What is the difference between Adaptation and Ease?

Ease- a state of perfect coordinated function. DIS-EASE- a state of less than perfect coordinated function. In other words, the forces of the innate intelligence of the body are not being expressed 100%. Adaptation- one of the 5 signs of life along with assimilation, excretion, growth and reproduction. As long as the innate intelligence of the body is expressing through its innate forces, adaptation will be occurring although it may be occurring on an imperceptible level in certain areas or organs. In a state of EASE it is occurring within limitations of matter. Example: A person may be in a state of EASE but with an organ or part not working due to trauma (like surgery). The innate intelligence of their body is still being expressed and they are still adapting (within the limitations of matter or lack of matter as the case may be). In a state of DIS-EASE, in the presence of vertebral subluxation, adaptation is still occurring as long as the innate intelligence of the body is being expressed sufficiently to keep the organism alive.

5 thoughts on “What is the difference between Adaptation and Ease?”

  1. Is the Vertebral Subluxation caused by a lack of adaptation or is it part of the adaptation of the universal forces acting upon the body?

    • David, first, welcome to the blog. Yours is a good question and apparently being addressed by a popular technique/philosophy program. My response: a vertebral subluxation is caused by an external invasive force overcoming the internal resistive forces of the body. Internal resistive forces are a product of innate forces and the matter (muscles that maintain a vertebra in sit u). Innate forces can be limited by the limitations of matter of the nerve system like a 110 volt wiring system not able to carry 220 V (although apparently BJ rejected this idea). Innate forces can also be limited by the limitations of matter of the muscles (falling down a flight of steps) that would hold a vertebra in place. In either case I would say contrary to the BGI position that it is an indication of failure to adapt. A vertebral subluxation increases the limitations of matter. By analogy, it would be like putting a plastic bag over someone’s head and choking them at the same time and expecting the choking to be an adaptation to the plastic bag.

      • Thank you Joe for your anwser! When you say: “Innater forced can be limited by the limitations of the matter of the nerve system like a 110 volt wiring system not able to carry 220 V”, the first thing to comes to my mind is that there is a defect in the nerve system that is affecting the transmission. If that is possible, how that defect came to be? Was Innate not able to organize that matter for the abnormal tissue to be created? What are the limitations of the nerve system? Sorry for all the questions. I’m just trying to understand this concepts of limitation and adaptability.

        • David, if I jump off a chair, the muscles of my spine create sufficient internal resistive forces to prevent a subluxation. If I jumped out a two-story window the innate intelligence of my body probably cannot create sufficient internal resistive forces and I subluxate. That’s the way I was created. Apparently I was not designed to jump out of two-story windows.(I saw a television program once where they dropped an ant from progressively greater heights. It adapted to the falls until the distance was so high they could no longer find the ant at the bottom). Why were ants designed to adapt to falls from heights that I was not? I don’t know. You’ll have to take that up with the Designer. I’m told that our legs could be made of material strong enough that they would not break from a 10 story jump but that they would be so heavy we could not walk. Chiropractic does not address “Intelligent Design” but only intelligent maintenance, principle number 21.

  2. This may be taken as too simplistic, but Adaptation is an ongoing process, and Ease, is a state of being. But, it is refreshing to see it explained in more detail. Thank you Joe.


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