Wish I'd Said That
There are many angles at which you can fall but only one at which you can stand straight. G.K. Chesterton If you do not stand for straight chiropractic you’ll fall for anything. November 23, 2010
There are many angles at which you can fall but only one at which you can stand straight. G.K. Chesterton If you do not stand for straight chiropractic you’ll fall for anything. November 23, 2010
The dog eats in order to satisfy hunger. When a man eats, he has an implicit, conceptual awareness of what he is doing and the end it serves. He understands the concept of digestion, metabolism and nourishment. He also understands eating for pleasure, to sample new food, experiment in nutrition, or to please a host. … Read more
Perhaps it is time the leadership in the straight chiropractic movement step back and take a long critical look at its approach. The approach(es)has been a Power Politics/Pacifist Politics cycle for the past 40-50 years rather than deduction/logic approach. For a time the straights would fight against the mixing element in the profession. Then a … Read more
Reggie once said that if only the governments of the world would think deductively. They can not because they have no Major Premise. Not only don’t they but they do not believe that one exists because they reject absolutes. November 5, 2010
Isn’t it interesting? The prochoice crowd want to save cells for research that MAY have the potential to cure a disease in the very distant future and in the process they are willing to destroy ones that have an almost certain potential to become a healthy human being in less than 9 months. Sounds terriby … Read more
Leaving things as they are (traditional chiropractic) does not keep them the same. It would be nice if it did. They will always deteriorate if left alone.(law of entropy). We must constantly give attention to our chiropractic practice. Our philosophy must be constantly attended to or it will deteriorate just as a white picket fence … Read more
Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth. Oct 25, 2010 C.S Lewis October 2010
Sometimes you need to get rid of a bad idea before you can accept a new idea.OCtober 15, 2010
…an ability to see phenomena in light of an organizing principle. OCt.15,2010 Claude Bernard
Today I read the article in Dynamic Chiropractic about the conflict between the Texas Medical Association (TMA) and the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The mds have brought suit against the chiropractic board for allowing chiropractors to diagnose. The TMA’s position is that diagnosis is part of the practice of medicine. They are going after … Read more