We fight, get beat, rise and fight again.- Nathaniel Greene, general of the Delaware state Continental Army,in the War for Independence.
We fight, get beat, rise and fight again.- Nathaniel Greene, general of the Delaware state Continental Army,in the War for Independence.
In the case of Chiropractic, who is the We?
Is there a We?
I think not.
The CCE sure thinks there is when they mandate that “We” were all required to study courses that are anti-chiropractic in order to obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. What exactly does microbiology or pathology have to do with LACVS?
Is there a We? I know there is.
David, more than one is a “we”. Claude and I are a we! Some of the 100 or more people who read this blog every day are part of the we. Some even post comments, most just agree in their hearts. All of those who started and developed ADIO Institute of Straight Chiropractic, got beat and are still “fighting” every day in what they say and do are part of the we. WE may not be unified as an organization (although I believe most of the IFCO are part of the we) or as a school (yet) but we are out there. The British did not think much of Nathaniel Greene and the rest of the Continental Army but our existence as a country is proof that they got beat, rose, and fought again.
Is there a unified WE like in this post:We fight, get beat, rise and fight again.- Nathaniel Greene, general of the Delaware state Continental Army,in the War for Independence.?
CCE, OSC, Straight, Mixer, Therapeutic, Non-Therapeutic, ICA,ACA, Traditional, Allopathic, etc.?
Seems like there really is only You and Me.
I understand the power of licensure but as far as Chiropractic as a whole is concerned, has there ever been a We, that could fight, get beat, rise again and fight some more?
“You and me”and Claude, Bryson and Charles constitutes a “we”. We may no longer be fighting for licensure but we are still fighting for the minds of chiropractors and the “soul” of chiropractic.
Anyone WHO choose to begin with a foundational “yes” to WHO we choose to be and to what chiropractic is… is a WE!!! It is the primary function of the 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science to keep us in the center of the forest. It creates the bedrock foundation for all effective practice. You must begin with original universal organization (pri1) and not educated disorganization. If you begin with the negative or a problem, the whole chiropractic journey remains largely a negative problem-solving exercise.
If you begin with the positive, and get the issue of core identity absolutely clear–a clear “ADIO identity” instead of endless OIBU speculations about educatedly determining what is the right body chemistry–the rest of the journey is ten times more natural, more beautiful, more joyful and all-inclusive. What else should the chiropractic journey be? When we started in the lower basement of getting sick people well, most people never even thought they could get to the first floor, and just opted out. Isn’t this obvious at this point in chiropractic’s history? We chiropractors became angry guards instead of happy guides, low level policemen instead of proclaimers of a great gift and surprise both perfectly hidden and perfectly revealed at the heart of all living things, namely INNATE INTELLIGENCE (pri20)! When you can focus on the principle of coordination within your own body (pri32), before emphasizing your feelings, symptoms and diseases (physical, psychological, social, emotional, spiritual, etc…), the rest (whatever that might be) will follow!
Is it an educated disorganization when observing without condemnation
a young man or woman who at the age of 10 requires glasses to accommodate a visual acuity problem? A rampant LOM occurrence
in the human population
Is it an educated disorganization when observing without condemnation
a suffering humanity with LOM’s, unadapted, for WHO inevitably choose some intervention, as to not suffer the consequences of such issue?
(Yes other issues might ensue, establishing the reality of other effects that one might not have anticipated with ‘The Treatment’ model)
Is it an educated disorganization when observing without condemnation the development of dental issues, cataract issues, arthritic issues, blood pressure issues, as occurring variably among humanity that without ‘The Treatment’ might create suffering and loss of function?
You state:
‘When you can focus on the principle of coordination within your own body (pri32), before emphasizing your feelings, symptoms and diseases (physical, psychological, social, emotional, spiritual, etc…), the rest (whatever that might be) will follow!’
I get it. The center of the forest, or at least being there (Intelligence 1st, Matter 2nd), not Matter Only. I get it.
Actually I get it more as I offer The Adjustment to PM’s. When I’m talking, idealizing, explaining, underlining Amazing Isn’t It!!!
But alone, in my own thinking hours, questioning, All of the Realities of Living seen, experienced, and deduced and unseen, can become a relentless hodge podge of entangled TREES.
Does the contemplation of coordination (p32), the Chiropractic Experience if you will, allow for the Rest to Follow, given enough time, enough reason, enough faith, enough patience, enough Life Lived?
Can the soul of Chiropractic truly build a transformative bridge.
Sometimes I say yes, Sometimes I say no,
Maybe the center of the forest is where one says Maybe, and that plus the adjustment plus going deeper into the philosophy plus telling the story over and over encourages the hope that grounds a Chiropractor and a PM?
When we speak about Chiropractic, The Philosophy, ‘The center of the forest’, ADIO, the reference point seems always to be from the Chiropractor’s point of view, as though Chiropractic and ADIO served the Chiropractor Only! Yes, I know what the broader picture is, but it wouldn’t it be good to speak of Chiropractic as that which is a Lifestyle, something we offer in part, with the adjustment to PM’s. But in essence,
‘proclaimers of a great gift and surprise both perfectly hidden and perfectly revealed at the heart of all living things, namely INNATE INTELLIGENCE (pri20)! When you can focus on the principle of coordination within your own body (pri32), before emphasizing your feelings, symptoms and diseases (physical, psychological, social, emotional, spiritual, etc…), the rest (whatever that might be) will follow’
Is by Intent, for Everyone. It is NOT just OUR viewpoint to offer a connection to ADIO. It IS a way to live. We just spread to the word, and add the force.
The center of the forest is for everyone, if they choose to live there.
And I know You all mean this, and have said it and do say it, but I thought I would just underline it, at least as a direction to focus on.
You posted “wouldn’t it be good to speak of Chiropractic as that which is a Lifestyle, something we offer in part, with the adjustment to PM’s.” –
– This is the job of the OC to proclaim innate intelligence (pri20) within the practice (TMITWDITO) . –
– When it is me WHO choose to address the laypeople, it is me WHO choose to come from THEIR point of view and guide them toward ADIO if need be. 41 years and still telling the story over and over and over and over and over again in as many creative ways as doable! 😉
There is in all visible things an invisible LAW, a dimmed light, a meek nameles ness, a hidden wholeness. This unity and integrity is universal intelligence (pri1). There is in all things inexhaustible informations that is the principle of organization. It rises up in wordless gentleness and flows from ADIO to me from the unseen roots of all created being giving rise to ALL my properties and actions. Then through an innate intelligence (pri20)!which is at once coordinating ALL of the actions of the parts of my body (pri32). –
– The 33 principles of chiropractic’s basic science give meaning to my life as an OC as I am awakened to the ADIO view point from the depth of the chiropractic philosophy. –
– Reggie’s last words to me resonate CONSTANTLY within my heart: –
– Carry on Claude. ADIO.
Entangled trees? 41 years of it and I still cannot see beyond what’s in front of me. BJ’s utopia may be right on… The only way to find out is to GO in the trenches and practice the chiropractic objective. I KNOW that I will die before any of it materialize… nevertheless it is me WHO choose to carry on. ADIO.
The first principle of chiropractic’s basic science is the law of organization. The last principle of chiropractic’s basic science is the law of demand and supply. Why?
P1 – Organization is the teleological explanation of p1 as it reads, correlating intelligence with organization
It is Chiropractic’s basic science MP that all other principles deduce from.
It is our starting point defining Existence as intelligent, directed and with purpose. It gives birth to The Triune, the relationship between the material and the immaterial, united by force
P33 – is the final deduction from P1. My guess is that this is where the immaterial (Innate), comes into contact with innate matter (nervous system), and is directed intelligently in a coordinated manner, allowing mutual benefit from all body parts.
Perhaps when we say, 100% Innate awareness of all innate needs, this is the launching ground for how Innate Intelligence accomplishes its organizing task and thus allow us, we, as Chiropractors to implement what we call an Adjustment, to allow expression of innate forces of innate intelligence to be maximally fulfilled and then being able to punctuate our final professional position with a Period
Or philosophical deduction goes from general to specific.
We deduce apriori, from GENERAL, in this case, an Observation, the MP of metaphysical universal organization (intelligence) to the most SPECIFIC in application, the physical/metaphysical Distribution of innate forces of innate intelligence in innate matter
As chiropractic presents it’s RWS 33Ps, the philosophical deduction goes from general to specific.
We deduce apriori, from GENERAL, in this case, an Observation, the MP of metaphysical universal organization (intelligence) to the most SPECIFIC in application, the physical/metaphysical Distribution of innate forces of innate intelligence in innate matter.
P1 is the metaphysical initiating cause
P33 is the final physical effect ending in supply