There are many things that chiropractic can accomplish but they are not all chiropractic. The purpose of chiropractic is to enable the innate intelligence to be expressed as fully as possible over the nerve system without interference at the vertebral level. It has no higher end. As chiropractors, we are convinced, or should be, of that purpose, as well as of the worthiness of that purpose. That seems to be a dilemma for many chiropractors. They are just not sure that correcting vertebral subluxations so that the innate intelligence can be better expressed is all that important an objective. They try to find a higher purpose and to convince themselves that chiropractic exists to serve the purpose that they have embraced. Usually that purpose is to get sick people well. They fail to see that if chiropractic is practiced to serve any other purpose than the one stated above, it is no longer chiropractic.
It is true that chiropractic will accomplish many useful things in the world but if chiropractic is accepted to accomplish those things, it is not chiropractic. Chiropractic will get some sick people well. However, if it is accepted to get sick people well, it is not chiropractic. Interestingly, the mechanism by which it might get some people well is chiropractic’s true objective by allowing the innate intelligence to be better expressed. Chiropractic will also raise the potential of human beings, but if chiropractic is accepted for the purpose of raising human potential, it is not chiropractic. Chiropractic will improve performance in people but if it is accepted for the purpose of improving performance, it is not chiropractic. Chiropractic will increase the length and the quality of one’s life but if it is accepted for that purpose, it is not chiropractic. Chiropractic will produce a healthier community, but if it is accepted for the purpose of creating a healthier community, it is not chiropractic.
Chiropractic must be accepted for the purpose of achieving the chiropractic objective, not to achieve the useful things mentioned here. For if you accept chiropractic to achieve a useful thing you will most surely miss the real purpose and in so doing miss many useful things. Chiropractic must be accepted to achieve its true purpose or it will fail to be chiropractic and fail to fulfill a need for humanity. V21n4