A Callous or Scar Tissue

a callous is the manifestation of the innate intelligence of the body creating special, tough, hard tissue that resists friction, resists injury greater than but does not have all the other abilities of epidermis.
Scar tissue is the result of the innate intelligence of the body adapting to trauma that is too great to heal. The innate intelligence of the body does not know whether the trauma will or will not happen again so it creates scar tissue, again specialized tissue but without all the abilities of epidermis.

4 thoughts on “A Callous or Scar Tissue”

  1. Joseph,

    Your post is deduced from principles #18, 20, 21, 23, and 24… AND is a perfect example (for Don) 😉 and all of us, on HOW to apply chiropractic’s basic science. Thank you Joseph!

  2. Joseph,

    Your post is deduced from principles #18, 20, 21, 23, and 24… And is a good example (for Don) and all of us, on HOW to apply chiropractic’s basic science. Thank you!

  3. And amazingly the ii “reabsorbs” the callous when it is no longer needed. Reggie: “scar tissue is nature’s cement!” 🙂


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