Cause and Effect

5 thoughts on “Cause and Effect”

  1. ‘All’ would imply a complete linking, by definition between a cause and it’s associated effect. eg. A Spinal Adjustment(s) is all that is necessary for the Chiropractic Objective to be accomplished, by definition, by logic.
    There is no cause and effect within the context of ALL, between
    Spinal Manipulation-treatment(cause) and the Chiropractic Objective(effect).eg. half pregnant, half alive (***not partial death, as we have referred to it)

  2. In chiropractic, the existence of ALL e/matter has only ONE cause, universal intelligence. Therefore, it is true that “A cause (UI) is sufficient if it is ALL that is necessary for an effect (existence) to occur”.

  3. May I suggest that:
    “A cause (UI) is sufficient if it is ALL that is necessary for an effect (existence to MATTER) to occur”


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