Nerve Function

If the structure of the human body is designed intelligently, and it is, then any change in structure affects the function to a point making it less than perfect. That is a law of physics. Research investigates and theorizes the mechanism or mechanisms by which that occurs. But is it really necessary? Isn’t it sufficient to say that a change, any change, in the structure of the spine negatively affects the nerve system? If we theorize that the change in structure and subsequent effect on the nerve system causes a specific disease, then we need research. But non-therapeutic, objective straight chiropractic does not make that claim.

8 thoughts on “Nerve Function”

  1. Hey Joe,
    Which law of physics is that…..The “if you change something, it will be different ” law?(jk)
    One of the first axioms we learned was structure determines function. (aka the law of… “it is what it is” )
    We also know that a change in function will stimulate a corresponding modification of structure. (aka the law of….. ‘it ain’t what it was”)


  2. It is me WHO choose to be a NTOSC, which means that I get out of the car WHEN my destination is reached. In other words, I move on to WHAT is mine to do at that precise moment and that I don’t speculate about the outcome. That’s NOT my job. It’s the job of the innate intelligence of the body. –

    – The objective of chiropractic is to LACVS for a full expression of the innate FORCES of the innate intelligence of the body. PERIOD! –

    – What happens to the functions after that? WHO cares! –

    – As NTOSC, our mission is accomplished and we move on… We can’t waste time… we have a BIG job to do! –

    – Thank you Joseph! 😉

    • Claude,

      Wow, that is THE most freeing description of what we do. I know you have repeated that over & over in this blog, but it just now made so much sense – especially the comparison with getting out of the car after the destination is reached.
      If only the practice members could grasp this & see the value of what is being done.

      • They CAN and WILL grasp it Straight, if you will simply explain it to them! At one time I did office coverage exclusively and had MANY offices I filled in for. I will say this that across the board, whether they were the straightest of straight offices or where chiropractic was just another modality offered in a multi-disc. office, the ones that took the time to explain what they did, were the offices with the most satisfied and referring people. Sadly most of the offices had people walk in who knew nothing about chiropractic and walked out not knowing any more. Your orientation/lay lecture visit is perhaps the most important of all visits as it lays the foundation for all future visits! If you’re struggling with your talk, begin by recording your next talk and listen to it. You will hear some things that you will like and other things that will make you cringe. I asked Joe D many years ago how he came up with his amazing and unchanging talk. He said his talk evolved from all the questions his pms asked him. He said a good orientation/lay lecture will elicit no questions, as you will have already answered them all before they were asked. Record them, critique them. If you can’t, let a friend listen to it and critique it. In spinology we had to hand in 10 orientations on tape to Reggie that he ripped to shreds and handed back the tape with his critique interspersed through out. Quite the learning experience! 🙂

        • Thanks for your encouragement.
          I find it a most daunting task to explain chiropractTIC when you can see that the person has shut down (by their body language) or is glazing over as you talk about what ‘TIC is really all about. I have never given up telling the chiropractic story (& I do it one on one in the first visit & re-inforce it each visit), but I’d love to see more “get it”.
          Your suggestion on taping an orientation is very good. I will do that.

          • Straight,

            Thank you for sharing with us your willingness to put your orientation on tape. It is people like yourself that makes REPETITION a teaching lesson for all of us on this blog. On december 4th, 2012 I posted: –

            – REPETITION teaches us that the things we do are not confined to their practical value. –

            – It’s to be committed to say the story over and over and over and over and over and over again in as many different ways as doable, to as many people as possible… REGARDLESS OF THE OUTCOME. –

  3. Straight, if you find that people are shutting down or disengaging, it might mean that you are not involving them enough, that you are speaking TO them rather than WITH them. In a lay lecture where you are speaking to more than one person at a time it is difficult to involve people individually. When you are doing a one on one as you say you are doing it is much easier to do. Reggie introduced me, and many of us to the technique of active listening also known as the Socratic method which has the person you are speaking with totally involved. It involves us as the chiropractor not giving information directly but instead asks a series of questions, with the result that the potential pm comes to the desired knowledge by answering the questions. In taping your orientation, what you say is important but where the real value of the taped orientation lies is, in what the person you are speaking to says! Make sure when you record you can hear what the other person says too!

    • What questions are you asking them? (I am not trying to be lazy here or asking to be spoon fed), but give me some examples. Thank-you!


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