Chiropractic as an Alternative to Medicine

To understand the problem with offering chiropractic you have to understand the differences in practice objectives among chiropractors.  The traditional straight chiropractor believes as an alternative to medicine chiropractic is an alternative because to him medicine addresses disease by alleviating its symptoms or treating its effects and he (the traditional straight)  addresses disease by correcting its cause.  In effect, disease is the objective of both.  The non-therapeutic straight believes the objective is not related disease in any way, shape or form, not its effects, not its cause, not its treatment, and not its cure.  Chiropractic is allowing the bodies innate intelligence to be expressed more fully over the nervous system.  The problem with the traditional approach of correcting the cause of disease (if chiropractic did that) is that often when the cause is corrected the disease is still present.  Patch a hole in a flat tire and the tire is still flat (i.e. limitations of matter).  Repair a broken furnace and it may take hours for the house to get warm again (i.e. limitations of time).  So the traditional straight corrects the “cause of disease” and when the patient does not get up off the table well,  he is frustrated and begins to mix, either to treat effects or because lack of    exercise and proper nutrients are also causes of disease.  Of course the environment, aging, germs, and ragweed pollen are also causes of disease, but this does not justify mixing any of these things with chiropractic.  True chiropractic does not relate to the cause(s) of disease.

          Here is the point.  If you view chiropractic as an alternative to medicine, even a superior alternative like correcting the cause rather than the effects, you are going to be frustrated a thousand of times over because limitations of time and limitations of matter are very real facts of life.  The only logical choice if you do not want a life of frustration and trying to explain to patients why they are not getting well when you have corrected the cause of their problem, especially when a friend with the same problem who started care after them is already better, is to not address disease in any way.

          The objective straight chiropractor explains to patients that correcting subluxations to allow the inborn wisdom of the body to be better expressed over the nervous system affects every aspect of their life.  There are no promises and no guarantees except that the body works better with a good nerve supply and you the chiropractor will improve that nerve supply.  This has to be the most relaxing, enjoyable way to practice. v14n1

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