Purity in our Philosophy

We as chiropractors  must be careful to maintain our integrity and the purity of our position. Mixing is not what you do in the office, it is first what you think in the privacy of your soul. If you think in the internalist or ADIO realm, your actions will follow. When you begin to think in the outside-in realm your actions become disjointed, disoriented, disorganized and confused. You cannot practice a profession that was designed to function in the internalist (ADIO) realm and try to incorporate procedures that are clearly of an externalist nature without causing mental confusion. We must evaluate everything in life and determine whether it is in the externalist realm or is of an internalist nature. If it is of the outside-in nature then we must reject it, or at least reject it as partof our practice,  in order to be true to our philosophy. This is oft times very difficult because the outside-in approach appeals to man. It appeals to the ego. It also tends to be dramatic. A heart transplant, outside-in, is far more dramatic, more exciting, more spectacular to perform than a chiropractic adjustment. It has greater, shorter, life-saving effects but it still is an outside-in approach. It encourages the externalist into thinking that shifting hearts around and putting healthy ones into sick people is going to make healthy people. That is like dumping a dozen fresh healthy apples into a barrel of rotten apples and expecting that they somehow will improve the quality of the rotten apples. It may look nice from the top but underneath it is just as rotten and the fresh apples will be rotten before too long. That is the outside-in approach. The externalist approach is not only ego satisfying and dramatic but it is often very subtle. It is usually built upon a grain of truth. It sounds and looks good. This underscores the need to know the chiropractic philosophy backward, forward, and inside-out so that error can be recognized and rejected before it draws us away from the direction of our philosophy, Above-down, inside-out.

33 thoughts on “Purity in our Philosophy”

  1. Hey Joe,
    I hate to turn an old crank but not all “outside in” is bad. Isn’t that why we have an educated mind? So we can interact with the environment and learn what has positive constructive value and what does not. I agree that your WLV is reflected in your practice ,but life is more than what goes on in your office. I think it is wonderful to hold the two concepts/views in mind when considering a decision. I also think I would get my grandchild a new heart or kidney if I thought it would extend their life. Then I would continue to check her spine as I always have, but maybe a little more often.

    • Steve,

      It is not that outside is bad – it just not chiropractic. I listened to an interview with a DC who got “natural medicine” for his black mold reaction. His is now a disciple of Chopra and Mercola and has added it to his practice. He was definitely ego and drama oriented. The stuff maybe good but a lot of people are doing it – only a few are into pure chiropractic. I call this unnatural chiropractic. Not looking to the body to take care of itself denigrates chiropractic and interferes with the quality of chiropractic. You can do anything to help people but we need to separate out everything else if we want to be ADIO.

    • Steve, I never said that all outside -in was bad. I guess if you are trying to sell a basket of rotten apples, a fresh layer on top is good, not honest but good for the seller. Outside-in procedures are often life-saving, necessary and may even improve the quality of one’s life. Putting sunscreen on my back improves the quality of my life, allowing me to play in the pool with my grandsons all afternoon. Incarcerating criminals is outside-in (no pun intended) but necessary. Changing their heart, their thinking is ADIO. The problem arises when we believe that outside-in is the answer or that it is an alternative. An outside-in procedure does not meet the same objective as an ADIO one. That’s when we practice by objective we do not incorporate them. But the worst thing about outside-in is that it confuses people about the truth. I know that my body does not want me to be in the sun that long, I know that sunsceen has side-effects but I choose that outside-in procedure to enjoy the grandkids and I’m willing to live with (or die from) the consequences. The problem is that people do not understand the consequenses of outside-in living. That’s what we need to teach them, not the dangers of outside-in but the great advantages of Above- down. I’m inclined to say that no outside-in procedure has positive survival values. Perhaps you could give me an example of one.

        • Great question Steve!
          I am not a dentist but I would think of this one like Joe’s “Why people exercise” example. If the intent is to lose weight its OIBU. If for health in general, it is ADIO.
          Same with brushing. To avoid bad breath ..OIBU. If part of a long term health strategy or to maintain oral hygiene…ADIO.
          But that’s just me. Let’s see what the others think.

      • . Mixing is not what you do in the office, it is first what you think in the privacy of your soul. If you think in the internalist or ADIO realm, your actions will follow. When you begin to think in the outside-in realm your actions become disjointed, disoriented, disorganized and confused

        I do not mean to be nit picky, but this seems a little extreme, especially in light of the fact that most of us engage in a daily elective therapeutic outside-in surgical procedure (shaving). It would be hard to argue that this is an ADIO action step for long term facial hygiene.

        Would this make one more inclined to mix if they regularly take part in this blatant (most would agree culturally necessary)OIBU behavior as your quote suggests?

        I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

        • Feel free to be nit picky Steve, that’s what philosophy discussion is all about. It is a good question. I think many aspects of society and the nature of man necessitate sometimes acting in an ouside-in manner. My upper lip is still ADIO but the rest of my face is outside-in. As long as we realize the ramifications of ouside-in procedures whether it is shaving (running steel blades that scrape and damage the skin) or taking harmful drugs each person has to weigh the pros and cons. ADIO world and life viewpoint is a model of thinking and semetimes we act out of necessity or for reasons in conflict with that viewpoint. I realize that shaving is not good for my skin but my wife does not like to kiss an unshaven face….what’s a guy to do? I have a draft of a future post which is appropos here:
          The fact that a person on occasion feels the need to take a drug does not mean that they do not accept our paradigm…anymore than…the fact that a person is a chiropractor means they embrace our paradigm. I think if people do not recognize that they are acting inconsistent with their WALV or try to convince themselves and others that what is clearly ouside-in is ADIO, then I think they would be more inclined to mix. It’s not so much your actions but the motivation of those actions that determines who and what you are.

          • Yes Joseph, it is ALWAYS about the WHO !!! And the WHO is FREE to choose WHO to Be since it is a FREEDOM given from above down inside out. WHO one chooses to BE is a reflection of one’s intent and one’s actions will follow as such. It is as simple as that! 😉

  2. Should we really be worried whether if a heart transplant is beneficial or not? Let’s leave that to the ones who are concerned with health and disease: medical field practitioners.

    We shall adjust the vertebral subluxation if present only because in interfering with the nerve system it will affect the proper functioning of the body.

    • Paulo, I’m not sure anyone can even determine whether a heart transplant is beneficial or not. I guess it depends upon, as Bill Clinton would say, what your definition of “beneficial” is. I would imagine that some people have felt that the extra time on this earth was worth it. Others probably wished they had never had it done. Fortunately, as you say that is not our professional call. It’s nice toknow that what we do, LACVS, is always beneficial.

  3. Outside-in is clearly not Chiropractic. However, outside-in has it’s value when the procedure is CONSTRUCTIVE in nature. You experience a John Wayne Bobbitt. The procedure is outside-in and it’s constructive. The person having the heart attack, having the stroke; the emergency procedures are constructive and the ‘parts’ doctors [your MD, DO] should be appreciated to the maximum on that. HOWEVER, it is the living body that will do the healing and healing will ALWAYS be better wirhout a vertebral subluxation than with.

    • ADIO and OIBU are world views. They are NOT chiropractic. Chiropractic is SPECIFIC or it is NOTHING. In other words, chiropractic is SEPARATE and DISTINCT from EVERYTHING else or it is SOMETHING else than WHAT it is. –

      – Chiropractic maintains that life flows from Above-Down-Inside-Out and as such, is part of ADIO world view. –

      – When we speak about brushing teeth, exercising, hygiene and the likes, we are speaking about WHAT might be from an ADIO or OIBU world view, depending upon the intent of WHO is doing it. –

      – It is ALWAYS about the WHO !!!!!! –

      – Now getting back to chiropractic philosophy… We OBSERVE that organization is a manifestation of intelligence and that the function of intelligence is to create force which is always 100%. This perfect force unites intelligence and matter. As such, matter expresses force created by intelligence. Hence, intelligence-force-matter in that order. Triune from ABOVE intelligence DOWN force INSIDE matter. The expression of this intelligence through matter is life flowing OUT in motion. That’s HOW chiropractic is part of ADIO world view. –

      – The FLOW of life within the LIVING human body can be interfered directly or indirectly by vertebral subluxations. –

      – The objective of chiropractic is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD. –

      – The Non-Therapeutic Objective Straight Chiropractor is one WHO chooses to practice the objective of chiropractic. –

      – It is as simple as that! –

      – Amazing isn’t it? 😉

      • Dr. Lessard,
        You wrote..
        “When we speak about brushing teeth, exercising, hygiene and the likes, we are speaking about WHAT might be from an ADIO or OIBU world view, depending upon the intent of WHO is doing it. –

        – It is ALWAYS about the WHO !!!!!! -”

        I acknowledge that the issue of World and Life viewpoints are outside chiropractic but I am very curious. I’ve read it many times and have always wanted to ask…Could you elaborate on the meaning of “It is ALWAYS about the WHO!!!!”?

        • Don,

          – Chiropractic is WHAT it is! The objective of chiropractic is WHAT it is! It is WHO the individual chooses to BE in relation with WHAT is WHAT it is. Integrity is your intent manifested through your actions and honoring WHO you choose to BE. Nothing more, nothing less. –

          – We cannot change WHAT is. It is WHAT it is! We can change WHO we choose to BE in relation with WHAT is WHAT it is. We cannot change chiropractic. We can change WHO we choose to BE in relation to chiropractic. A great mentor of mine ALWAYS said: “If you’re not out there to change the world (YOU are the rest of the world), everything else is Mickey Mouse”. –

          • I have been re-reading your explanation. Still struggling with it.
            However the part that made the most sense was “We can change WHO we choose to BE in relation to chiropractic.”.
            I guess my educated brain operates better with “concrete” examples or analogies best. The use of the WHAT’s and WHO’s are what I found confusing. Thanks for your effort Dr. Lessard.

      • Sorry, one more Dr. Lessard,
        Could you also please explain your understanding of “Chiropractic is SPECIFIC or it is NOTHING”
        Can’t get enough of this. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂

        • Don,

          I certainly don’t mind. Like Joe D. WHO is fond of quoting Dr.Seuss, I quote:”BE WHO YOU are and say WHAT you mean, those WHO matter don’t mind; those WHO mind don’t matter…”

          “Chiropractic is specific or it is nothing” is an epigram created by BJ. He was a an original thinker. He had a brilliant educated mind (which is the activity of his educated intelligence using his educated brain). Many believed (as I did years ago) that BJ was referring ONLY to HIO since he mentioned it at the same time of his “push” for subluxation specific and adjustment specific. It caused a huge rift within the profession and many split from the fountainhead. –

          – Inasmuch as BJ was working to develop HIO and prove the “decrease of quantity and quality of mental impulse flow” with the electroencephaloneuromentipograph, BJ was ALWAYS working at multiple levels of thinking simultaneously as evidence in the Green Books. This epigram which came during that time, was also a “call” to rally the “troops” back into the fold, so to speak, insofar as he was stating that “chiropractic dealt with force” and nothing else in the whole world was doing that. WHAT better way to be unique? Thirteen atlas listings was all you needed to keep chiropractic separate and distinct. One cause, one adjustment, one cure. –

          – Today, we know that chiropractic is separate and distinct from EVERYTHING else or it is SOMETHING else than WHAT it is. This knowledge is not based on a technique called HIO (a technique does NOT define a profession, its objective does!). This knowledge is based on deductive reasoning from the 33 principles which state that: –

          – Chiropractic deals with FORCE in the LIVING body, the second component of the triune (Pri.9,10,11,12,13,15,23,24, 25,28,29,30,31). There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE (as a philosophy, science and art) dealing with FORCE besides chiropractic as regard to the LIVING body. NOTHING!!! –

          – One cause (external invasive force overcoming internal resistive force), one dis-ease (FLOW of mental impulse altered), one solution (LACVS), one outcome (full expression of the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the body). –

          – The objective of chiropractic is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate forces of the innate intelligence of the LIVING body. PERIOD. –

          – WHEN a chiropractor WHO chooses to practice the objective of chiropractic, that chiropractor is about LIFE… which is “the expression of this intelligence through matter” (pri.2). –

          – Therefore, “Chiropractic is SPECIFIC or it is NOTHING”.

  4. Don,

    Look at it like the subluxation. It is WHAT it is! A subluxation is a vertebra that has lost its juxtaposition with the vertebra above, the one below, or both, to an extent less that a luxation, occluding an opening, impinging upon a nerve and interfering with the flow of mental impulse from brain cell to tissue cell and vice versa. It is WHAT it is! –

    – Now, as a chiropractor, it is WHO it is that YOU choose to BE in relation to WHAT a subluxation is that counts. It is you WHO can choose to ignore VS in your practice, It is you WHO can choose to accept VS and do something about it. It is you WHO can choose to LACVS to get sick people well. It is you WHO can choose to practice the objective of chiropractic which is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! –

    – That’s WHY life is not about WHAT! –

    – That’s WHY life is ALWYAS about WHO! (Most specifically, about WHO YOU CHOOSE TO BE in relation to WHAT is). –

    – I hope this clarifies more concretely WHO it is that I choose to BE in relation to this blog. 😉

  5. Ah! Now that does make more sense!
    Thank you for the chiropractic example.
    Now if I can only be more CONSISTENT in choosing to
    -NOT get sick people well with chiropractic and get on with choosing to LACVS for a full expression of the innate intelligence of the body.
    -be more consistent in my orientations and explanation of how chiropractic benefits each and every person and not assume my pm’s “get it”.
    I guess if I make this choice then I WOULD find a way and be more consistent. I think I see now Dr. Lessard. Thanks.

    • Eric, it disappeared from my computer also. It only was appearing as a draft. I posted it again. y apologies to you and others who were inconvenienced. I think we are okay now.

    • Hey Steve – Given the notion that a viral infection is an OIBU concept, I would think this site to be impervious. Why are you opening the door to the kind of thinking? : )

      • Hey Eric,
        As always it’s invasion vs. resistance, upon analysis I determined Joe needed an attitude adjustment. It just took a while for his ii to make the necessary adaptation…. : ) back at cha

  6. Eric,

    Judging by the kind of threads generated lately, this blog is anything but impervious. This blog is HIGHLY tolerant of exposing faulty reasoning regarding chiropractic. This blog shows its openness by keeping the initial conversation (of going deeper into the philosophy) moving forward. It’s a good reflection of the authority of the intelligence running this blog don’t YOU think? 😉


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