Unusual Findings

The difference between the non-therapeutic chiropractor and the traditional chiropractor is that the traditional chiropractor says the unusual finding is indicative of a medical problem. He must diagnose on some level to determine whether it is safe to address the cause of that problem or refer out. The non-therapeutic straight chiropractor says “I do not know whether that medical problem needs treatment or not and since I do not treat medical problems, I am in no position to make a judgement.” Therefore he does not refer a person out to an M.D.for care but explains that he has found something unusual but cannot be diagnosed by him and what the person’s options are. The unusual finding may occur on history, or statements made by the person. It may come as a result of, but incidental to the chiropractic spinal examination, whether by palpation or x-ray. Questions? (A complete explanation of this subject can be found in Case Management for Straight Chiropractors available as a download under Products: https://chiropracticoutsidethebox.com/products/books/case-management-for-straight-chiropractors-ebook/ )

3 thoughts on “Unusual Findings”

  1. Hey Joe, what about contraindications? In determining whether or not a given spine can withstand the force of an adjustment or not, would that be a diagnosis or considered a part of analysis. Does it only become a diagnosis if you put a name on it or are you diagnosing a spinal condition merely by deciding not to adjust in that area?

    • Hi Steve, why should there be a contraindication to adjustment? Yes maybe we should adjust differently. Yes that’s what we as chiropractors need to decide for any and every person. And if our best judgement is not to adjust, that’s fine too.

  2. That’s a great question. I’m anxious to hear the responses this one elicits. How DO we know if the spine we are checking CAN withstand the force of an adjustment? Is that possible to know ahead of time? Contraindications, to me, are quite extreme and require me to use common sense rather than diagnosis. Can we not just choose to adjust or not to adjust without it being interpreted as something else?


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