Pivot Review Archives

Once You Go to a Chiropractor They Keep You Coming Back Over and Over.

If there is one statement that frosts me it is that one. It is usually said by a critic of chiropractic and Dr. James Winterstein recently wrote that it is, “One of the most frequently voiced complaints about chiropractic practice,” and he appears to agree with it. Unfortunately, critics of chiropractic can be found within … Read more

An Aphilosophical Profession?

I have come to the conclusion that many of those who enter into the chiropractic debate do not have a problem with our philosophy. They do not mind the major premise or the use of deductive reasoning from that major premise. They are even okay with the idea that there is an innate intelligence that … Read more

Innate Intelligence

There are so many differing viewpoints as to what the innate intelligence of the body is that it never hurts to review the concept. It must be acknowledged that the present day position that non-therapeutic or objective straight chiropractic takes concerning this important foundational principle of our profession differs considerably from that of our founder … Read more

The Lines are More Blurred Than Ever

As chiropractors adopt more and more procedures that have historically been the purview of medical doctors or other members of the therapeutic professions, it becomes less clear what chiropractic is and what it is not. Is that mere coincidence? I think not. Perhaps some chiropractors really believe that they can give some temporary help (relief) … Read more

I’m Confused

There has been a considerable amount of hoopla in the chiropractic publications recently over the Koren Specific Technique. I am not about to get into the pros and cons of the technique and its validity. Apparently, no one else seems concerned about proving its effectiveness, just whether it is chiropractic or not and whether Dr. … Read more

Death of the Grownup

I recently read the above book by Diana West. I highly recommend it. West discusses the idea that we have raised a generation of people who have not grown up. People are not taking the responsibility that an adult should take. The term adolescent refers to an age group between childhood and full maturity where … Read more