Checking our Slipping

                We constantly need to check our terms and phrases.  There is a tendency within the chiropractic profession to emphasize the nervous system, particularly the brain and spinal cord, as the “controlling and coordinating system” within the body.  While we straight chiropractors recognize the importance of he nervous system, it is also important to give it proper emphasis.  Undue emphasis upon it as a controller or coordinator detracts from the real controller, the innate wisdom of the body.  To some people it may not be a big thing but it moves us, philosophically, in a mechanistic direction, a direction we can ill afford to go.  The nervous system is a tool that the innate intelligence uses to control and coordinate function.  Obviously it is a very important tool, so  important that we have an entire profession that has as its objective,  removing interference in the nervous system at the vertebral level.  But it is only a tool.  Many people refer to the electric company or the telephone company as a “thing.”  They note the wiring running down the street and the transformers, or circuit boxes, that are visible on the street.  But no one thinks about them as the cause.  We realize that there are people, intelligent minds, thinking, planning, coordinating and designing the system and maintaining it in working order.  The electric company or telephone company form time to time will run television ads showing pictures of smiling employees to remind us of the fact that there is a vitalistic, living entity behind the system, that it is more than just cables and wires.  We as chiropractors need to be constantly reminded of that fact also.  It is important form a philosophical and technical point of view.  The innate intelligence runs the body, the brain and nervous system does not.  it is also important form a practical standpoint.  While the vast majority of chiropractors in the field have a subluxation-based practice, the majority of them are not straight.  They remove interference at the vertebral level so that he nervous system can be improved.  That is not straight chiropractic.  Removing interference at the vertebral level so the innate intelligence of the body can better express itself over the nervous system is straight chiropractic.  The objective of the subluxation based chiropractor can vary.  He/she can correct subluxations and improve the nervous system to relieve pain, cure disease, straighten spines etc.  That is not straight chiropractic.  With those objectives it is easy to incorporate other procedures into the practice, all the while staying subluxation based.  It is even easier if the nervous system is thought to be the controller of the body.  The medical profession has that viewpoint.  If you view a system made up of nothing more than matter as the controller it is easy to intervene with your educated intelligence.  In which lies the problem.  That is the practical application.  The nervous system is merely physical matter and no one but the straight chiropractor appears to have an aversion to manipulating matter to conform to their preconceived educated idea of what it should be.  The vitalistic, innate intelligence-based chiropractor recognizes that the controller is not a system but a principle, a law of organization, called innate intelligence, that is fare smarter and far superior to his own finite educated mind.  To try to intervene is placing oneself above the law, denying the superiority of the principle.  To a straight chiropractor that is unthinkable.  To a chiropractor venerating the system it is perfectly acceptable at times.  Every chiropractor in the world as well as every medical doctor understands and recognizes the preeminence of the nervous system.  Too few understand that as a system it is merely a tool in the hands of the master builder and repairer.  The straight chiropractor gives the ultimate credit to the craftsman not to his tools.v9n4

8 thoughts on “Checking our Slipping”

  1. I’ve asked this question before, with no comments. I’ll try once again.
    Question: When it stated in this post ‘The innate intelligence runs the body, the brain and nervous system does not. ‘ ,
    A. I know p20. Innate Intelligence – A “living thing” has an inborn intelligence within its body, called Innate Intelligence.
    B. I know p21. The Mission of Innate Intelligence – The mission of Innate Intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization.
    C. I know p23. The Function of Innate Intelligence – The function of Innate Intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body, so that all parts of the body will have co-ordinated action for mutual benefit.
    Does running the body mean actualizing the Triune in living matter, more specifically, a vertebrate (man)?
    What does run the body actually mean?
    Does language miss the mark (eg. Run), with truly expressing something that is more of an indescribable entity, or a process or a relationship of actions and properties being expressed in a form called life?
    RUN: It’s used so often to describe or define an action, but it strikes me as objectifying a metaphysical process (life) that defies, or transcends objectification, perhaps?

    • The term “run the body” really means: The authority that brings about coordination of action of all the parts of the body for mutual benefit (pri23). –

      – The way it occurs is WHEN innate intelligence uses the nervous system to OPERATE its forces through or over it (pri28).

      • … in other words, the instructive information of intelligence is the operating system of e/matter which is purely metaphysical (pri8). We deduce that the instructive information adapted (IF) by the authority of innate intelligence (pr120 and 23), is the operating system of living e/matter. Those innate forces OPERATE through or over the nervous system in animal bodies (pri28) so that all parts of the body will have harmonious action in fulfilling their offices and purposes (pri32).

  2. Claude,
    Ah Claude. Appreciate the appendum.
    And I agree. Particularly the infusion of (IF – p21,p23), maintaining adapted UF (nerve impulse >> mental impulse), etc.
    OK. Got it.
    Point 2, and this again concerns another mechanistic term, coordination.
    When we say coordination, as in p23, are referring to, or implying a concept of ‘Proper (Normal) Relationship’ between parts versus coordinating.
    Here’s the the thing, and I’ve mentioned this countless times, perhaps uneffectively.
    Example: mechanistically, physiologically, the body has many coordinating cycles. It’s called Negative Feedback. Functionally it, like the way a thermostat works, regulates many many systems, with the brain(hypothalamus) and Pituitary (it’s chemical control plant, if you will), as the chief regulators. THE MASTER GLAND.
    This is the body, machine, mechanistic, and I’d interpret or have relentlessly interpreted ad nauseum to be a producer of COORDINATION.
    I’m suggesting that p23 and p32 are implying first of all NOT a mechanistic type coordination, or at least a different type of a Coordination, coming from a different place, having a different purpose.
    I am suggesting that it is more of the body LiFE being, having to be represented or maintained WHOLE. it’s a whole other level of coordination. It’s, once again, more of an actualized relationship, of all parts, all living cells, organs, operating as One Life. Interesting that you can create mechanical arms, legs, kidneys, hearts, I imagine one day, livers, BUT THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, HAVING IRREPLACEABLE PARTS, DEFININING MEDICALLY, LIFE OR DEATH IS WHAT BASICALLY OUR LIVES CONSIST OF.
    All functions exist to allow a thriving, adapting, living nervous system.
    Anyway this is a bit off point. BUT
    Once again, my understanding is that the word COORDINATION as used within the 33p philosophy really means something different then, as used within the context of our mechanistic (MATTER), functionalities.
    It can be interpreted that Innate Forces serve Tame the Mechanistic operational matter (brain-pituitary-body axis), so that universal forces of mechanism will adapt harmoniously MORE OF A FINE TUNING, allowing for Life, for constructiveness to prevail within the constraints of LOM. OR ITS BOTH 😉
    Anyway I’d appreciate your comment(s), or Joes comment(s), without condemnation, for the enhancement of understanding of the Philosophy (Authority), so that I can continue with the Homework that I maintain and perform everyday.
    Appreciatively 🙂

    • David,

      Coordination itself is metaphysical. It is instructive information from the director that the violinist used to harmonize his part with the whole orchestra. This instructive information is coded within the music score that Beethoven composed from his genius. Even though it is the master director,Leonard Bernstein, who appears to coordinate the action of all the parts of the orchestra, we must admit that without the instructive information within the music score composed from the metaphysical genius of Beethiven, Bernstein can’t do anything. He needs the metaphysical instructive information. –

      – Negative feedback needs instructions from the operating system which is the metaphysical innate intelligence that uses the metaphysical innate brain which coordinates the actions of all the parts for mutual benefit. Coordination is a metaphysical principle (32) bringing about harmonious action of all the parts of an organism to fulfill their offices and purposes. Coordination enables the Fifth Symphony to receive a standing ovation! 🙂

  3. Claude,
    Are you presuming that coordination that elicits harmonious action of all the parts of an organism to fulfill their offices and purposes CANNOT be ONLY, if at all, a mechanical process, like negative feedback, even within the context of intelligently designed and operating matter?
    How do we logically, deduce this? What separates the intricacies of the workings of perhaps unknown mechanical inductions, we call intelligently designed matter (by process and structure) from philosophical deductions that descend from the MP, that have lead to this analysis of innate intelligences adaptive effect on innate matter?
    Where does unknown induction (facts) meet deductive theorizing and doesn’t this possibly apply to this section of the 33ps where some sort of checks and balances (induction) need to corroborate what we have deduced?
    I understand destructive UI
    I understand constructive II
    I understand the signs of life
    It would seem that coordination as an absolute principle emerging from our deductions, as being linked to II is theoretical.
    Yet I respect THE AUTHORITY of the 33ps, but I would rather logically agree then taking it on faith.
    Have I errored in my thinking? Remember, my intention is to be as cognitive as possible of this philosophy we base our objective upon.
    I must assume that my questioning serves a purpose greater than my needs. That’s why I lay the wording of without condemnation upon this inquiry.
    Don’t let me frustrate you Claude. I am worthy and come to you honorably. I’m in a unique position having been a chiropractor, who did not have the tools, the knowledge of slipping and checking, having left the profession for many years and once again having the opportunity to try again to do it right, to do it as I see, from the vantage point of the potential unique truth that chiropractic presents. I am the majority of chiropractors today (had been mixer) who has this unique opportunity.
    You are bright and intuitive. I think my questions are legit.
    So they stand, if you care to respond to This Post. I await your reply.
    Sincerely. 🙂

    • David,

      Your homework is about you WHO is making the choice of accepting or not accepting the major premise. Until then, you have no foundational platform, to be STILL enough, to process all the information that this blog has provided you over the last few years. Until it is you WHO choose to accept the major premise, you will maintain your OIBU world view point.
      I wish I could be more helpful. I’m sorry and I love you as a brother David.


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