I can understand how BJ and many chiropractors (incorrectly) understood (and still do) the concept of universal intelligence as God. They understand as he did that there are principles derived from the Major Premise that are greater than the educated intelligence of a human being. However, BJ like the rest of us mortals, could deduce nothing further than his own limited educated mind, through reasoning and empiricism, and stopped where Descartes stopped only instead of saying “I think, therefore I am”, (how God in the Old Testament defined Himself) BJ called that Major Premise, God, and allowed everyone to define/describe God for themselves. While most (in 1895. in Midwestern U.S.) defined it in the Midwestern American Judeo-Christian manner BJ could/would not, and, after searching religions around the world concluded the same as Descartes did, but rather than call it the “educated intelligence” as Descartes apparently did with the Cartesian Principle called it a part of the intelligence of the universe, confined to living organisms, innate intelligence, because he understood it really was superior to the educated mind. Present-day chiropractors who see universal intelligence as synonymous with God first, ignore the differences between the essence of God and the characteristics of universal intelligence and second, knowing (a little) chiropractic philosophy conclude that innate intelligence is “God in man” or refer to it as BJ erroneously did, calling it a supernatural concept (which he must have gotten by divine revelation) ,[my sarcasm] ”the subtle substance of the soul.”
This is a huge misconceptoon and rhe root of most coflicts within the profession. Even Stephenson quotes universal as the source of everything in the universe,,..creates and governs all things..Art 49
As modern chiropractors I believe that it is imperative to distinguish Universal from God. We can all obviously observe the fact that the universe is organised.
For the religious component of the profession preaching to other religious factions of the public, it may be understandable to use these terms synonimously. However, for a large amount of the populous, equating Universal and Innate with the devine wreaks of dogma and flies in the face of scientific understanding.
I agree. The “separation of Church and State” should apply to Chiropractic and virtually everything else.
I believe we come from 1 cell and the intelligence within that cell is
organinized and becomes us. I clll that innate and I call that God.