

In my understanding of the Palmer philosophy, it seems to me that BJ saw DIS-EASE as synonymous with an interference with the forces of the innate intelligence of the body, as incoordination or a lack of active organization. When we say active organization, we are referring to the expression of innate intelligence’s forces through innate … Read more

A Reggie Anecdote

In discussing the value of leg checks, Reggie used to tell audiences that in checking my spine, I once asked him if I had a short leg. His response he said was “Joe, they’re both short.” First the incident never happened. I would never have asked that question. Second, it was humor directed at a … Read more

Jim Sigafoose, Mentor and Friend

One of my few remaining mentors and a long-time friend has passed from the scene. A mentor is an instructor, someone who is usually older and in chiropractic, one who teaches you something you did not know before. In my case it was not something about the philosophy but something about being a chiropractor and … Read more

World Views

Universal intelligence, innate intelligence and the chiropractic philosophy surrounding them are a focal point within the two world views. If we are totally material then nothing matters but the condition of the matter, the disease.

Chiropractic Icons

There are no icons in chiropractic as much as some would like to create them. Anyone’s ideas (including D.D.’s, B.J.’s, Reggie’s, mine and others) are open to scrutiny and critical evaluation.

"Innate thots" don't exist!

This post should rattle a few cages: You cannot have a thought without words and the use of words requires the use of the educated brain. Therefore, so-called innate thoughts must come from the educated brain.

Your World and Life Viewpoint.

It’s great to give up bad habit and to develop good ones. It’s even better to change behavior, But the greatest impact upon your life is when you become aware of your world and life view and seek to be consistent with that view, in every area of your life. It may not be necessary to … Read more