
“Americans probably have more vitamins in their urine than the rest of the world has in their diet” -Reggie Gold

I remember Reggie making this statement many years ago. I think the impact of the statement is greater if we know the context in which he made it. Reg was talking about our role as chiropractors and discussing why people feel the need to take supplements. They think it is because they are not getting enough in their diet. It may be that their body is not able to assimilate that which they take in naturally and the supplements are merely passed through the system.

If that is truly the case, the taking of supplements is not really addressing the cause but rather a poor substitute. Are we truly teaching our practice members that it is not what they put into their body but what the body does with that which it takes in. Perhaps if their body was working as it should and the innate intelligence was getting the maximum benefit from the food we eat, we would not need as many (or any) supplements. We would have less expensive urine! Somebody needs to make sure that people are getting their miniimum daily requirement (that’s not us!). Maybe that is a personal responsibility. We need to make sure they are without vertebral subluxations so they can assimilate their maximum daily requirement and that it’s not literally going down the drain. Anybody else have that job besides the chiropractor? I think not. Sometimes I think people are taking so many supplements because they have the “throw enough mud against the barn and maybe some of it will stick” theory. Perhaps they need to know that a “stickier barn” is more important than wasting mud.

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