

A crisis means there is no solution. As long as there exists a solution, there is no crisis. Is there a crisis in chiropractic?


Validate is defined as, “to establish something as valid.” Does research validate our chiropractic philosophy or is the philosophy validated by the logic of its deductive reasoning and the authority of the 33 principles? If we need scientific research for ourselves or others in order to validate chiropractic, is it possible to do that and … Read more

Q&A #71 Peer Review

What makes a review by someone “equal” to you, a peer valuable? By an authority peerhaps, but not by a peer. For that matter of what value is a bibliography? Because someone else has written it down or said it, and it is cited by you. does that make what you say or write any … Read more


Originally the word grafted, in the Greek, had the connotation of being impregnated, taking on a new character but still maintaining some of the qualities or characteristics of the original organism and not just physical. Anyone who has had a pregnant wife knows the truth of that. There is a difference between the character of … Read more

Chiropractic v. Medicine

The difference between chiropractic and medicine has nothing to do with its method. It has to do with its basis. It’s basis is not: 1. drugless vs. drugs 2. conservative vs radical care. 3. natural or unnatural 4. OIBU v. ADIO 5. Recognizing and utilizing a metaphysical phenomena v. recognizing a material phenomena. 6. By … Read more