Pivot Review Archives

Neurological Orthopedic Tests – Part II

In The Pivot Review, Volume 2, Number 2, there was an essay on Neurological Orthopedic Tests being performed by chiropractors. The article basically addressed the fallacy of straights using the tests to determine the absence or presence of vertebral subluxation. There is now, however, a new approach by some D.C.s. They are using them to … Read more


Outside- in philosophy is the sum total of man’s thinking apart from the recognition of a Wisdom of the Universe and the logical, deductive reasoning that emanates from that recognition.V8N6

An Historical Perspective

There is quite a controversy within our profession over the use of non-prescription drugs and there are even a few advocating the limited use of prescription drugs. The one side argues that we must move with the times, recognizing the value of medication in certain situations. The other group argues that chiropractic has historically chosen … Read more

Thoughts on Improving our Profession

One of the major problems that faces the straight chiropractic movement is convincing young people entering the colleges and the profession in general of the advantage of practicing straight chiropractic. This problem occurs because many are drawn to the profession for reasons other than those consistent with straight chiropractic. There are basically three reasons why … Read more

Let's Be Honest

There is an alarming trend growing in the straight chiropractic movement. It is a tendency to be less than totally honest with potential patients concerning the chiropractic objective. This tendency is most clearly seen in our advertising and promotion. Perhaps we need to face the truth that other than general information about our office, location, … Read more

Principle and Practice

There have been numerous instances in history when the practice and the philosophy of chiropractic has confronted the law of the land head on. The earliest example was the very practice itself. In the early 1900’s chiropractors were being arrested left and right for practicing medicine without a license. They maintained their innocence, not denying … Read more


Can we correct vertebral subluxations or aid in correcting vertebral subluxations by increasing the quality of the matter? Apparently that is what some chiropractors attempt to do by using therapeutic procedures. It may be possible to accomplish that objective, but that philosophy is not chiropractic. In fact, it is medicine. It is medicine’s objective whether … Read more

Therapeutic Chiropractic

Chiropractors will use therapeutic measures and justify it, saying they do not want the patient to leave without an adjustment, and the therapeutic measure helps to relieve the pain so an adjustment can be given. “The end justifies the means.” The same chiropractor will do a poor or inadequate job of educating to the need … Read more

Chiropractic Apologetics – Part VI

The Logical Approach One of the most outstanding characteristics of chiropractic in general, and straight chiropractic in particular, is the logic it is based upon. Perhaps it is not so much the logic of straight chiropractic that is striking but the illogic of everything other approach in comparison. There are basically three approaches to the … Read more

The Death of Traditional Chiropractic

Historically, chiropractic has been practiced in many ways. There is evidence of the use of traction devices and mechanical therapy as far back as 1908 and before. But despite these infrequent (or sometimes frequent) aberrations, there still was a traditional approach to the practice of chiropractic. Chiropractic was still an approach to “getting sick people … Read more