The Chiropractic Objective

14 thoughts on “The Chiropractic Objective”

      • Joseph,

        To answer your question regarding “to own the philosophy”
        – First, in order to “own” the philosophy, one must learn it, question it and put it to the test… intellectually, in order to see its weaknesses and strengths. Then one must tear it down and attempt to prove that it cannot stand on its principles. Once this is done, then one comes to a conclusion of the veracity of the philosophy and REALIZES that the philosophy is sound, logical and rational. –

        – Second, one must inquire, investigate, question the philosophy and put it to the test personally… by LIVING its principles to assimilate its weaknesses and strengths. Then one must push the envelope by staying the course when the “chips” are down and not vacillate between ADIO and OIBU. Once this is done, then one comes to integrate the veracity of the philosophy and ACTUALIZES in one’s “own” person that chiropractic is sound, logical and rational. Then, and ONLY then, is one’s thinking transformed ANEW as the philosophy has emerged part and parcel of one’s “own” INNER being. –

        – Then, and ONLY then, does one “own” the philosophy. –

        – In other words, one does not “own” the philosophy solely by reading the writings of DD, BJ, Stephenson, Reggie, Strauss and believing what they said is true. No, one must doubt, question, challenge these great masters. Studies and experience are both needed in order to “educe”, “bring out” and “express” the philosophy from one’s INNER being. This can either happen over a long period of time or rather quickly as some of you already know. –

        – Ultimately, one CANNOT give to another that which one does NOT “own”. In other words, one can ONLY give to another the philosophy that one “owns”.

        • Although Claude put in a much more thorough & elegant way, I agree that that is what it means to “own the philosophy”.

    • Richie,

      Yes, one can teach the chiropractic objective w/o owning the philosophy. –

      – One CANNOT educe from another the chiropractic objective WITHOUT owning the philosophy… the way I’ve explained it above. –

      – One WHO owns the philosophy can perform both tasks. –

      – To educe from another, the philosophy, from above-down-inside- out, one has to “own” the philosophy, from above-down-inside-out. Otherwise, what one does, is teaching… which is providing information from outside-in-below- up. That’s the main difference. –

      – Both are useful in SERVING the chiropractic principles which, in turn, is the ULTIMATE SERVICE that we can render to our practice members. –

      – To investigate further, WHO do we, ALL OF US TOGETHER, choose to BE in relationship to the philosophy and the rest of the world?

        • Joseph,

          – 1. does educe and deduce mean the same thing? –

          – They are both different processes. –

          – To educe is to “draw out, to bring out” of another that which is ALREADY within that person. I would call that the “AH-HA” experience where one can’t help laughing with joy at the NEW “discovery”. Something happens… The connection happens. Ot’s a NEW way of “seeing” which transforms one’s thinking. If you remember, Joseph, you witnessed that yourself, a year an a half ago, at one of the Garden State’s meeting with Marty Brown. It is the “surprise” that one ALREADY possesses. It is the realization of something real that is a part of oneself. –

          – To deduce is to logically come to a conclusion using reason from provided informations. I would call that rational logic. –

          – Educe and deduce may achieve the same end and both are valid. –


          – 2. Can you teach the philosophy without owning it? –

          – By using words, as in a monologue, one can teach anything without owning it, including the philosophy. One has only to recite to people the tenets of chiropractic, ask them to take notes, give them a test and give them a grade. –

          – One, WHO owns the philosophy, questions, investigates, inquires, uses EVERYTHING at hands, to engage the person into a dialogue, co-creating, TOGETHER with that person, an ongoing perpetual conversation, and uses monologues only if necessary. Then one EDUCES from another that which is part and parcel of that person. In other words, one WHO owns the philosophy draws from INSIDE the person, the content of that person WHO, in turn, will bring that content outside herself, into the light, for her to observe. “Seeing” for the first time that content… the rest will follow. –

          – As, I mentioned to Richie before, and I repeat, one CANNOT educe from another the chiropractic objective WITHOUT owning the philosophy… the way I’ve explained “owning the philosophy” on (3/11/2013, 5:40pm). Without owning the philosophy, all one can do is teach information ABOUT the chiropractic objective. –

          – One WHO owns the philosophy can perform both task, teach and educe. –

          – Both tasks are useful in SERVING the chiropractic principles which, in turn, is the ULTIMATE SERVICE that we can render to our practice members. –

          – To investigate further, WHO do we, ALL OF US TOGETHER, choose to BE in relationship to the philosophy and the rest of the world?


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