The Perception of (by) Matter

Matter perceives or interprets nothing. It is a tool that the ii of the body uses to adapt the organism to its environment. All perception and response is done by the ii of the body utilizing the innate brain. It is called intellectual adaptation and is perfect and immediate. The matter is analogous to a 2″ by 4″ board which the builder uses to erect a house. The matter does not perceive anything or “decide” anything. The cutting, placing and nailing of the 2×4 is done by the builder based upon his/her perfect plan.
That activity is analogous to adaptation and is limited by time and matter.

34 thoughts on “The Perception of (by) Matter”

  1. In the Normal Complete Cycle living matter receives an impression, that impression is transmitted to the Innate Brain for interpretation then Intellectual Adaptation, correct? You may chalk this up to Cellular Innate Intelligence, but it would seem that matter does “perceive”. Of course the perception would be pointless without interpretation. IMHO, dead tissue would not express any reaction to environmental change, hence, is not capable of perception

    • Steve,

      YOU stated: “IMHO, dead tissue would not express any reaction to environmental change, hence, is not capable of perception” after you stated that: “In the Normal Complete Cycle living matter receives an impression, that impression is transmitted to the Innate Brain for interpretation then Intellectual Adaptation, correct? You may chalk this up to Cellular Innate Intelligence, but it would seem that matter does “perceive”. Of course the perception would be pointless without interpretation.” –

      – I see faulty reasoning here. Of course dead tissue would not perceive. It’s because energy/matter CANNOT perceive. ONLY intelligence can perceive. –

      – Remember that we have concluded, together without condemnation, in past threads that the innate “brain” is a metaphysical concept and that it is located where innate intelligence is… which is EVERYWHERE within the living body. Therefore, Joe is right on. ” perceive AND interprets NOTHING”. Energy/matter is simply a tool used by innate intelligence to EXPRESS instructive information created by universal intelligence and adapted by innate intelligence in order to keep the material of a living body in active organization. Within the triune force and matter do NOT have any ability to perceive and interpret anything,,, ONLY intelligence has the ability to perceive. This is HOW it goes: –

      – Intelligence creates force which is expressed by energy/matter through motion. Motion is action of energy/matter which is then perceived and interpreted by intelligence which will respond according to the need that is present at EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF TIME. Perception and interpretation is accomplished by intelligence. Force is the actual response of intelligence to energy/matter in motion. Energy/matter then expresses the NEW force created by universal intelligence and adapted by innate intelligence for the purpose of coordinated action of motion of all living tissues of the body.

      • Intelligence is expressed through matter, on this we agree. Intelligence also monitors the state of matter, correct? If we consider cycles then matter feeds intelligence with a response. Now do you conceptualize this cycle to be like radar, as in the response is a reflection? Or do you think of it like a circle of self-reseting dominoes? Either way there is input from the body, how would you categorize that?

  2. Steve,

    Specifically the motion of energy/matter as a result of the expression by energy/matter of instructive information created by intelligence. Intelligence creates instructive information that are expressed by energy/matter for specific motion. Motion of energy/matter is then perceived by intelligence that will create NEW instructive information for energy/matter to express as specific motion, and so on, and so on, and so on… That’s the universal cycle of existence (pri.2).

  3. Steve,

    Instructive information created by intelligence has the function to UNITE intelligence and energy/matter. Within this specific UNION is contained ALL that is required by intelligence to perceive the expression of instructive information by energy/matter as motion. In other words, it is the specific motion from the expression of instructive information by energy/matter that produces a specific need of energy/matter that is perceived by intelligence which in turn will create NEW instructive information to fulfill that specific need. Of course ALL of this is within the limitations of energy/matter and time.

    • Steve,

      We are talking about the triune: Intelligence-Force-Matter. When we move from the law of existence (organization) to the law of life (active organization) there is the added function of innate intelligence, that of adapting universal forces and matter. The perception of intelligence is called intellectual adaptation and is done moment to moment instantly by innate intelligence through the innate brain. Again, it’s really about UNION of intelligence and energy/matter by instructive information created by intelligence and expressed by energy/matter in the form of motion. –

      – Remember that the innate brain is wherever the innate intelligence of the body is… EVERYWHERE. Therefore, this “activity” of perception by intelligence is immediate. It is constant intellectual adaptation moment by moment giving attention to the constant motion of energy/matter that is the expression the instructive information by energy/matter and adapted by innate intelligence in fulfilling the need of ALL moments.

      • If II was everywhere, there would be no need for a nerve system. Intellectual adaptation must have a stimulus.
        V5. The Unit of Intellectual Adaptation is that responsive action that
        either mind utilizes in counteracting, overcoming or receiving and
        accepting the object sensed through one impression arising therefrom.
        It is the one intellectual impulse which proceeds efferently to act upon
        the one impression received and interpreted afferently.
        V5. The complete “Ideation” or coordination or normality is retained
        by Innate, and as vibrations are received and interpreted there is a
        constant comparison of this interpretation with the ideation; if the two
        correspond then all is well, and we call the condition coordination; if
        they do not correspond, then innate begins her process of “Intellectual Adaptation,” which is considered in the next lecture.

          • A) Anywhere there is a Subluxation
            B) Innate Intelligence is meta-physical it exists in no location. The expression of II is demonstrated in all living things.
            C) If matter contained II there would be no need for force to transmit instructive information.
            D) ADIO What is it that moves from Above Down Inside Out, IMO, it is the product of Intelligence not Intelligence itself.
            E) With II everwhere Sux. could not interfere.

  4. Steve,

    There can be interference with the transmission of innate FORCES (pri.29). It does not make innate intelligence vanish. It prevents the full expression of instructive information by energy/matter created by universal intelligence and adapted by innate intelligence. That’s WHY it is we WHO choose to LACVS in order to practice the chiropractic objective! –

    – When the innate intelligence of the body is NOT present, that body is a corpse. There’s no in-between. That’s an absolute. Either the innate intelligence of the body is present 100% or the innate intelligence of the body is absent 0% (pri.20,21,22).

    • Steve,

      Below VS, the transmitting matter becomes dis-eased thereby increasing the limitation of matter of the entire body and this violates principle 32. Remember that the mission of innate intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a “living” thing in active organization (pri.21). So, when there is no interference of innate forces, innate intelligence can fulfill its mission within the limitations of matter and time. Active organization is the purpose of innate intelligence… it is NOT innate intelligence… again it is its purpose! As long as there is active organization within the “living” body, there is innate intelligence. It’s energy/matter that does not fully expresses the instructive information of its innate intelligence due to VS and lack coordination.

  5. Steve,

    The mental impulse with intelligent direction has changed back to a nerve impulse without intelligent direction. Which means that it is a UF which is deconstructive toward living matter and from this moment on this living matter is not coordinated with the rest of the living body. It is still maintained in active organization by innate intelligence, yet as a result of VS the innate forces are not being expressed fully by energy/matter and has different motion and therefore all the parts of the body are not coordinated. –

    – The presence of UF within the living body to be adapted by innate intelligence does not constitute a reason for the non presence of the innate intelligence of the body.

    • … in other words, regardless of VS, intellectual adaptation is an activity of intelligence limited by energy/matter and time.

          • … innate intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter and time. Oops… Now, I see my slippling. That’s what I meant to say… intellectual adaptation is limited by the LIMITATIONS of matter and time. Well, you are very observant Joseph. I stand corrected and happy to be corrected. 🙂 Thanks for checking my slippings. It is a slippery slope indeed. 😉

          • Claude, Prin.#24 relates to adaptation, a physical phenomena not IA, a metaphysical phenomena. As you have so often pointed out ii is not limited, only the expression of is forces are limited (by Vs)

    • Oh Claudius my dear friend, Me thinks thou doest play fast and loose with thine syntax. Yes Uf is always present in the body when it is yet to be adapted. What we are discussing is an IF that has been demoted to a UF by Sux. no longer transmitting Innate’s instruction, P. 29. Therefore something somewhere lacks II.

      • Steve,

        No. Something lacks ADAPTATION from innate… NOTHING alive EVER lacks innate intelligence. It would violate principle 20, 21, 22.

        • How can matter that lacks Innate’s instructive information/ adaptation due to interference in transmission still express Innate Intelligence.

          • Steve,

            That’s the point. The function of matter is to express force (pri.13) NOT intelligence. The energy/matter of a living body expresses the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of that body and there can be interference with the transmission of innate FORCES (pri29). –

            – The chiropractic objective states very clearly: LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD!

  6. Joseph,

    Of course I have so often pointed out ii is not limited, only the expression of is forces are limited (by Vs). It is the energy/matter that is limited and expresses forces which can be interfered with by VS. I guess I did not make myself very clear. I wanted to use intellectual adaptation as a parallel to physical adaptation. My limited educated mixed the two adaptations which are separated and distinct. So, to clear my mixed up adaptations, let me say that the limits of adaptation is solely about the physical expression of instructive information by energy/matter. Intellectual adaptation is metaphysical. Intellectual adaptation is not limited. Intellectual adaptation is a perfect constant perception and interpretation of the innate intelligence of the body for the purpose of maintaining the material of a “living thing” in active organization by adapting universal forces and matter for use in that particular body. (If this definition is your understanding of intellectual adaptation, perhaps it could be added to our glossary for future reference?)

    • I do not understand the phrase “II is not limited”. IMO II is limited by the matter in which it resides and/or Universal Law.
      P. 22. The Amount of Innate Intelligence.
      There is 100% of Innate Intelligence in every “living thing,” the requisite amount, proportional to its organization. This principle tells me the II of a plant would be inadequet for a bear.
      P. 24. The Limits of Adaptation.
      Innate Intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law, or Innate Intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter. This one explains, a brown bear taken to the arctic cannot be reorganized into a polar bear. II is limited by the genetics/matter of the brown bear to adapting forces for organizing a brown bear only.
      P. 25. The Character of Innate Forces.
      The forces of Innate Intelligence never injure or destroy the structures in which they work. This is a very clear limit.

      Being metaphysical does not necessarily equate with being unlimited or infinite, does it? I think II only seems unlimited when compared to our Educated Intelligence.

  7. Steve,

    Of course the innate intelligence of a plant would be adequate for a bear, a human being, a worm, a sequoia, even an amoeba cell. Innate intelligence would maintain the material of the body of THAT “living thing” in active organization. It’s the energy/matter that’s different in those cases. Innate intelligence is LAW of life, ALL of life and as such is indivisible. Principle 24 is about the Limits of Adaptation which is about the adaptation of energy/matter which is physical. Innate intelligence is metaphysical. Energy/matter is limited. Innate intelligence is NOT limited. It is 100% in every ‘living thing” (pri.22). For intelligence to be limited it would have to be LESS than 100% which is an impossibility. Philosophically, the congruency of the 33 principles of the science of chiropractic demonstrates that FACT. And, yes, metaphysical equates with being unlimited, indivisible, infinite… it’s beyond the physical limitations of energy/matter and time. –

    – It is me WHO chooses to make this IMPOSSIBLE supposition (bear with me please). If there were a “living thing” with PERFECT energy/matter without limitations that would also be timeless, innate intelligence would maintain the material of the body of that “living thing” in active organization FOREVER. Therefore, innate intelligence is NOT limited.

    • Thank you Claude,
      I find it difficult sometimes to educationally comprehend things metaphysical. Trying to cull out DD’s spirituality and BJ’s personification is an exercise in discipline as well as logic.

  8. Claude,
    I have another question (for a change).
    Being that p27 establishes perfection and normalcy for ii,
    I would logically conclude that ALL adaptations would be perfect, taking into account LOM p24.
    Yet we see adaptations like Enlarged Hearts (adaptation to harder work on the cardiac muscle, that compensate, but inevitably can be destructive to the muscle and muscle function itself). Or Bone spurs, that are adaptive to stress, but can reek havoc on the tissues it invades.
    Are all adaptations Innate Intelligence directed, or are some (many), reactive (reflex), matter directed, or is the line somewhere in between?
    Does matter induce adaptive function (as seen inductively)? Is matter part of the adaptive process, posing effectiveness, yet without constraint. A LOM. The innate force element is ALWAYS constructive.


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