Future of Chiropractic

Questionable Techniques

In a private conversation some years back, Dr._______ expressed to me how his _______technique was having a big impact upon non-straight chiropractors. (I suppose that was intended to impress me.) His inference was that because his techniue was removing nerve interference, he was getting more chiropractors to practice straight. Why is it that more mixers … Read more

Philosophy and Objective

There appears to be a resurgence of interest in the philosophy of chiropractic today, especially the writings of D.D. and B.J. This is great and is definitely good for the straight chiropractic message that our Founder and Developer desired to see propagated. That said, I believe it is important that we also promote our chiropractic … Read more

Where’s the Vision

This article appeared in the Pivot Review some years back. I cannot seem to find the exact date so in order to publish it on this blog/webpage, I must post it using today’s date. For those of you who have previously read and memorized it, I apologize for the repetition.:) Recently, an Objective Straight Chiropractic … Read more


I recently read a very disappointing article, only because of the person who wrote it and the school she represents.  Further, this person was associated some time ago with a straight school that the CCE put out of business, so I thought she would have a different perspective. The article was about the formation of … Read more