Chiropractic was not designed to be evaluated by how you feel but how you are (expressing life, the expression of intelligence through matter. The former is the objective of medicine, the latter that of chiropractic.
Chiropractic was not designed to be evaluated by how you feel but how you are (expressing life, the expression of intelligence through matter. The former is the objective of medicine, the latter that of chiropractic.
Wow! Power packed 2 sentences that truly hits the nail on the head! Enuf said!
September 18, 1895, the first step in the evolution of a NEW movement was taken — that of CORRECTION of the CAUSE of DIS-EASE, rather than the beginning steps of a new system of healing, the objectives of which would be the treatments of effects or the mere getting sick people well. I would like to reclaim this discovery, evolving, and very chiropractic philosophy, art and science—the great chain of the expression of the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the body —to name the nature of “living things”, the law of organization, the law of active organization, and to direct our future thinking. –
– Since that first step, this movement has undergone a constant evolutionary process in its development as an art, its establishment as a philosophy of the functioning of instructive information in “living things”, and a proven basic science, with its 33 absolute principles, of the correction of that CAUSE of DIS-EASE. –
– I will communicate a linked and coherent world’s principle of coordination (pri32). The essential and unbreakable links in the chain include the law of organization, the law of ACTIVE organization, e/matter, “living things”, the vertebrate and the ADIO worldview. In themselves and in their union together the links point to the chiropractic objective and the inherent coordination of all things. This fact becomes the evolutionary basis for calling anything and everything consistent. Without it, the idea of “consistency” is subject to the feelings and whims of the individual. –
– The magnitude of things . . . clearly manifests . . . the wisdom of the triune, and by its power, presence and essence exists uncircumscribed in all things. “A universal intelligence is within all e/matter but not enclosed; outside all e/matter, but not excluded; above all e/matter, but not aloof; below all e/matter, but not debased. Its center is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. Therefore the origin, magnitude, multitude, beauty, fullness, activity, and order of all e/matter are CONTINUALLY maintained in existence. Now that is quite a lovely and very safe universe to live in. Welcome home! –
– Therefore, open your eyes, open your lips and apply your educated so that in all e/matter you may see and honor the law of organization, and the law of ACTIVE organization in ALL “living things” by telling the story over and over and over and over again… in as many creative ways as doable! –
– It is hard to imagine how different the last hundred years might have been if this truly chiropractic vision had formed more chiropractors. Instead, our seeing has been partial and usually therapeutic. We have hardly seen at all. The individual chiropractor decided where and if the 33 principles would be recognized and honored… so that we could get sick people well. –
– The primary losers according to this labeling system was “the public.” The presence of innate intelligence ended up being almost nowhere except in gatherings of our own small group—and even there we had levels of conflicts! No wonder we live in a empty profession where hardly anything seems consistent. –
– How can we call ourselves chiropractors if we cannot see that “the major premise” unites our world? How can we call ourselves chiropractors if we don’t accept the authority of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science? –
– Once the great chain was broken, and even one link withdrawn, the whole chiropractic vision collapsed. It seems that we either honor the major premise in all things or we soon lose the basis for seeing the law of organization in anything.
Thanks for that, Claude. I came back to this blog today because my vision was clouded this weekend when I went to a “chiropractic” seminar for CE hours. I was mainly in that city to have my daughter check out a university there. I left thinking, maybe I should go to that way of practice because it seems to be “getting sick people well” in a big way. I appreciate your sticking to and promoting this 33 principles way. Law of organization and adaptability and innate intelligence are still difficult for me and I waiver still as I have often through the years, so thanks to you all as we endeavor to learn together.