Changing People

The greatest task before us in the chiropractic profession, in order to succeed as we would like, is to change people with regard to chiropractic. It has been said that you cannot change people, people must change themselves. With that in mind, let us see what changes people. I would suggest that there are really only two things that can bring about change. The first is crises. How many people in this country were ambivalent toward Islamic terrorists before 9-11 and after that horrible incident became strongly prejudiced against Islam? Many people have their opinions changed about chiropractic after beginning chiropractic care during some symptomatic crisis. Some of those people become good chiropractic practice members but most relegate chiropractic to crisis care because that is how they first experienced it and that is how their thinking was changed, in a very limited way.

The second means by which people change is change in perception. This method of change is especially evident in people who have had their religion or belief system changed or have changed their political or social viewpoint. These changes seem to spill over into every area of the person’s life. Herb Hender, one of B.J.’s closest friends, once gave a talk entitled, “Changed Thinking Changes Everything.” The question that all of us want answered is what is it that precipitates this change in an individual’s thinking? There is no doubt that when thinking changes almost every aspect of a person’s life changes or else they begin to live a life divorced from the reality of their thinking. That seems to be a challenge for many people. I find it especially common in people of religious faith (above-down viewpoint) who seem to have an outside-in viewpoint of health care. We tend to scratch our head and say, “knowing what they know, how can they think that way?”

That brings me to the importance of what we do as chiropractors. I believe the only way that we can truly get people to see and understand what it is we do is to change their thinking. If we do not, we will spend the rest of our careers taking care of patch-up cases, those people who only come in when they hurt. You can make a decent living on those type of people. Of course, it will take you 10 or 15 years to build up enough people in your files to reach that level. That’s a lot of hot dogs and beans for a lot of years.

You see, I don’t believe it is really enough to explain chiropractic to people because they will invariably try to fit it into their preconceived idea of chiropractic, which is probably a therapeutic model. Their entire thought process must be changed so that they view health (and disease) in an entirely different way. I am not sure a person is able to change that thinking, at least not in a significant way unless their entire thought process is changed. It’s not about having a mind set that “chiropractic is good and medicine is bad.” It is even a lot more than recognizing that medical practice (disease treatment) has nothing to do with health, although that is a good start. It really takes a complete renovation of their thinking to an ADIO viewpoint of life and health. That must be the thrust of our office educational programs.v21n3


8 thoughts on “Changing People”

  1. Joe,
    And this IS what I have been driving at.
    The change has to be mind AND body.
    There is an Educated mind to seek Truth >> That is the philosophy and ADIO understanding
    There is an Educated body that (perhaps) is Congruent with Truth >> The Educated Intelligence resulting in Voluntary ACTION. That is an understanding that the WHO is not only of ones mental process but of what the body is speaking. Body Language!
    That is what makes Man, as a Free Thinking and Doing Being, different than any other living creation.
    We think and do our self into change. Relying on only one (think or do), is not enough.
    This is my discovery with “The Smile” Experiment. And I’ve known this for a long time (Act as If). But did not have a construct to fit it in (ADIO, 33Ps)
    I stated, as you have stated that Innate speaks to us, as common sense. Innate identifies itself in our educated intelligence (free will), as personal responsibility, freedom, self respect and esteem, etc.
    That translates as a person who walks tall maintains a humble posture, has a firm handshake, an open and non-judgmental heart.
    AGAIN, I’M SUGGESTING A SOLUTION to your statement
    ” It really takes a complete renovation of their thinking to an ADIO viewpoint of life and health.”

    • David,

      You posted: “I stated, as you (Joe) have stated that Innate speaks to us”.

      Does the law of gravity speak to you? It’s a law and the ONLY function of a law… is to act! Innate intelligence is the law of active organization, it does NOT speak to us, its ONLY function… is to adapt universal forces (pri23).

      • Claude,
        Crossed my I, dotted my Tee.
        Fair enough.
        I guess your WHOism Dr. Seuss has nothing to do with Law, 33Ps, ADIO
        either. 😉

        • David.

          Stop thinking dammit and ACT! ACT WHAT? GET OFF the fence! For a start, after many, many, many blogs, it is you WHO could choose to do what is right, not expedient and WASH your THINKING mind of ALL compromise. There is no time to waste. People NEED chiropractic and there are only a few of us WHO can deliver it… the WAY they need it, meaning that… chiropractic is INCLUSIVE of EVERYONE!!!! It is me WHO dare you to choose to practice the chiropractic objective. PERIOD 😉

          Carry on. ADIO.

          • Claude,
            You are Funny. I see you picked up on my “dare” reference.
            Touche, Touche.
            But Claude. We are, at least I am trying to have a discussion here. A philosophical discussion. Are you the only one that can can make references to a WHO or an AM or an I or a BE, establish it within some ADIO reference (saying I AM (BE) comes before Philosophical points), then having me inquire further without condemnation and then you refuse to discuss it, delve further?
            I get you man. ACT! I do. Does personal action, for that matter Educated Intelligence in toto NOT being mentioned once within the 33Ps, relevant at ALL in a philosophical discussion concerning Chiropractic (philosophy).
            Yes I know that we delve into where innate brain functions (relevant), but Educated? I know that by contrast it might be. Eg. If the 33 Ps discuss what IS chiropractic, then to discuss those things that are NOT Chiropractic (Educated), are important when there are fine lines that need to be qualified to make distinctions of what IS and what IS NOT.
            The subject of FREE WILL has been referenced to Educated Intelligence, and it would seem that YOU in referencing WHO, and AM and BE and ACT constantly make reference to a NON Chiropractic Subject. An important subject, yes, but NOT Chiropractic.
            Unless I am wrong. Discuss it with me, The WHO, The BE, The AM, The I, The ACTion. It’s important

  2. Ok Joe.
    I wonder if Claude will reply. I have my doubts.
    With regards to Educated Intelligence, does EI command
    a purely mental process (thinking) and/or a purely voluntary action

    • David,

      One more time. Here we go. Please do your homework and from its yields, it is you WHO can choose what is right, not expedient (perhaps to accept the authority of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science) and wash you thinking mind of all compromise (perhaps to practice the chiropractic objective). If it is you WHO choose to ACT NOW, it may eventually transform your thinking. It is me WHO choose to invite you to give it an honest try… the worlds needs YOU!

      Carry on. ADIO.


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