Joseph Strauss, D.C. said…
Clearing your mind is good. Clearing (deleting)your thoughts before you post them is not so good, especially when it is a long one. I’ll try again:
Historical Straight Chiropracrtic
Modern day straight is not really new in a sense. It is a reformation of chiropractic from its earliest time. Its roots begin with the Morikubo case which was used as a defense against the charge of practicing medicine without a license. Dr. Morikub did not dispense drugs so that was not the charge. He took care of a human being who was sick, with chiropractic adjustments. The medical profession said that was the practice of medicine. So the medical professions’s position was and still is that the treatment of disease in any manner, drugless or otherwise is the practice of medicine. Winning that case did not establish that treating disease other than with drugs was not the practice medicine. It established that chiropractic was not treating disease in any way shape or form. November 2010