be thought of as the actual SOFTWARE NETWORK (innate brain) of the computers themselves, whereas the white matter represents the actual physical computers and cables connecting them together and all the parts involved in the process of all the departments to produce harmonious work for the business (the physical brain and nerve system connecting all the parts of the body). All this, is for coordination, which is the principle of harmonious action of all the parts of an organism, in fulfilling their offices and purposes (pri.32).

          In this example: The innate brain is the SOFTWARE NETWORK . Where is the INNATE BRAIN located? Where is the NETWORK located? EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE!!! Its existence is actual and its location is theoretical. It is the person “running the whole show” WHO chooses to run the business through the control of the computer network… WHEREVER there is a room with a computer in the building that has the software networked within it. The point is that the location of the innate brain is theoretical and that the innate intelligence of the body uses the innate brain to ASSEMBLE mental impulses sending them through or over conductors to transmit them throughout the entire body. –

          – Notice that principle 33 involves the brain and nerve system which is the method used by the innate intelligence of the body to fulfill its mission through a “living thing” (pri.21) in service to the principle of coordination (pri.32). This method is also used, in part, by the educated intelligence of people for so called voluntary functions. –

          – It is crystal clear that the forces of the innate intelligence of the body operate through or over the nervous system in animal bodies (pri.28) and that there can be interference with the transmission of innate forces (pri.29). Yet, I still do not know WHERE the innate brain is. –

          – I’m fine with that.

          • Dr. Lessard,
            The analogy of the network seems like a good one to me. It isn’t present unless there is at least one computer and the remainder can be virtual. I like the virtual aspect since it meshes nicely with the metaphysical aspects. Both are intangibles.
            Your explanation was thorough with respect to Steve’s queries but I didn’t find it explains the afferent pathway for vibrations from the TC to the IB and whether subluxation interferes with BOTH the efferent and the afferent pathways or just one.
            I can appreciate that ii is a metaphysical principle and exists but what are the implications for an afferent system?
            I just read today that the intellectual adaptation of ii is in the mental realm. It is immediately aware of all innate needs of the body.
            Couple this with the idea that IB is anywhere and everywhere, then what is the need for the afferent pathway?
            Maybe I am missing it in your explanation.

          • Hey Claude,
            Thank you for the in depth explanation, however, I still think you are playing fast and loose with definitions. Lets start with gravity, gravity is not everywhere. The effects of gravity are everywhere. No matter where you go gravity always pulls you down. Until you leave it’s field it is always attracting toward the center of the earth. Now the origin may be in the mantel, maybe in the molten core, we don’t know but the source of gravity logically, lies below the earth’s surface, we do know that. One might say, the location of gravity is theoretical (yet undiscovered) even though it’s existence is actual.

            Now we can pass that analogy on to Innate Intelligence. Indeed Innate Intelligence is DISPLAYED everywhere in the human body. It is evident on multiple levels. Just as gravity affects you more at sea level than at 50,000 feet, Innate in the cell applies the Law Of Life only within that cell. There is no tissue coordination or organ or body coordination at this level of expression. Finding specks of gray matter throughout the body does not mean our brains are scattered (though I have been accused of this) as these cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers do not involve the whole body as a unit, only the physical brain does this. I wouldn’t think the gray matter in my heart knows when and how to empty my bladder.

            As in your computer analogy, you the controller are Innate Intelligence and only your computer, Innate Brain, coordinates all the rest of the departments and their computers as well as each and every employee in the building via ID cards and pass codes. Only you and your computer tie it all in together, they must all report to you through your computer. Yes each department requires a little software (gray matter/plexus) to maintain it’s own activities but much like cellular intelligence, only for that department’s benefit. You don’t want shipping telling accounting how to accept, post and deposit incoming payments. You don’t want the janitor running R&D.

            What strikes me is your repeated reference to gray matter being innate brain. Innate Matter and Innate Brain may not be exchangeable terms. Just as not all white matter is located in the brain. I posted several threads back it was BJ who said gray matter was innate, white matter was educated. Quite possibly what BJ meant by location being theoretical was, it is undiscovered at this time, like the source of gravity. We know the general area purely by logic but can’t as of yet put our finger on it. As you said Innate Intelligence is everywhere but I contend the Innate Brain is THAT PART OF THE BRAIN used by innate intelligence. Where in the brain, we don’t know, yet. Please don’t let this be a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water as we depersonify.. Let’s not loose this wonderful concept of an area in the brain that transforms Universal Forces into Innate Forces, collects the foruns and assembles them into a mental impulse in a central location to be dispersed by the nerve system, for that is the essence of Chiropractic.

            At the risk of sounding redundant I must repeat, if Innate Brain is “everywhere” there is no need for a nerve system, nor an efferent/afferent innate pathway , this is something no one has addressed.

            Once again I thank you Joe, Claude and fellow bloggers. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a living philosophy.


      • Don,

        – The innate brain is that part of the brain used by innate intelligence, as an organ, in which to ASSEMBLE mental impulses. Yet the brain is not confined to the skull as science finds gray matter of the brain in the heart, the spinal cord and specs of it pretty much spread all over the body.

        – In my analogy, the innate brain is a SOFTWARE NETWORK of a group of computers and computer devices like, virtual routers, printers, scanners, hypervisor, virtual security switches, etc.. spread out through the entire tall building. Suppose you are the only one WHO choose to run the whole show and you are looking for a printout (a physical activity) of a mathematical problem: five plus five. Now you know the problem and you even know the answer! Yet, it is you WHO choose to produce a printout of the answer. WHAT is the ONLY way to get a printout (physical activity) of the answer?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Using your analogy you stated that the one who chooses to run the whole show knows the problem and even knows the answer.
        I see this as the aspect of the analogy where we may find the answer. The way I see it in real life the person running the network does need “inputs” to produce “outputs”. (especially if it was me and we were performing differentiation, the process of finding a derivative (measure of how a function changes as inputs change) 🙂

        Your explanation correctly implies that I as the person running the whole show knows what 5 plus 5 is and that is correct. There was no need for any input, only output which can be sent for the physical printout.

        If this is a perfect analogy of the ii of the body, this would imply that there are no “inputs” required for the ii of the body.
        If that is the case, then is there an afferent pathway as explained in Stephensons text?
        What is the need for the pathway for vibrations from the TC to the IB and does subluxation interferes with BOTH the efferent and the afferent?

        • Don,

          You are doing very well with your reasoning which proves to YOU that your educated is NOT TERRIBLE! 😉 –

          If you allow yourself to think a little further, the physical response to an innate need is a physical entity. HOW do you think that takes place within the living human body?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Thank you.
        You asked “,,,the physical response to an innate need is a physical entity. HOW do you think that takes place within the living human body?”

        From what I understand has been written in this post, innate intelligence of the body uses the innate brain to ASSEMBLE mental impulses sending them through or over conductors to transmit them throughout the entire body.
        I can see the physical path from IB (wherever it may be) over the conductors to the TC to cause a physical response. This seems to be an efferent pathway (from central to peripheral).

        It seems the afferent path only exist if we are working under the premise that the IB is in the physical brain? Am I incorrect Dr. Lessard?

        • Don,

          Go back to my post of today a 5:22 am GT and re-read slowly where I talk about the flow of mental impulses (paragraph 5). WHERE does the innate brain transmit the assembled mental impulses? And WHY is it transmitted there?

          • Steve,

            Aren’t you confusing innate brain with the cerebral/cerebellar brain? Where does the innate brain transmit the ASSEMBLED mental impulses in the body for distribution?

            – We know there is no transmission of mental impulses from innate intelligence to innate brain. There is no need. Innate intelligence being EVERYWHERE and innate brain being EVERYWHERE. That’s WHY it is the way it is!!! Much like you being in NYC and sending information to your business NETWORK computers in in South Carolina from your i-phone. Since you are the ONLY person running the whole show, you ALWAYS carry your i-phone (“G22”) with you. Innate intelligence has ALWAYS access to the innate brain and can send the ASSEMBLED mental impulses to the cerebral/cerebellar brain through afferent nerves and then the cerebral/cerebellar brain sends the needed mental impulses to all the parts of the body to fulfill prin. 21,32,33 within the limitation of matter of prin.24. –

            – As I mentioned to Don earlier, go back to my post of yesterday at 5:22 am GT and re-read slowly where I mentioned about the flow of mental impulses (paragraph 5). WHERE does the innate brain transmit the assembled mental impulses? In the cerebral/ cerebellar brain is is not? And WHY is it transmitted there and NOT anywhere else from the innate intelligence of the body? –

            – As I see it, there will ALWAYS be a need for the brain and its efferent and afferent nerves even if the location of the innate brain is theoretical. The law of life (innate intelligence) coordinates the function of the living human body via the innate brain, the cerebral/cerebellar brain, the innate body, the educated brain and the educated body to fulfill the law of demand and supply (pri.33). –

            – We also can logically deduced that VS can interfere on both side of the cycles… efferent and afferent since both carry mental impulses. –

            – Does that make sense to you?

    • Dr. Lessard and Steve,
      Sorry, I had more thoughts than usual on this one. Please see my inline text response and jump in with a response at any point you’d like.

      From Dr. Lessard who wrote..

      From the innate brain flow mental impulses to the physical brain (**Maybe obvious questions but why? and Can it not communicate directly with the tissue/organs via the available nerve pathways without the physical brain? is the physical brain tissue the only tissue the IB sends MI’s to?).

      From the physical brain flow mental impulses to the innate body and to the educated brain.(yes)

      From the innate body flow mental impulses to educated body and educated brain (**Are these not vibrations? I thought MI’s are from innate brain not innate body? Brain and body are the same?).

      From educated brain flow mental impulses to the educated body. It is when people use their educated intelligence to use their educated brain and tapped into the reservoir
      that theses mental impulses are now educated universal forces (EUF) with limited intelligent direction.
      (**How MI becomes an EUF in the educated brain may be a topic for another thought provoking discussion.) 🙂

      • Don,

        Your questions are predicated on what RWS said regarding the location of innate intelligence being in the brain. We are going to need to go slowly in order to answer these important questions as we recognize that innate intelligence has left the confine of the brain and resides about the whole body. –

        – if you don’t mind, I will address some of these questions separately. Then, when we are clear as to being on the same page and understanding what is, I will proceed to the next questions. That way we will go it with “baby steps”. It’s easier for me. 😉 –

        – You quoted me stating that: “From the innate brain flow mental impulses to the physical brain”. Then you asked your questions by stating: (**Maybe obvious questions but why? and Can it not communicate directly with the tissue/organs via the available nerve pathways without the physical brain? is the physical brain tissue the only tissue the IB sends MI’s to?) –

        Answer: –
        — Innate intelligence is the LAW of life and as such LAW does not choose anything… it ONLY acts perfectly ALL the time within the limitation of the matter in which it works and the limitation of time (sometimes, it’s the way we put it into words that fails to convey its real action). –

        – The material of a “living thing” is organized matter (pri.20) and the mission of innate intelligence is to MAINTAIN the material of the body of a “living thing” in ACTIVE (read living) organization (pri.21) WITHOUT BREAKING A UNIVERSAL LAW (pri.24). In other words, the LAW of life (innate intelligence) will ALWAYS work with the SPECIFIC configuration of matter which it controls. In the living human body, innate intelligence uses the innate brain to ASSEMBLE mental impulses and transmits them ONLY to the cerebral/cerebellar brain to be distributed to all the parts of the body. Perhaps in a tree, innate intelligence uses the innate “whatever” of the tree to ASSEMBLE innate forces and transmit them ONLY to the “whatever” for distribution of all the parts of the tree and perhaps it’s the same for a carrot, flower, amoeba cell… (I do not know for sure). What I know for sure is that chiropractic philosophy teaches us that the innate intelligence of the body will MAINTAIN the matter of a “living thing” in active organization (read living) with whatever is the configuration of the matter of the “living thing” without breaking a universal law. It is WHAT it is! It is the way the living human body is configured and the innate intelligence of the body will MAINTAIN its matter in ACTIVE organization without breaking a universal law. –

        – I hope this answer these particular questions of yours.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Thanks for the baby steps.
        You wrote that the “innate intelligence uses the innate brain to ASSEMBLE mental impulses and transmits them ONLY to the cerebral/cerebellar brain to be distributed to all the parts of the body.”

        If the IB transmits all MI’s to the cerebral/cerebellar brain and ONLY the cerebral/cerebellar brain then I can now see why traditionally and my personal assumptions could have been that the MI’s were assembled in the cerebral/cerebellar brain where the innate intelligence resides. That is similar to the subway system where all branches come through one unifying station and someone down the line assuming that all trains come from that station for the mere fact that they don’t know any better. I can see the logic.

        Now this begs the question, if MI’s are metaphysical and intangible how does one know that the MI’s are not assembled cerebral/cerebellar brain but assembled elsewhere and transmitted to this location for distribution to the rest of the body (educated and innate)?

        • Don,

          Very simple. Look at #5 and #17 in the above glossary. Innate intelligence ASSEMBLE mental impulses in the INNATE BRAIN not the cerebral/cerebellar brain. From the INNATE BRAIN innate intelligence transmit the assembled mental impulse to the cerebral/cerebellar brain for distribution to the ALL the parts of the body. My question to you is:
          WHY do you think that is the way the philosophy says it is the way it is?

          Clue: Your answer is contained within your last post! 😉

      • Dr. Lessard,
        You asked:
        “WHY do you think that is the way the philosophy says it is the way it is?”
        I am not entirely sure but I would submit that the philosophy says it is the way it is because it is up to the person reading and trying to understand it to assume the logic.

        That being the case, I will add my thoughts here to determine if I have the logic..

        Innate intelligence uses the a part of the brain to assemble the mental impulse.
        From the IB flow MI to ONLY the physical brain (located in the skull).
        From the physical brain the MI’s are distributed to innate body and educated brain.
        From the educated brain flow MI’s to the educated body (the EUF with limited intelligent direction for voluntary functions)
        From innate body flow MI to the educated brain and body.
        The existence of IB is actual but the location is theoretical.

        With specific reference to the 33 or the green books, how can one deduce that the MI is transmitted from IB to the physical brain (cerebrum/cerebellum)?

        • Don,

          In the glossary of RWS above, #5 and #17 are quite clear about stating that the “the innate brain is that part of the brain used by innate intelligence, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses”. RWS also is quite clear when he mentioned that the innate brain is supplied with mental impulses DIRECTLY from innate intelligence. In other words, there is no transmission of mental impulses from innate intelligence to innate brain. There is no need since the innate intelligence of the body is “everywhere” and “anywhere” about the body and so is the innate brain “everywhere” and “anywhere about the body (that is the meaning of the existence of the innate brain being actual and its location being theoretical). And the most important aspect of the innate brain to remember is that, RWS says that the innate brain is a vital spot and CANNOT be dis-eased!
          The cerebral/cerebellar brain CAN be dis-eased. –

          – Therefore we can reasonably deduce that the innate intelligence of the body ASSEMBLES the mental impulsed in the innate brain and from the innate brain transmits the assembled mental impulses to the cerebral/cerebellar brain for distribution to all the parts of the body to effectively coordinate the actions of all the parts of the body in harmonious actions to fulfill the purposes of all the parts of the body (pri.32).

      • Dr. Lessard,
        See the #9 for my breakthrough and #10 and #11.
        As always, let me know if my language needs to be clarified.
        I am slowly realizing the reality of your statement..
        “It is time to realize that what is going on in the “head” is NOT what we thought it was in the past. It’s different! Much different! And it does not change the core of our philosophy. On the contrary, it helps us clarify many concepts and remains constantly congruent with the 33 principles.”

        Previously I thought…
        1) Nerve impulses and MI’s transmit in the same fashion.
        2) Innate intelligence is a principle that does not have a location but Innate Brain does. IB is in the physical brain (cerebral/cerebellar brain) and uses the nerve pathways for communicating the assembled “thought” in the nerve impulse.
        3) Brain tissue is only found in the cranial vault.
        4) Nerve impulses and mental impulses ONLY travel in one direction from above down. In other words, from brain tissue to non-brain tissue.
        5) Tissue cells use the afferent system to communicate cellular needs to the IB (and presumptively the innate intelligence)

        After this discussion I realize..
        6) MI’s originate from the area of its assembly (IB) and nerve impulses originate from a receptor or physical brain cell. From there they transmit exactly the same using the afferent and efferent nerve for transmission flowing in one direction.
        7) The location of Innate intelligence and IB are unknown but do exist. They are both anywhere and everywhere. It is a vital spot that cannot be dis-eased. IB cannot be in the physical brain because PB is subject to DIS-ease.
        8) Brain tissue can be found throughout the body.
        9) MI’s travel from the IB to the PB along the afferent pathways and from PB out for distribution to all other tissue along the efferent pathway. (This now makes sense because the IB is not in the Cranial vault ! Thanks.)
        10) The afferent pathway is used by II to communicate MI from IB to the PB. But what else travels along on this path?? for what purpose?

        11)So what does actually go on in the “head”?
        It seems from a MI standpoint, that it is simply an organ for distribution of MI’s that the II/IB transmits to it. This is not to discount the EB functions of course.

        Thank you Dr. Lessard.

  5. Hey Claude,
    I think you asked and answered the question. You asked, “Where does the innate brain transmit the ASSEMBLED mental impulses in the body for distribution? “. Then you answered, “innate brain (and) can send the ASSEMBLED mental impulses to the cerebral/cerebellar brain through afferent nerves “. So you are stating there is an afferent pathway from Innate Brain to physical brain, is it material or metaphysical? (Wouldn’t that be efferent, meaning from the central IB?)
    You say, “We know there is no transmission of mental impulses from innate intelligence to innate brain. There is no need. Innate intelligence being EVERYWHERE and innate brain being EVERYWHERE.” I agree but not for the same reason.There is no need because the mental impulse is created in the Innate Brain.
    What I get from your dissertation is this……I stub my toe, the innate brain in the toe decides that for whole body survival, which is the job of II, there must be swelling and a limp. The innate brain (in the toe) sends an afferent message as a mental impulse to the physical brain , directing it to send an efferent signal ( as formulated by IB in the toe) to the leg, telling it to increase circulation and unlock the knee. If intellectual adaptation is the job of Innate Intelligence and that function is preformed by the Innate Brain in the toe, indeed the tail is wagging the dog. I am sorry, I can’t follow that logic.
    It seems logical to say Innate Brain must be in the head as that is where all decisions are made. “Intellectual” adaptation takes place first as a realization and then an adaptive response for the good of all. Only one part of our body is designed to do that. The right big toe cares not for the left big toe and in no way is capable of running the entire body in harmonious coordination for the good of all. Innate Intelligence being displayed all over the body does not equate with Innate Brain being everywhere. Would you say the physical brain is everywhere just because it’s actions are carried out by every cell? No, that’s why we have nerves.
    Now that I think about it, this IB everywhere kinda blows ADIO off the map too.

    • Steve,

      How does IB having escaped the cerebral/cerebellar brain blows ADIO off the map? Just because the innate brain is everywhere, it does not mean that it’s contrary to ADIO. Remember that the innate brain is part of the brain whose existence is actual and ADIO means Above (innate intelligence) Down (through force) Inside (matter) Out (expression of force). –

      – Also, to have an ADIO point of view is to recognize the perfection of the innate intelligence of the body as compared to the imperfection of educated intelligence. That in the living human body, the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the body should be expressed without subluxations and that the “rest” will follow accordingly. –

      – Where did I state that the innate brain decide? It’s an organ spread out throughout the body. ONLY innate intelligence runs the living human body. How could matter run matter? Intelligence creates force and runs matter. We have to begin to clean up our communications and its start with our lexicon, don’t you think? –

      – Innate intelligence maintains the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization (pri.21) by ASSEMBLING mental impulses in the innate brain. The innate intelligence of the body then TRANSMITS the mental impulses from the innate brain to the cerebral/cerebellar brain. Then the innate intelligence of the body TRANSMITS the mental impulses from the cerebral/cerebellar brain to the innate body parts, the educated brain and the educated body parts. –

      – The innate brain does not function in an of itself. It is an organ spread throughout the parts of the body (much like the computer software network mentioned before). It is under the direct control of the innate intelligence of the body. –

      – It is time to realize that what is going on in the “head” is NOT what we thought it was in the past. It’s different! Much different! And it does not change the core of our philosophy. On the contrary, it helps us clarify many concepts and remains constantly congruent with the 33 principles. –

      – The cerebral/cerebellar brain will always be the organ used to transmit mental impulses through the efferent nerves to the parts of the body. The response to an innate need will always be a mental impulse through a physical input from the innate intelligence of the body making that awareness into a mental impulse, the movement of that impulse is transmission. –

      – Thank you Steve for engaging in this ongoing conversation. 🙂

      • Hey Claude,
        Silly me, I thought ADIO was a descriptive term explaining the flow of Mental Impulses through the nerve system. Placing Innate Brain “everywhere” in the body sure sounds like outside (the body) -in (to the nerve system). Innate Brain is “THAT PART OF THE BRAIN” used by Innate Intelligence to assemble “MENTAL IMPULSES”. Are you saying a “MENTAL” impulse can be created anywhere, and can flow in either direction?????

        • Steve, “placing innate brain ‘everywhere’ in the body…outside (the body)” is the silliest statement I’ve ever heard. Maybe you want to reread your post. I guess by that reasoning the nerve system as well as the heart is outside the body also. The term ADIO can mean a number of things including, the flow of mi as you suggest, a philosophy and way of looking at life, the idea that there is a wisdom greater than the educated mind that runs our body, runs the universe, the name of a chiropractic school, and the Association of Disoriented Intelligence Observers (okay, I made up that last one but it sure describes a lot of chiropractors). If a menatal impulse “flowing” to the brain is not created by intelligence who/what (whoops cannot say “who”, that would infer intelligence) creates it? PS Happy New Year!

          • Hey Joe,
            Glad to see you’re in on this. No No No I did not say IB is outside the body, I said the body is outside in relationship to the nerve system inside. Putting the IB everywhere goes against the philosophy I have studied all my adult life, and goes against the natural flow of the system wherein Innate Intelligence flows from above down from the inside to the out. I’m sorry, I can see Innate Intelligence everywhere, I can see Innate Mind everywhere, I just can’t get a hold on this Innate brain is everywhere concept. Please keep in mind that up until you and Claude eluded to the reversed flow of Mental Impulses I had never imagined such a thing. Could you guys be equating Innate Mind with Innate Brain as the same? Classically defined MI travels ADIO, only. I have yet to hear a good explanation as to why you guys are changing/redefining IB. Just because you and Claude say so, with all due respect, is not good enough. I need to see the logic or the logical progression that gets you there. As your teachers used to say…Show me the work that brought you to that conclusion.

            Hey Claude,
            Did RW say that IB could not be diseased Or dis-eased?

          • STeve, some thoughts:IB is where IF are generated. They are generated as MI throughout through the IBo which is the entire body with rgrd to metabolism.IMind is the activity of the ii in the innate brain. I don’t think Claude and I alluded to the IB being everywhere BUT anywhere IF are generatedexistanence ,actal,location,theoretical. It may be in the heart, the gry matter of the brain or the knee in so-called rflex action. What is the vibration according to Palmer philosophy? If it is created by the II then it is a MI. My problem always has been not being able to undeerstand Pamer’s explanation of the vibration. Perhaps we need to start there.

          • Hey Joe and Claude,
            Upon further consideration I have come to the following conclusion. There are only two reasons to change the established aspects of our philosophy. 1. The existing tenets are no longer congruent and we need clarification or 2. something new has been discovered (such as a metaphysical antenna in the brainstem, we could call it the Palmerian Nucleus). In reference to the first, just because we don’t know where the IB’s exact location is within the brain (as the books say it is) doesn’t mean it is not there. As for the second, I’m still waiting for this one. At this point I don’t see either qualification has been met. (would love to hear from others on the blog about this). I don’t want to appear dense but I can’t understand this IB is everywhere idea, unless you have a third possibility.

  6. Dr. Lessard and Steve,
    Just so we are all on the same page can I ask the two of you gentlemen to define the terms “afferent” and “efferent”?
    Not sure but I noticed that we may be mixing an anatomical definition of an nerve with some some other definition. I would like this clarified.

    Mine goes like this..
    efferent- conducting outward from a part or organ; specifically : conveying nervous impulses to an effector (Webster)

    IB provides the assembled MI and distributed along efferent pathways to effectors such as physical brain or any tissue cell. (Sidebar question: is the physical brain the only effector of the IB??).

    Afferent – ?? This is where I am stuck.

    • Hey Don,
      Afferent is going toward the center, efferent is away from center. MI travels efferently, vibrations travel afferently. (Or so I was always taught.)

  7. Steve,
    I thought that also but it seems MI’s must travel along the efferent path otherwise how could the MI from the IB get to the PB?
    See #25 above for definitions.

    • Sorry..I meant MI’s must travel along the AFFERENT pathway. With something else…vibrations…I am not sure but MI’s must travel along the afferent nerve to PB for distribution.

      • Hey Don,
        This is part of the problem for me. From Innate Brain to physical brain is afferent for one and efferent for the other, same signal. The IB “puts out” an efferent MI but the PB “receives” afferently. My problem with IB being everywhere is it confuses the pathways and possibly the essence of what we do. They say you can only go into the woods half way, after that you’re actually coming out of the woods. A signal can’t go both ways at once. It is either central to periphery or peripheral to central.
        As I understand it, a “Mental” (from the {innate} mind) impulse (a segment of information imbued with organising/coordinating, for the good of the whole, properties) travels from Above(top of body/brain) Down (through the nerve system) Inside (CNS) Out (along the peripheral nerves)…….When something Outside interacts with the body an impression is conveyed Inward as a nerve impulse (universal force-no coordinating/organising properties) along the peripheral nerves from Below(the body) upward (into the CNS) .
        Keep in mind, I am new to this version of Chiropractic Philosophy and may not be the best person to ask.

      • Steve,
        I am absolutely right with you on that one. I am new to this version also. The concept of IB being everywhere is really hard to wrap my head around. Pretty challenging…but I am up to it. Provided others are willing to explain it to me. of course.
        Dr. Lessard and Dr. Strauss are definitely the ones to ask.

    • Hey Claude,
      So RW was saying this area(IB) is not where a subluxation could be. It must be above the foremen magnum then, right?

    • Dr. Lessard,
      RWS says that the innate brain is a vital spot and CANNOT be dis-eased!
      The cerebral/cerebellar brain CAN be dis-eased.
      The conclusion is that the PB cannot be the IB.

      I assume this logic applies to ALL matter in the body .
      Therefore, if IB/the vital spot cannot be in a place that is subject to dis-ease then the IB cannot be in any matter of the body..?
      I must have this wrong. Please help me clarify. Thanks.

      • Hey Don,
        All matter is subject to disease but only in the nerve system, where it interacts with the vertebrae, can there be dis-ease. Only subluxations cause dis-ease, dis-ease is only in the nerve, so logically the IB cannot be in the spine. The IB cannot be affected by subluxations. That may be the intent of the statement “IB cannot be dis-eased”.

        DD included other body joints for possible sites of subluxation/dis-ease, so I guess that rules out the rest of the body for an IB location as well. Seems the default theoretical/undiscovered location for the Innate Brain is, and I quote RW, “THAT PART OF THE BRAIN used by Innate, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses.”

        • Steve,

          Yet, according to ALL the recent discoveries about the brain from molecular biologists, neurophysicists, psychoneurologists, neurophysiolists, astromomers, geneticist, biophysicists, anatomists, and even astrophysiscists… the brain, “or THAT PART OF THE BRAIN used by innate as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses” has escaped the confine of the skull. In other words, the brain is NOT only in the skull any more. It is everywhere and anywhere. The innate brain is NOT in the only in the skull! Pretty much like the earth rotating about the sun rather than the sun rotating about the earth. This is empirically proven over and over again. –

          – The question is: WHAT can we get from these NEW discoveries? HOW can we apply these NEW discoveries to chiropractic philosophy without losing anything and gaining everything?

          • Hey Claude,
            Subluxations cause dis-ease. Why do you ask? Dis-ease is an abnormal state of the nerves due to subluxations, wherein Mental Impulses are downgraded to nerve impulses as the nerve no longer transmits the influence of Innate Intelligence beyond the point of subluxation.
            Finding gray matter within the body is not new or newly discovered. We learned about nerve plexuses back in the old days. So my question to you Sir Claude is two fold. Are you equating the physical brain with the Innate Brain, saying since one is in multiple locations then so is the other? Or perhaps you are falling back on BJ’s statement that gray matter is Innate Matter, so wherever Innate Matter is, there is the Innate Brain? I guess I am still curious and confused concerning the change of interpretation pertaining to the location of Innate Brain.
            When RW says it’s existence is actual, my assumption is that it is real, made of matter. When RW says it is that part of the brain, I assume it is in the skull. When RW says it’s location is theoretical, I assume it is yet undiscovered. Please tell me where my logic has failed.

      • Dr. Lessard and Steve,
        Steve stated “dis-ease is only in the nerve” is this true?
        Since Dr. Lessard stated that I am right there, I will continue following this logic, Here are my thoughts. Maybe the two of you can help me with this.

        1. The IB/the vital spot cannot be in a place that is subject to dis-ease.
        2. Dis-ease is a condition of matter when it does not have the property of ease.
        3. All matter of the body is subject to the condition of dis-ease.
        4. VS is the sole cause of dis-ease in the living human body.

        If #1 through #4 are correct then I would conclude that:

        The IB is not in the matter of the body.


        • Don,

          Let’s ask Steve WHAT the CAUSE of dis-ease is and let’s take a look at his answer. –

          – From your logic you stated your thoughts which are: –

          “1. The IB/the vital spot cannot be in a place that is subject to dis-ease.
          2. Dis-ease is a condition of matter when it does not have the property of ease.
          3. All matter of the body is subject to the condition of dis-ease.
          4. VS is the sole cause of dis-ease in the living human body.” –

          – Then you conclude: –

          “If #1 through #4 are correct then I would conclude that:
          The IB is not in the matter of the body. ” –

          – Steps 1 through 4 are correct. Your logical conclusion is therefore correct. –

          – I have a question for you: If the IB is not in the matter of the body, where is it then?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        If Steps 1 through 4 are correct and the logical conclusion is therefore correct then IB is not in the matter of the body.
        You asked…
        If the IB is not in the matter of the body, where is it then?

        I would have to say that since it is not in the matter, it’s existence is actual but it’s location is theoretical it must be metaphysical.
        Similar to the ii of the body where it is everywhere and anywhere.
        It is like asking where is the number seven. It isn’t something until the circumstances allow it to “come about”/be expressed.
        Again, please let me know if I am on the right track.
        Whereas before there seemed to be a distinction between IB and ii for me. IB was a physical location while ii remains metaphysical. Now it seems the line is blurring.

        • Don,

          Good job! –

          – That is WHY we need to understand the philosophy in order to pass it on to the practice members. We are called to “own” the philosophy through and through. This way we can tell the story over and over and over and over again in as many ways as possible to as many people as possible.-

          – People DESERVE to know the principles of chiropractic philosophy as much as they know the new discovery of science. Periodicals, newspapers, magazine, TV, internet information are all filled everyday with scientific information. It’s time we pass on information regarding chiropractic philosophy, it’s the right of the people to know, don’t you think? If not chiropractors, then WHO? –

          • Oh you dear chiropractors don’t make it so difficult for yourselves.
            We need to educate the people as well as the chiropractors on the original philosophy on chiropractic. It is so simple, why make it so difficult?

          • Doris, I tend to think that the more we can understand the difficult aspects of the philosophy, the easier to communicate the simple truths to the public. perhaps most people are not accepting 100% of what we know is that we are only learning 75% of what we can know. Thanks for the reminder to keep it simple.

      • Doris A. (Flesia) Mercier,
        It may be just me. I grant you that but if you read the posts you may find that the concept of IB being everywhere and anywhere is not that simple.
        I am sure another view would help this discussion. Would you please explain how you would define the location of IB?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I agree to “own” the philosophy through and through is necessary. This concept is not an easy on to “own”. So, maybe you can help me with this.
        The definition of IB (as above) uses the words “part of the brain”. If the IB is not in matter then the use of the word “brain” in the definition cannot be the physical brain. Moreover, it cannot be in any matter of the body.
        Dr. Lessard, what is your definition of the brain? Please use the definitions above if possible (IB, ED, PB, other?? 🙂 )
        And where would you say the IB is located?
        Thank you.

        • Don,

          Ask any scientists and they will tell you that the brain is a “mysterious” information processing center using a variety of ways to process data, If have no problems with the definitions above (IB, ED, etc…). –

          – You asked: “Where do you say the IB is located?” –

          – The answer is: The innate brain is located where the innate intelligence is located.

  8. OK Boys,
    Right from the horses mouth,
    Art. 43. INNATE BRAIN. (See Universal Diagram, Art. 38)
    That part of the brain used by Innate, as an organ, in which to
    assemble mental impulses.
    It is supplied with mental impulses directly from Innate
    Intelligence, whose headquarters it is.
    It is a vital spot and cannot be dis-eased. (317, V)
    Its existence is actual, but its location is theoretical.
    There is no transmission of mental impulses from Innate
    Intelligence to Innate brain. There is no necessity, Innate being right
    here. For this reason it always has 100% mental impulses. This
    being true it has perfect function, perfect metabolism and never has
    incoordination. It does not assimilate poisons from the
    serous stream. It is of course subject to trauma, the same as any
    other tissue. It must be supplied with nutriment and blood as any
    other tissue. A virulent poison can penetrate it. If it is injured by
    trauma; if it is subjected to anemia—lack of blood and nutriment; or
    is poisoned in spite of its resistance, then death ensues speedily, for
    it will not endure dis-ease or trauma. It must be remembered that
    although Innate’s management is nothing short of miraculous, she is
    after all, limited in what she can do because of the limitations of
    matter. (Prin. 5 and 24)
    Point # 1.{It is of course subject to trauma, the same as any
    other tissue. It must be supplied with nutriment and blood as any
    other tissue.} Obviously RW saw IB as matter. He also stated IB was subject to disease,poison/trauma.(because it is matter)
    Point # 2.{There is no transmission of mental impulses from Innate
    Intelligence to Innate brain. There is no necessity, Innate being right
    here. For this reason it always has 100% mental impulses.} This says Innate Intelligence is right where the Innate Brain is, not the other way around. It does not say IB is everywhere II is.
    Point # 3. Above mentioned (317, V) states…Art. 317. MIND. (116 to 125 V)
    Mind is the activity of Innate Intelligence in the brain as an
    Now I don’t want to beat a dead horse but I would like to know WHO changed it and WHY?

    • I’m sorry (317 , V) pertains to Vol. 5 Page 317, (not article 317), where it says,
      Since it is impossible for fibers from one Innate brain lobe to another to be impinged, it is obviously impossible for the Innate brain to be improperly nourished and hence impossible for the impulses sent
      out from it to be abnormal. The innate brain can be injured only
      through traumatism; when it is injured, death is the result.
      {impossible for fibers from one Innate brain lobe to another to be impinged,} means no chance of subluxation.

    • Steve,
      Great point!
      Waiting for Dr. Lessard’s or even Dr. Strauss’s response on that one.
      IB is either in the matter or it is not.
      Without this being confirmed or refuted it is hard to continue.
      What article number was that Steve?

  9. Steve,

    Innate brain is either in the matter or it is not. –

    – From what you quoted from Stephenson, he is saying that the innate brain is physical matter and that the innate brain is that PART OF THE PHYSICAL BRAIN and that it is IN the physical brain “innate being right here, he says” (“it is supplied with nutrients and blood like any other tissue. A virulent poison can penetrate it. If it is injured by
    trauma; if it is subjected to anemia—lack of blood and nutriment; or
    is poisoned in spite of its resistance, then death ensues speedily, for
    it will not endure dis-ease or trauma. Stephenson also says that the innate brain “is a vital spot and cannot be dis-eased. (317, V)”. And then Stephenson mentioned “It must be remembered that
    although Innate’s management is nothing short of miraculous, SHE is
    after all, limited in what SHE can do because of the limitations of
    matter. (Prin. 5 and 24)”.
    There is loose consistency here don’t you think?

    – Due to the limitations of ALL matter (pri.24), either the physical matter of a “living thing” is subject to dis-ease or it is not. –

    – If the innate brain cannot be dis-eased, how can it be physical matter?

    • Hey Claude,
      Are you really asking me the difference between disease and dis-ease? Dis-ease is the state of the nerve when impinged upon by subluxation. Innate Brain cannot be impinged. This statement would lead one to understand that the Innate Brain is not in the spine, nothing more. If you adjust extremities, that statement would also rule out the rest of the body, except the cranial vault. By all other accounts they describe the IB as physical matter. It’s existence is actual, it is subject to disease, it is that part of the brain, all point to a material construct. According to BJ and RW, IB can be affected by disease but not dis-ease.
      There must be a place for converting metaphysical to physical. Logically that place should be in or near the main control center, the brain.

  10. Steve,

    I am not asking you the difference between disease and dis-ease. –

    – I am asking you: If the innate brain cannot be dis-eased, HOW can it be physical matter (since principle #24 says innate intelligence is limited through the limitation of ALL matter)?

    • Hey Claude,
      Not all physical matter is susceptible to DIS-EASE, only nerve tissue, and only in conjunction with subluxation. I was reminded of this by you in previous threads. No subluxation – no dis-ease. Tissue within the cranial vault is not in contact with the vertebrae therefore not subjected to subluxation and dis-ease. You know this, why are you drilling me? If I could search this blog I am pretty sure I could find where you have said as much before(that only nerves suffer dis-ease and only because of subluxations). What’s more important is I didn’t say it, BJ and RW did.

      • Joseph,

        Up above on this thread (1/5/2013 9:28pm) you mentioned that may be we should start at vibration in the universal cycle. i agree. I wonder if Steve read that comment of yours? Did you Steve?

        • Hey Claude,
          I don’t remember RW or BJ mentioning the PHYSICAL Brain being dis-eased. Diseased of course but not dis-eased. Can subluxations affect the physical brain with impingement, I think not. I guess it depends on your definition of PB, wasn’t that the debate that took BJ to Dresden Germany to quick freeze and dissect around the brain-stem?

          • Steve,

            – A universal intelligence is in ALL matter (pri.1) –

            – The function of intelligence of to create force (pri.8) –

            – The function of force is to unite intelligence and matter (pri.10) –

            – Matter can have no motion without the application of force by intelligence (pri.15). –

            – A “living thing” has an innate intelligence (pri.20). –

            – The function of innate intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body (pri.23) . –

            – There can be interference with the transmission of innate forces (pri.29). –

            – Therefore we can reasonably deduce that since ALL matter require force for motion and that there can be interference with innate forces, ALL matter (including the physical brain) is subject to being dis-eased which is caused by interference with the transmission of innate forces (pri.30). –

            – Innate intelligence is actual and “displayed throughout the body” as you mentioned. There is no transmission of mental impulses from innate intelligence to innate brain. There is no necessity innate being right there. Therefore we can reasonably conclude that the innate brain is WHERE innate intelligence is: “displayed throughout the body”. –

            – The innate brain being WHERE innate intelligence is and the innate brain CANNOT be dis-eased leads us to conclude that the innate brain is NOT physical… For me, it blows the grey matter theory off the chart. No matter how much I want the innate brain to be physical, it’s just not working anymore. As I scrutinized the green books deeper and with the conversation of this blog and ALL of you participating in it, I’m incline to think that the innate brain is a metaphysical concept that is as actual as innate intelligence with a theoretical location. The innate brain is WHERE innate intelligence is. The innate brain is “that part of the brain used by innate, as an organ, in which to assemble mental impulses and instantly adapts the vibration (UF) of the cell into a mental impulse and transmit the mental impulse on the afferent nerve, sending it to the physical brain for distribution. The LIVING human body NEEDS the brain and nerve system so that innate intelligence COORDINATES ALL ACTION OF THE PARTS OF THE LIVING BODY FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT. (pri.23). There is a NEED for a centralization for coordinating the action of the parts of the body. That’s WHY we have a brain and a nerve system. That is the function of the brain and nerve system: Centralization for distribution to ALL the parts of the body including sensory function and so called voluntary functions. –

            – This is predicated on the premise that innate intelligence being displayed everywhere and anywhere throughout the body and NOT being located ONLY in the brain. If that premise is true, its deductive conclusions will also be true. If that premise is NOT true, then its deductive conclusions CANNOT be true. –

            – DD, BJ, RWS, based their findings from their understanding of the day… that innate intelligence had a personality and that SHE took residence in the brain in the skull. If that premise is true, then deductive conclusions will be true. If that premise is NOT true, then the deductive conclusions CANNOT be true. –

            – I welcome thoughts from everyone.

      • Dr. Lessard,
        If the IB is PURELY metaphysical then how do you account for the physical characteristics attributed to it by RWS? Are these no longer true or deducible?

        ” It is of course subject to trauma, the same as any
        other tissue. It must be supplied with nutriment and blood as any
        other tissue. A virulent poison can penetrate it. If it is injured by
        trauma; if it is subjected to anemia—lack of blood and nutriment; or
        is poisoned in spite of its resistance, then death ensues speedily, for it will not endure dis-ease or trauma.”

        Moreover, if what travels along the nerve system of the living body (PHYSICAL nerve impulses and METAPHYSICAL mental impulses) has both physical and metaphysical properties, is it not conceivable that the IB could have/be both physical and metaphysical components as well? Why or why not?

        • Don,

          – ALL matter require force for motion (pri.15) and there can be interference with innate forces (pri.29), therefore ALL matter is subject to being dis-eased which is caused by interference with the transmission of innate forces (pri.30).

          How could the innate brain have both physical and metaphysical properties if the innate brain CANNOT be dis-eased? –

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I see your point however, conversely, how can the IB be metaphysical only and be subject to trauma, poisoning, anemia and even require nutriment and blood the same as any other tissue?
        This is the reason that I suggest that it may have more than one component.

        • Don,

          You ask a very good question. ” how can the IB be metaphysical only and be subject to trauma, poisoning, anemia and even require nutriment and blood the same as any other tissue?” –

          – WHO did Stephenson choose to BE in relation to the location of innate intelligence? WHO did Stephenson choose to BE in relation to the location of the innate brain? His comments on the innate brain is predicated on his premise that the innate brain is located in the physical brain within the skull and that innate intelligence is located in the innate brain “whose headquarters it is” which is THEORETICALLY located SOMEWHERE in the physical brain within in the skull. –

          – If Stephenson’s premise is true, then his deductive conclusions are true. If Stephenson”s premise is NOT true, then his deductive conclusions are not true. –

          – The most important part of this blog, is to be reasonably deductive, rational, logical and consistent as we “gently” scrutinize the philosophy in the “light” of today’s information that were not available during Stephenson’s time. I believe, that the Stephenson I learned from would agree with moving deeper into his textbook which “was prepared for classroom use… and with the hope that it will be a help to the field practitioner, who (WHO CHOOSES TO BE) is still a student of Chiropractic, offering him a review, as well as THE LATER DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SCIENCE OF CHIROPRACTIC”
          (Chiropractic Text Book, R.W.Stephenson’s, Preface, page ix ).

  11. Hey Claude,
    Vibration is the term used to describe the response/reaction of the body (not just the 5 senses) to the environment or the detection of the MI manifestation. I believe RW wrote that although it was propelled by the preceeding efferent force it was considered an afferent universal force, pure imput no adaptive or adapted properties. I guess you could say vibration is OIBU.

    • Steve,

      Yes, I agree with you that vibration is a state of the matter. Therefore vibration is a universal force which is deconstructive toward structural matter. Since we established that innate intelligence does NOT reside only in the brain and that innate intelligence is IMMEDIATELY “aware” of the need of the cell, do you think that the innate intelligence of the body would IMMEDIATELY change this universal force into an innate force BEFORE it reaches the physical brain for proper distribution?

      • Hey Claude,
        I am under the impression Innate Intelligence, as a law (the law of life), does not “reside” anywhere. I ask you, where does the law of aerodynamics reside? As I see it, Innate Intelligence is displayed throughout the body. The actions of II are manifest by the body but II must have force to affect the matter that is the body so they are separate entities.
        If you’re asking about intellectual adaptation occurring before the brain receives input, I don’t think so. This concept of Innate “awareness” still has me thinking. Would you say gravity is aware of your presence, is the law of thermodynamics aware of the material it is working through and furthermore, would they react or behave differently if they were aware. Seems preposterous doesn’t it, that my existence or my physiological need of the moment would affect these principles of organization, these laws of our universe. This may be the most difficult thing about de-personification, some terms no longer apply. Awareness may be one of these. If II is inherent within the nerve system then situational status may not be necessary.
        I want to thank you fellas once again for letting me think out loud. This profession means a lot to me, if I can assist it’s growth or protect it’s essence …. if it takes 20 lifetimes….well you guys know what I mean.

  12. Steve,

    Innate intelligence is LAW. The presence of innate intelligence is always 100% for every “living thing” (pri.22). Therefore, we logically conclude that this LAW is perfect. –

    – This perfect LAW (ii) meets ALL the needs of the living body instantly as soon as these needs are manifested. This is called “intellectual adaptation” and it is completely metaphysical. This means, that the innate intelligence of the body “could” at the exact moment the need is manifested, meet that need. Therefore, we logically conclude that the innate brain is where the innate intelligence since “intellectual adaptation” occurs without limitations of matter or time. It is immediate! –

    – That is WHY intellectual adaptation MUST take place BEFORE the “input” reaches the physical brain for distribution, otherwise, the input would remain an”unadapted” universal force (vibration). This would negate principle #32 and coordination would not happen.

  13. Hey Claude,
    Adaptation is defined by RW as movement in an organism or any of it’s parts; or the structural change in that organism, to use or circumvent environmental forces. That this principle of change is always according to law makes it Intellectual Adaptation.
    Article 206, (vol 14) states Intellectual adaptation is not immediate, it is done to provide for the next time. Calluses do not form while using the shovel, they are innate’s way of preparing the hands for the next time we use the shovel. So it seems there are limits of time and matter for IA to be manifested. Where did this idea of instant IA come from? Did that lead to the conclusion that IB is everywhere or was it the other way around?
    RW also states sensation (in the brain) precedes IA, according to articles 91 thru 99 which explains it in detail. { for anyone that does not have the actual Green Books they are all available on one CD, a searchable CD}

  14. Steve,

    If you look at #3 above, it is WHAT it is. ALL of the above glossaries come from the green books, so we can be on the same page during our conversation. –

    – You stated: “As I see it, innate intelligence is displayed throughout the body. The actions of II are manifest by the body but II must have force to affect the matter that is the body so they are separate entities.” Steve, I completely agree with you on this. –

    – You also quoted RWS stating that: “There is no transmission of mental impulses from innate intelligence to innate brain. There is no necessity innate being right there. For this reason it always has 100% mental impulses”. As you see it then, “innate being right there” (in the innate brain) and “innate intelligence is displayed throughout the body”, it is logical to conclude that the innate brain is wherever innate intelligence of the body is…. DISPLAYED THROUGHOUT THE BODY!

    – YOU came to that conclusion all by yourself as you scrutinize the texts. – Now go back to WHAT you wrote and quoted above, with this NEW found insight of YOURS, and think about it. It might shed some light to the innate brain.

  15. Hey Claude,
    I do not see the connection, II is displayed/EXPRESSED throughout the body because of the nerve system. The nerves carry force , which unites intelligence and matter. There is no intelligence in the matter. If IB were everywhere force would be unnecessary. As I have asked repeatedly, if IB were everywhere, why would we need a nerve system? Neither you or Joe have addressed this comment.

    • I just found out myself but for those who are not aware Dr. Strauss was not well these past few days. Thus his absence from the post.
      I hear he is doing much better now though.

  16. Hey Claude,
    Still hung up on this IB is everywhere idea. I hate to keep using gravity as an example but it works so well as a demonstration tool since we both have a general understanding of it. Gravity is everywhere but not in everything. Do you remember the last time you were on the roof, gravity was dysplayed and held you there. Did you ever once think gravity was in the roof. The last time you floated in the water did you think it was the water that held you down instead of held you up? Gravity is everywhere but not in the things affected by it. IB may well be functionaly displayed periferally yet located centrally.
    Now let me ask you something. What one organ of the body, if extracted, would romove the connection to innate intelligence in the body? If Innate Intelligence needs a way to communicate with the tissue wouldn’t it make sense it would locate itself in the command center?
    One more question. Was it not you that said dis-ease was in the nerve tissue, further limiting the matter of the nerve? The body tissue suffers incoordination due to subluxation not dis-ease, or do I have that wrong?

    • Steve,
      Have you ever read in the Green books that dis-ease is limited to the nerve? I haven’t seen this before. I could have this wrong but I always thought that the state of dis-ease encompassed the whole organism. It is a state of being where there is a lack of ease or normal function. It is a state of non-health that doesn’t apply to a part of the whole.
      There would be some interesting implications if dis-ease was limited to the nerve tissue though.
      Let me know.

    • Steve,

      You could say that gravity is actual and its location is theoretical, that gravity is everywhere and not in everything. I have no problem with that. Innate intelligence of the cell, the innate intelligence of the organ, the innate intelligence of the system, the innate intelligence of the body is ALSO everywhere and not WITHIN the tissue. It is force that unites intelligence and matter (pri.10). –

      – Examples break down, yet for ALL of our sake and most particularly for the sake of Don 😉 I will use you, Steve, as an example.
      Your headquarters will ALL of the computer systems and software networks are located in your office in SC. It is you WHO choose to visit me is PA. In the comfort of MY office in PA, as we continue our “ongoing” conversation, it is you WHO choose to print a quote from RWS’ textbook. You take your i-phone, type a “coded” command, send it to your “coordinating network of computer systems” in SC and within a very short time, my fax machine in PA, receives a print out of the quote from RWS’ textbook. You and I are now looking and reading the quote together in PA. continuing our “ongoing” conversation. –

      – Are YOU actual? YES! –
      – Where is YOUR location? ANYWHERE! (in this example, you’re in PA) and NOT in the coordinating center, (“command” or “control” center) in SC.
      – Since your i-phone is ALWAYS where You are, YOU send information afferently, with your i-phone, to your coordinating center within your office (skull) in SC. –

      – In YOUR office in SC, YOUR coordinating center under YOUR control executes YOUR command and distribute YOUR request efferently to MY printer in PA. –

      – YOU are actual and your location has possibilities to be everywhere, so it is theoretical. –
      – YOUR i-phone is actual and it is located wherever YOU are, so its location is also theoretical. –

      – This begs the questions: WHAT is the software application and WHERE is it located RIGHT NOW?

      – You see now that we are dealing with concepts and concepts are NOT the truth. Concepts point to the truth. Concepts lead us to the truth. Once we are there (wherever), we must LET GO of the concepts and get into the concrete. And the concrete is: LACVS! PERIOD! –

      – Does this makes sense to ALL of you?

  17. Hey Don,
    I believe this came from Claude on an earlier post. Dis-ease is the only result of subluxation and is a description of the nerve, only. This made sense to me.
    In my opinion Chiropractic is about the nerves because nerves transmit force. Force is the only factor we can have an affect on by adjusting. We do not affect Innate Intelligence, it is always perfect (100%). We do not affect the matter as it is under the realm of Universal Intelligence, except as it is influenced by Innate Intelligence. Our Art Science and Philosophy deal with the relationship between the bone and the nerve and the transmission of force. We know what the bones do, we know what the nerves do and we are focused upon their interactions. What Innate Intelligence is capable of and what deconstructive consequences of the subluxation may be, is beyond our ability to measure. We cannot know at any given time whether lack of adaptation or limits of matter are responsible for the state of the matter. Technicaly it is out of our scope to diagnose conditions of the matter.
    I think the proper term or reference for subluxation affected matter is dis-coordinated or as BJ called it (tissue) insanity, producing negative survival value.

    • Thanks Steve!
      You said we do not affect the matter as it is under the realm of universal intelligence, except as influenced by innate intelligence. I thought Dr. Lessard said NTOSCors affect matter to effect the force. Is this the same thing?

      • Hey Don,
        My interpretation of that statement is that we move a bone which is matter to reduce impingment, from a nerve which is also matter to allow force to be restored. You may want to ask Claude.
        My point was we are in between intelligence and matter but our primary concern is uniting them. Kind of like the watch repairman who did not design the watch and professionaly does not care what time it is, only that the watch keeps time correctly.

  18. Hey Claude,
    That’s a tough one. I guess I would have to define it by exclusion. Force is not metaphysical so it must be physical. The Mental Impulse is metaphysical but the nerve impulse it rides on is a physical manifestation. So you could say without (or before) subluxation we have intelligent force, with (or post) subluxation we have ignorant force.
    So let me ask you guys, does the amount of force change with nerve impingement or just the character?
    (hint: BJ said lies moved slower through the nerve system than truth)

      • Hey Claude,
        That intelligent vs. ignorant statement speaks to the character not the amount. Has anyone proven or dis-proven loss of the amount of force?
        I think the “congestion above and starvation below” concept was dismissed on principle not physiological research, was it not.

  19. Steve,

    “Congestion above and starvation below” is predicated from BJ thinking that innate lived “above” in the brain. If BJ’s premise is true, then BJ’s conclusion is also true. If BJ’s premise is false, the BJ’S conclusion is false. I’m sure, the BJ that I know would have NO problem with that! BJ was constantly searching for the truth. –

    – Yet, principle #9 makes it quite clear as well, that “the AMOUNT of force created by intelligence is always 100%”. Therefore, we can reasonably deduce that it is the character of the force that is altered by the subluxation and NOT the amount (since it is ALWAYS 100%).

  20. Hey Claude,
    “The amount created is not necessarily the amount delivered. After all MI is 100% at the point of creation as well. We also have to consider the matter being affected by subluxation. If the nerve is impinged and not at ease, would that not affect it’s ability to transmit force?

    • Steve,

      No, not at all. The living human body is maintained in existence by a universal intelligence (pri.1) and the function of intelligence is to create the amount of force necessary to maintain the body (matter) in existence which is 100%. Therefore the delivery is NOT affecting the amount (it’s ALWAYS 100%). The delivery affects the character of the force. The question is : Is it a universal force without intelligent direction which is deconstructive toward structural matter or is it an innate force with intelligent direction which is constructive toward structural matter? –

      – Imagine is you will, the mental impulse at the site of subluxation losing its intelligent direction “by jumping track” or having one character-code altered. It’s like your office sending a “check” to my office, to buy my last 10 copies of my book in spanish, with zip code 19007, instead of 19067. Your check will be returned to you by the post office with a note “undeliverable”. Most likely you will make the correction and re-send it. However, when I get the check, it arrives to late. The books have already been sold to someone else and your INTENT to purchase the books is NOT honored. The amount of the check “traveling” is never altered. It’s the character code that was altered and it caused incoordination between your office and my office. –

      – The LIVING human body needs innate forces to be maintained in ACTIVE organization (pri.22). Otherwise, it will simply be maintained in existence by universal forces (pri.1) and not for very long either (pri.26). Therefore, WHEN principle 29 states that “there can be interference with the transmission of innate forces, WHAT happens at the site of the subluxation is an increase of limitation of the transmitting matter (impinged nerve) which reverts the mental impulse WITH intelligent direction to a nerve impulse WITHOUT intelligent direction. The impulse is lacking EASE. The character of the force in a state of DIS-EASE which will then violate the principle of coordination (32). –

      • Dr. Lessard strikes again with an great anaolgy. It’s all about the information “coded” in the transmission.
        Not sure what “jumping tracks” means though?

        • Don,

          At the central post office in Philly they have a scanner for the zip code for the letter and packages to follow conveyor tracks to their delivery bins to be loaded unto trucks to that will transport the mail to the surrounding counties. If the zip is NOT coded properly, the letter will follow a different conveyor track, hence “jumping tracks”… it’s only an analogy. What’s important is that WHEN the character of the mental impulse WITH intelligent direction (IF) is reverted back to a nerve impulse WITHOUT intelligent direction (UF), deconstruction takes place within the living body.

          • Dr. Lessard,
            You wrote,
            WHEN the character of the mental impulse WITH intelligent direction (IF) is reverted back to a nerve impulse WITHOUT intelligent direction (UF), deconstruction takes place within the living body.

            Something I need clarification on. Sorry if I am asking you to repeat yourself.

            Are all nerve impulses in the body either mental impulses or nerve impulses?
            Meaning all impulses in the nerve system are either WITH intelligent direction (mental impulse) or WITHOUT intelligent direction (nerve impulse).

  21. Hey Claude,
    I understand this philosophically but Chiropractic is an art and science as well not just a philosophy. I’m thinking about NCM heat readings. You can’t get something from nothing. If the subluxation gives off heat there is a loss of power somewhere. I don’t see that heat being the MI as it is removed from the nerve impulse. Logically the heat would signify a diminished force beyond that point. For example lets say 10 units of force leave the brain, the subluxation puts out 1 unit of heat, couldn’t it be possible that only 9 units of force reach the tissue?

    • Steve,

      Giving off heat readings to the NCM or NCGH, would imply “deconstructive” forces would it not? Thus a change in character from innate force (constructive) back to universal force (deconstructive). The amount of force is ALWAYS 100% within the LIVING body (pri.9)… either it’s innate forces or universal forces. The forces of innate intelligence never injure or destroy the tissue in which they work (pri.25).

    • Speaking of measuring subluxations scientifically and not physiologically…
      As I understand NTOSCors work with innate forces that are, I assume presently immeasurable. Correct me if I am wrong on this one.
      If this is the case, what equipment would be philosophically congruent in the NTOSC office?
      It seems the objective of a NTOSCors office is to simply correct vs and leave the rest up to the wisdom of the body and is dissociated from the outcome whether “normal” or “abnormal”.
      If this is correct, could this hypothetical pure NTOSC office have a NCM or a NCGH? What would be the purpose?

      • Don,

        Chiropractic is philosophy, science and ART. –

        Could you judge “this hypothetical pure” individual, WHO chooses to be a practitioner of art, could you REALLY judge the purity of the tools he/she chooses to use for her/his skills? –

        • Dr. Lessard,
          Ok I see your point. It is always a choice of each chiropractor.
          IMO a decompression table in the office of a NTOSC somewhat suspicious but that is an opinion and it is THEIR choice.

          So to rephrase the question, if a chiropractor decides he wants to evaluate his own practice and he uses a NCM and NCGH, what could be the purposes of these devices from a NTOSC perspective?

          • Don,

            Vincent Van Gogh used a knife for peeling potatoes for his art skills. –
            Claude Monet used pig-bristles brush for his art skills. –
            Rembrandt and Matisse used wool fibers for their art skills. –

            WHY? –

            – We must ALWAYS remember that the ultimate purpose of the chiropractor is to LACVS by eventually introducing an adjustic thrust (#29 above). –

            – HOW is the specific educated universal force (EUF) for the adjustic thrust determined? –

            – WHO knows!!!! 😉

      • Dr. Lessard,
        I admit that that may satisfy the question from the perspective of the art of chiropractic but does it satisfy it viewing it with a philosophical lens?
        In other words, if a chiropractor decides he wants to evaluate his own practice and he uses a NCM and NCGH, what could be the purposes of these devices from a NTOSC perspective philosophically?

        • Hey Don,
          I tend to look at it this way:
          Philosophy is the why, our logic or reasoning for removing interference to the transmission of innate intelligence. This being discussed in depth on this blog.
          Science is the when and where, identifyinf and locating the subluxation. Usualy determined by training and prefered level of specificity.
          Art is the how, by what method we introduce the educated universal force that is the adjustment. Often governed by personal preference and in multi-generational chiropractic families, by tradition.
          The combination of the above is what makes chiropractic unique. The ratios of the above are what makes each chiropractor unique.
          Sometimes the lines get blurred, as in the folks that say analysis is an artform or the technique that addresses all three.
          This may be why Clude says we get out of the philosophical car. Philosophy gets us there but science and art is how we deliver the goods

          • Thanks Steve.
            I didn’t think the three were separable. Thanks for bringing up the point of the philosophical car.

        • Don,

          Chiropractic is philosophy, science and art. Philosophy is the WHY of chiropractic. The WHY is principle #29 and 30. Science is the WHAT of chiropractic. The WHAT is principle #28 and 31. Art is the HOW of chiropractic. The HOW is principle #20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. Philosophy, science and art are inclusive of one another and NOT exclusive of each other. Since it is the innate intelligence of the body (law of life) that is performing the adjustment by adapting universal forces into innate forces, the LAW is NOT to be judged by me. –

          – One WHO chooses to BE a NTOSC, chooses to live with the reality of the three components of chiropractic. It’s all about intent and it is NOT to be judged by me. I am ONLY a servant of chiropractic and that is good enough for me. –

          – We must ALWAYS remember that NONE of us perform the adjustment. The innate intelligence of the body does. It does NOT matter to me which technique one uses to LACVS, as long as their intent is to practice the OBJECTIVE of chiropractic, which is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! –

          – May I ask how many years you have been in practice Don?

          • Dr. Lessard,
            To give you a sense of how new I am at this, you have been in practice longer than I have been born! 😉
            More specifically, I am very new to NTOSC practice. less than a year specifically.
            Moreover, this blog and you have taught me I have not been in practice not nearly enough years to judge the practice of another. Even hypothetically. 🙂
            Thanks once again.

  22. Don,

    You are absolutely correct when you say that: “all impulses in the nerve system are either WITH intelligent direction (mental impulse) or WITHOUT intelligent direction (nerve impulse).” –

  23. Dr. Lessard,
    This is also the reason I asked you, Dr. Donofrio and Dr. Gregory for some tips to help with my orientation. It always pays to ask people with experience and wisdom.
    “For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”
    Thanks to all of you.

    • Don,

      Own chiropractic inside out first… and then, learn the orientation from the master himself. Get Reggie’s tapes. He definitely is the best! 😉

      • Dr. Lessard,
        The tapes are a great idea.
        I’m not sure I will know exactly when I have owned chiropractic inside out though. It seems to me right now that it is a process rather than a goal or at least a very lengthy journey to a goal to which I am still on.

        Dr. Strauss’s book on Reggie is a great read as well.
        I enjoyed it.

        • Don,

          OWNING chiropractic is a choice, NOT a process. It is you WHO is free to choose WHAT is right, not expedient and WASH YOUR MIND OF ALL COMPROMISE… –
          – WHEN? –
          – NOW? –
          – No… not now… –

          – RIGHT NOW!!!! –

          – …. and the REST will follow! 😉

        • Hey Don,
          It is obvious that you already posses some ownership of ChiropracTIC, it is well demonstrated by the questions you ask and the comments you make. You will know for sure when someone asks you a simple question like how can chiropractic help my handicapped son or does chiropractic work on dogs, and you give them a 1-2 minute explanation of OSC without forethought or preparation. When you see their eyes light up, you will know. It is one of the best parts of being a ChiropracTOR. ChiropracTIC is a living profession, still expanding and growing, no one knows it all. That is why there are blogs like this, we grow together. Personally I have learned a lot from Joe and Claude and some from the other contributors like you, Eric, the other Don and Tom just to name a few.
          When ChiropracTIC flows from you effortlessly from Above Down Inside Out, you own it

  24. – Innate intelligence is NOT located in the physical brain. –

    – Innate intelligence adapts universal forces and matter for use in the body, so that ALL PARTS OF THE BODY will have COORDINATED ACTION for mutual benefit (pri. 23). Therefore innate intelligence uses the physical brain for COORDINATION. (pri.32 and 33). –

    – Innate intelligence ADAPTS universal forces to bring about correction of vertebral subluxation ALL the time since it is the function of innate intelligence. (pri. 23). –

    – Innate intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter (pri.24). –

    – Innate intelligence might (or might NOT due to the limitation of matter and time) adapt the educated universal force (adjustic thrust) Introduced by the chiropractor to correct vertebral subluxation. (pri.23 and 24). –

    – A reasonable question is: –

    – HOW does one, WHO chooses to practice the objective of chiropractic, deals with the concept of the specific location of the vertebral subluxation, the nature of it’s specific listing, the specific timing to introduce the specific adjustic thrust and remain philosophically sound? –

    • Dr. Lessard,
      You asked HOW does one deals with these concepts and remain philosophically sound?

      My answer: by choice! The chiropractor WHO chooses to practice chiropractic also must choose HOW to practice and chooses to remain philosophically sound. It’s all about the WHO isn’t it? 😉

    • Hey Claude,
      Did you really say, Innate Intelligence is not located in the physical brain? Just last week you said not only is Innate Intelligence everywhere in the human body but so was the Innate Brain. I would agree Innate Intelligence is displayed throughout the body, including the physical brain but I guess technically metaphysical concepts have no location,ie. where is love. This however does not negate the second portion of your previous assertion.
      If the Innate Brain “is everywhere” in the body, yet not segmented by anatomical structures, like cell walls, tissue borders, organ capsules, or system boundaries, then in essence you are saying the entire body is the Innate Brain. To this I would have to say Au Contraire Pierre. The very wording of Pri. 23 indicates otherwise. ” Innate intelligence adapts universal forces and matter for use in the body, so that ALL PARTS OF THE BODY will have COORDINATED ACTION for mutual benefit “, says adapts UF & M “for” the body not in the body. Then, all parts “will have” coordinated action. For coordination as we know it we must have nerves. Disconnect the appendix from the brain and you can no longer have coordinated appendix (appendicular?) function.
      We talk of Cellular Innate Intelligence yet we distinguish this from general Innate Intelligence because at this (cellular) level it is only for the cell’s life, not for the good of the entire body. For that cell to contribute to the overall welfare it must be connected to the body via the nerve system, without subluxation.
      Pri.22 states, There is 100% of innate intelligence in every “living thing”, the requisite amount, PROPORTIONAL TO IT’S ORGANIZATION. The physical brain is living tissue. As such it is organized and does coordinate because of Innate Intelligence. I do however propose that the cell, tissue, organs or systems do not require an Innate brain as they cannot and do not need to coordinate, they merely need to function.
      Either that or you are suggesting the Innate Brain is a metaphysical concept as well and there is no actual location for joining metaphysical with physical.

      • Steve,

        I re-read what I wrote and you are correct. I thought I wrote “innate intelligence is NOT located ONLY in the physical brain.” Thank you for pointing that out to me. I will double check my slippings from now on. 😉 –

        The innate brain is WHEREVER innate intelligence is and innate intelligence uses the physical brain for COORDINATION. (pri.32 and 33). –

        • …. furthermore, according to Stephenson, the location of the innate brain is theoretical and I agree. This doesn’t mean that the innate brain does not exist. It means that the LOCATION of the innate brain cannot be pinpointed. So, the start point of origin of the mental impulse is the innate brain and since we cannot establish the location of the innate brain, what does that mean?

          • Hey Claude,
            You say IB being theoretical cannot be pinpointed, I would suggest being theoretical may mean, has not been anotomicaly identified, yet. The human mind is not a location per say however, we know the “thinking” takes place in the brain. This “thinking” is evidenced all over the body but noone assumes the mind to be in the elbow. We also have identified certain functions with certain locations within the brain but still find we have a lot of uncharted teritory. I would suspect the Innate Brain to be in intimate contact with the organ responsible for it’s exression. OK how about this, when the PALMERIAN NUCLEUS (IB) is discovered I get to say “I told you so” and until then we agree to keep looking.

  25. …furthermore, not all phrases go both ways. Innate Intelligence being where the Innate Brain is, is logical as II is everywhere. This does not necessarily mean IB is everywhere II is. For example, if I said all men were human would you assume all humans were men?

  26. Steve,

    – The living brain cell has a body, nucleus, protoplasm, etc., like any other living tissue cell. It is a living organism having the ability to adapt and it requires mental impulses along with nutrition as any other living tissue cell. –

    – Mental impulses are innate forces and subject to interference which is the cause of dis-ease (pri.29 and 30). –

    – Is there ONE living tissue cell that does NOT require innate forces to be maintained in active organization? Is there ONE tissue cell that has NO limitations and is NOT subject to dis-ease? –

    – It appears that the ONLY way the innate brain is a vital spot and CANNOT be dis-eased with a theoretical location is that the innate brain is a metaphysical construct. –

    – The innate brain is REAL and exist and its location is WHEREVER the innate intelligence of the body adapts universal forces into innate forces. Innate intelligence, then, from the innate brain sends the mental impulses through and over the nerve system to the physical brain which is the organ used by innate intelligence for coordination of ALL the parts of the body. In other words innate intelligence uses the brain and nerve system to adapt ALL the matter of the living body and maintain it in active organization (pri.21,22 and 23) –

    – The innate brain is WHEREVER innate intelligence is. It is Stephenson’s WHO said: “There is NO transmission of mental impulses from innate intelligence to innate brain. There is NO necessity, innate BEING RIGHT THERE.” He also said that the innate brain is a vital spot and CANNOT be dis-eased. –

    – It is therefore rational and logical to reasonably deduce that the innate brain is a metaphysical construct. The innate brain is NOT comprised of matter. The innate brain is WHEREVER innate intelligence is, which is EVERYWHERE about the living body and is a metaphysical construct, just as innate intelligence is a metaphysical construct. –

    • Dr. Lessard,

      I understand that innate intelligence is metaphysical. Intellectual adaptation is mental not physical.

      I thought IB was in the physical. I also thought adaptation starts at the IB. Adaptation being the process of adapting the organism to the environment carried through pursuant to the plan (intellectual adaptation) of ii.
      That said I was under the assumption that IB was physical.

      Currently, I am rethinking this…
      IB is not physical, it is a metaphysical construct. IB is everywhere about the body and so it cannot be physical because IB is wherever ii is.

      Force unites intelligence and matter. IB transmits MI to the PB. PB is physical.

      I could be mixing terms here and that may be my difficulty but if not here are my questions

      Where does the bridge between the metaphysical and physical occur if not in the IB because it is metaphysical?
      or rather….. where does the bridge between intellectual adaptation and adaptation occur?

      • Don,

        If you re-read my post of 1/7/13 7:36pm, I mentioned that “innate intelligence is LAW. The presence of innate intelligence is always 100% for every “living thing” (pri.22). Therefore, we logically conclude that this LAW is perfect. –
        – This perfect LAW (ii) meets ALL the needs of the living body instantly as soon as these needs are manifested. This is called “intellectual adaptation” and it is completely metaphysical. This means, that the innate intelligence of the body “could” at the exact moment the need is manifested, meet that need. Therefore, we logically conclude that the innate brain is where the innate intelligence since “intellectual adaptation” occurs without limitations of matter or time. It is immediate! That is WHY intellectual adaptation MUST take place BEFORE the “input” reaches the physical brain for distribution, otherwise, the input would remain an”unadapted” universal force (vibration). This would negate principle #32 and coordination would not happen.” –

        – Again, let me repeat that intellectual adaptation is completely metaphysical. The metaphysical law of innate intelligence is perfect and uses the metaphysical innate brain to process the information about the need of the physical cell immediately and perfectly. Since the cell is matter, the process of adaptation to produce the needed chemistry for the fulfillment of the need of the cell requires time and matter. –

        – There is a process involved in transferring a metaphysical mental impulse into a physical manifestation. For that, the brain and nerve system are used by innate intelligence to produce the needed chemistry for coordination of the systems, organs, tissues and cells of the body. –

        – There are questions that must be answered before we move on to the process of transferring mental impulse into a physical manifestation. –

        – WHY DOES THE MENTAL IMPULSE TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE BRAIN? In other words what is going on metaphysically? –

        – WHY is a highly complicated physical brain needed for adaptation? –

        – Do you have any idea WHY?

        • Dr. Lessard,
          You asked, “WHY DOES THE MENTAL IMPULSE TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE BRAIN? In other words what is going on metaphysically?”

          MI travels to and from the PB for the distribution to the innate body. Metaphysically, the II is transmitting a metaphysical “thought” to the tissue cell for the purpose and benefit of coordinated mutual activity of the whole organism.

          You also asked ” WHY is a highly complicated physical brain needed for adaptation? Do you have any idea WHY?”

          Good question. I would guess it is complicated because this organ, the PB, has responsibility of the voluntary functions: reasoning, memory and education (educated brain functions).
          I would guess it is necessary because not all adaptation can be involuntary. Voluntary functions are necessary for adaptation.

          I might need you to explain this one further for me though…

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Adaptation is complex because it is in the physical realm with limitations of both time and matter whereas intellectual adaptation is the perfect working plan of ii in the metaphysical with NO limitations of matter. I hesitate to say no limitation of time here because it would violate Prin. #6 There is no process that does not require time.

        • Don,

          Yes, intellectual adaptation is the immediate 100% perfect adapting of universal forces and matter by innate intelligence to bring about adaptation of the living cell, so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit (pri.23). Principle 24 enunciates the limits of adaptation and for this reason, along with the limitation of time, the PROCESS of adaptation must include the action of matter which requires time. Therefore time and matter become part of the PROCESS. –

          – I like examples also. Can you think of one that could help us understand “the bridge between intellectual adaptation and adaptation”?

      • Dr. Lessard,
        Prin 6. The Principle of Time – There is no process that does not require time.
        Definition of Process –
        (1) a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
        (2) : a continuing natural or biological activity or function

        Since Intellectual adaptation is metaphysical it has no limits in matter or time. As such it is not a process. There is no gradual or continuing function. It is immediately dictated by ii to the innate need made present.

        Adaptation is physical not metaphysical. It is a PROCESS of natural gradual changes of organism to the adaptation to the environment. It is not immediate.

        I asked, “Where does the bridge between the metaphysical and physical occur if not in the IB because it is metaphysical?
        or rather….. where does the bridge between intellectual adaptation and adaptation occur?”

        First, I would have to say that the bridge between intellectual adaptation and adaptation must occur “downstream” of the action of intellectual adaptation. Is there a physical location for this? I don’t think so because as a function of ii, ii is not physical. Also, IB’s existence is actual but it’s location is theoretical.

        My example to illustrate the bridge between intellectual adaptation and adaptation would be anything where there is a plan and subsequent action. This could be a plan for a wedding, new year’s resolution, to build a house. I like the last one.
        In any case, all plans are flawless because they do not account for every instance, just one perfectly ordered sequence of events. In and of themselves the plan is perfect but their outworking is subject to imperfections.
        Just watch a any of the wedding reality shows and notice how interference to the plan of the bride creates chaos in the end result!
        Or the homeowner, contractor and engineer who look at the blueprint and the interference of the city with permits and regulations squash their desires for a dream home.
        The only difference being the plan of ii (intellectual adaptation) carried out through the physical matter is always subject to limitations of matter. Sometimes a bride and homeowner get what they planned for. 😉

        • “Just watch a any of the wedding reality shows and notice how interference to the plan of the bride creates chaos in the end result!”

          You’re scaring me a little Don, turn off the wedding shows and pick up a manly Blue Book or Reggie cd. No more girly stuff!! 😉 😉

        • ALL of you following this thread on the blog, here is my question:

          WHAT ramifications does this NEW model of the metaphysical construct of the innate brain have with regard to the Palmer model and our understanding of chiropractic today?

        • Hey Don,
          Same rule used to apply at my house, you can have the remote or the laptop, not both. 2nd rule, you can be happy or right, not both. I did not know when I married Mrs. Right her first name was always.

    • Hey Claude,
      The living cell has no “ability” to adapt it must be adapted. Cells function according to design. As you said II uses the nerve system to adapt all the tissues… they do not adapt themselves Put nutrition around them and they process the chemistry. No food, they die. If they are hungry they cannot adapt and change requirements or pursue food. Keep cells at the prefered tempurature and they live, too hot they melt, too cold they cease to function. This is not adaptation it is deconstruction. For example hair and nails continue to grow after death, without Innate Intelligence as we typicaly define it. If this is true for some it is true for all. Without a steady flow of II the cell is an island, no longer a team player and rapidly deconstructs. If the cell requires Mental Impulses it is to adapt UI at the point/level of the cell which was previously unadapted.
      Maybe it is time for me to revisit this concept of cellular intelligence, is it innate or universal. Hair growth postmortum is leftover chemistry continuing to react that sounds like UI to me. Stimulating the frog nerve produces muscle contraction until the chemistry is exhausted (UI).
      RW also said IB could suffer disease how do you resolve this obvious conflict? . Clarification ain’t always easy is it?

      • Steve,

        It’s RW WHO has the conflict. I don’t! –

        – It is you WHO choose to adhere to WHAT you call the “palmerian nucleus” being in an unknown location within the physical brain and it is you WHO still choose to keep searching for its location within the physical brain. –

        – The innate brain is a metaphysical construct (a perfect PROCESS of information performed by innate intelligence if you will) and CANNOT be dis-eased NOR diseased. It is ONLY matter that can be DIS-EASED or diseased.


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