Thinking Straight

The Mental Impulse

If we were dealing with energy alone in analyzing the mental impulse, it may be able to be measured or empirically demonstrated. But, if we are addressing an immaterial thought, either wholly or in part, we will never measure that component. We must always use our philosophy to understand the mental impulse.

Purity in our Philosophy

We as chiropractors  must be careful to maintain our integrity and the purity of our position. Mixing is not what you do in the office, it is first what you think in the privacy of your soul. If you think in the internalist or ADIO realm, your actions will follow. When you begin to think in the outside-in realm your actions become disjointed, disoriented, disorganized and confused. You cannot practice a profession that was designed to function in the internalist (ADIO) realm and try to incorporate procedures that are clearly of an externalist nature without causing mental confusion. We must evaluate everything in life and determine whether it is in the externalist realm or is of an internalist nature. If it is of the outside-in nature then we must reject it, or at least reject it as partof our practice,  in order to be true to our philosophy.

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Innate Intelligence and Death

Life should be like a candle…burn brightly until the end, flicker once or twice and go out.-Reggie Gold Candles come in different sizes and shapes and burn for different periods of time. If our “candle” goes out before it has reached its full potential (whatever that may be), it’s not the “desire” of the innate intelligence … Read more

Follow-up Q&A #26

Great discussion guys! The mechanists denied that there was any vitalistic component to functions like the patellar reflex. BJ disagreed, said it was an innate function. Of course he was correct. So, how does this reflex action philosophically  occur? Where would you theorize the innate brain was and the mechanism by which this action occurred? … Read more

Chiropractic and Empirical Research

Empiricism depends upon observation, experience and pragmatism. It works well for medicine because the very nature of medicine is based upon the greatest good for the greatest number not the greatest good for evey individual. If empirical research and the subsequent experience shows that 95% of people are helped by a procedure or drug and … Read more

Q&A #26

What does it mean when we say that the existence of the innate brain is actual but its location is theoretical?

Defining World and Life Viewpoints

While it is not always easy to identify an ADIO viewpoint and to differentiate it from an outside-in one, there are certain characteristics of that viewpoint and character qualities of its adherants that can be identified with world views. When someone is described by certain terms, it gives us a good indication as to what world and … Read more

Quantum Physics and Newtownian Physics

Discussing the above two areas of study is like comparing apples and oranges. Newtonian physics is based upon empirical information.  Quantum physics is, at best, rationalism (in this case, using inductive reasoning). At worst, it may be faith masquerading as science. So why does science openly embrace the quantum model but reject chiropractic as unscientific when it is no less so … Read more