Accepting a person for the treatment of a disease or a medical condition (or its cause) is in effect saying: “I am reasonably certain that I can get rid of your disease” when in reality you have no idea whether or not you(actually whether the ii of their body) can. The reason we say that is because medicine has said it for a thousand years and seems to have gotten away with it. Isn’t it better to say the following: “I know I can correct your subluxation and I know that in doing that your body will work better. Does that sound like something you want regardless of the absense or presense of your medical condition(s)?”
I like to frame it from a perspective that If I had what you were medically diagnosed with, I’d rather have my body free of vertebral subluxation than with vs. I often times, those that feel the need to share their SICK-care actions for their medical condition with: And what are you doing for your HEALTH as in what are you doing for your body to be in a better place to heal.
It’s a matter of educating the person so he knows exactly why he is being checked/adjusted. A man just called me asking what I could do for his low back pain, I told him the professional who is trained and ready to take care of that is the medical doctor, then I went on to say what a subluxation is and what it does to the nerve system and the overall functioning of the body, he now understands that I cannot provide the service he was looking for, but found the new service I introduced to him interesting and wants to make an appointment (while still going to his MD). Too bad I still have some time left before opening my practice.
What about functional biomechanics? After all the anatomy and biomechanics us Chiropractors learn, how can it be ignored or put aside? How can you say we, in comparison to the MD, aren’t equipped and trained to take care of the low back pain? Sure we can manipulate/adjust, but we have many other tools to assess and correct dysfunctional biomechanics. This cannot be ignored… or can you just ignore it?
Reggie-ism #217
Mr Jones, if I check your spine and am able to find that one subluxation that is causing your pain/problem, do you want me to correct just that ONE subluxation or would you like fo rme to correct ALL the subluxations I find? (Wait for the answer)
Now Mr Jones, if I check your spine, correct all of your subluxations and your pain/problem doesn’t go away because it is caused by something other than a subluxation, should I now go back in and put back all of those subluxations? Or is a good idea to stay subluxation free regardless of whether your pain/problem is corrected? You tell me. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.
And wait for the answer.
Perfect, If every DC could just be that honest our profession would be mainstream and most people would be seeing a Chiropractor. Insted most play “I can be anything you want me to be for a price” !!!!
Joe as always your comments are great. I tell my practice member’s
No Dr. cures or heals them: Period. Whether removing interference in
their bodies to Inborn abilities to self regulate/heal via Chiropractic adjustment, which is why we do what we do, it all comes down to what their own body’s capability for them to heal is about. We only do so, in an above down inside out allowing their natural intention of their body to be best expressed.