Practice Management Consultants….

…may be able to tell you what they did to build a practice…but when the majority of practice building gurus were in practice:
1. There was no internet
2. There were half the chiropractors there are today… or less.
3.There were no HMO’s.
4. Insurance paid big bucks with no arguments.
5. People read the yellow pages and responded to newspaper ads.
6. People were NOT aware that chiropractic was only for bad backs. They thought chiropractors (believed they) could cure everything.

6 thoughts on “Practice Management Consultants….”

  1. NEVER take practice advice from someone who is not in practice. Yet students/ new graduates are so poorly equipt by their college and are so fearful and without direction that these , otherwise smart, folks sign up before they even graduate…… sad.

    • I have used a coach (or two) in the past, and was grateful for what improvements I did experience in my px, yet am no longer with one. I have often wondered why a Chiropractic School would not simply pick a Coach / Group they find meets their liking and sign them on to coach their graduates from day 1 (post graduation)? It just seemed to me (perhaps in my naivete) that IF a school wanted to have successful grads, then that might be one way to ensure it… Thank goodness there ARE still a few groups one can learn from, eh JOE D?! 🙂

    • Joe, I tend to agree with you. However there are certain principle that transcend practice and if PMC’s would stick to those principles their advice would be valuble. Reggie was out of practice for alost 40 years, yet his message was still valuble bcause he stuck to the basics. But even he said things that were anachronistic at times. Would you agree. I am faced with this problem right now as I am no longer in active practice. I want to be of help to those in practice but I don’t want to be giving useless or “outdated” advice. Thanks for your input. Give my love to Diane and the boys.

      • Joe, your “Practice Building for Straight Chiropractors” book, even though it was written some 15 years ago is still as relevant today as it was back then. Oh, with the exception that no one uses cassettes anymore! Well, almost no one! 😉
        Because it is based upon principles such as your 3 C’s of success in practice: Committment, Communications, Consistency, it will be as relevant in the future as well!
        This is a necessary read for anyone wishing to practice in an OSC approach!

  2. Joe,
    I met you at Sherman Lyceum in early 90’s. Bought all blue books, pivot review books, Reggie biography, and nearly all cassette tapes from’76 to current…love and treasure them all!
    T.J. Clawson


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