Chiropractic Education-Q&A #29

Buoyed by the recent activities at the Washington hearings, many in the straight and think they are straight community are asking the following questions:

1. Is our education to prepare us for the practice of chiropractic (LACVS) or to prepare us to interact in an outside-in scientific/medical environment?

2. Have we really determined what is our objective and how does our education enable us to meet that objective?

3. Should different groups within the profession, having diferent objectives, have different educational requirements?

4. How should the profession resolve the above issues?

5 thoughts on “Chiropractic Education-Q&A #29”

  1. Hi Dr Joe

    I’m new to the blog and I love it.

    I learning a lot about straight chiropractic.

    Can you tell me what LACVS stand for?

    Thank you


    • Yves, welcome to the blog. LACVS stands for Locate, Analyze, and Correct Vertebral Sublxation. That is the sole objective of non-therapeutic objective straight chiropractic (NTOSC). Thank you for your reminder that new people are coming on the blog all the time and we often throw around our terms without giving thought to explaining their meaning.

      • Don, I’m inclined to think that the only other objective of a NTOSC is to educate the public about chiropractic so that they will avail themselves of it regularly for a lifetime.


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